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Andrew C

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In-Game Name: The Black Smoke

Location: CT, US

Kind of player: Was a hero when I logged out last night, now a survivor?

Experience: ~7 months

Job: Real life job? Grad student

Interests: Play guitar, write music, mountain biking

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Name: Michael

Age: 19

In-Game Name: Shad0w_St3p

Location: VIC, Australia

Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero. Survivor (Mostly Hero)

Experience: 6 months

Job: IT Security + Sales and Marketing (Studying IT Security at University)

Interests: Computer Security, programming, networking. Basketball.

Edited by Shad0w_St3p

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Welcome shadow_st3p. Check your pm and see you on soon. Stay safe and stay alive and most of all have fun.

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Hey, it's me here.

Name: Dominic

Age: 16

In-Game Name: Trace

Location: Arizona, USA

Kind of player: Survivor (Hero if given the chance. Like, if I saw a bunch of zombies running after a survivor, I'd help)

Experience: A week, but with extensive research

Job: N/A

Interests: Xbox, other PC games

Edited by Symthic

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Glad you found this page symthic. Welcome to andrew and friends. Check your pm. See you on.

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Age: 16 (but not a douche)

In-Game Name: Dexter

Location: State/Providence, Country: Australia

Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero: Definently Survivor, but won't hesitate to shoot someone who shoots first.

Experience: (how long you have been playing): I have clocked well over 2 weeks worth of gameplay in my career (24 hours and all (obviously not straight)).

Job: if applicable: Not sure if this means real life, if so yes.

Interests: What you like to do in your free time other then playing Dayz: Enjoy computers and programming.

Edited by Curing

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Name: Wrex Age: 16

In-Game Name: Dreadnaut Wrex

Location: Pennsylvania, U.S.

Kind of player: Survivor, working on being a hero.

Experience: Had the mod since July, but I didnt really play it.

Job: Dishwasher....

Interests: Eve Online, Planetside 2, learning about computers.

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Name: Age:

In-Game Name: X_R-Killa (i sound so friendly...:L dw i am

Location: Suffolk,England

Kind of player: Survivor

Experience:Not much DayZ but i have over 200hrs experience on the Wasteland mod.

Job:Not Applicable

Interests: DayZ,Wasteland,Planetside2 and BF3 on PS3

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Name: James Age:18

In-Game Name:[TMW]TheDoktor

Location: CA, USA

Kind of player: Hero (Trusted Medic of the Wasteland)

Experience: Started playing one month after it went alpha. So a long time.

Job: College.

Interests: Hunting, Boxing.

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Name: Marius

In-game-name: [NO] TR1663R

Age: 22

Location: Norway

Kind of player: Depends, sometimes anti-banditing killing bandits that are hunting other people, other times just watching people inn my sniper scope thinking mentally "I could kill you" just to end upp laughing and not killing them. Just knowing I COULD have killed them is enough for me. So I guess I`m a wannabe bandit, but cant get myself to kill people for no reason :)

Experience: 4 months I think. Cant remember, its been a while.

Job: Unemployed looking for one atm, when I find one the times I can be online might change depending on work hours.

Interests: Exotic fishes inn aquarium, playing guitar, gaming ofc since I was 4 years old and reading books.

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Name: Jack

Age: 21

In-Game Name: Damus

Location: New York, NY

Kind of player: Survivor/ Hero.

Experience: 3-4 months

Interests: Guitar

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Norski, damus and titan swarm welcome to andrew and friends. Check your PMs. Stay alive and safe. Have fun

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Name: Josh Age: 19

My steam is: josh1073

Location: England

Kind of player: I try to avoid killing if possible in dayz but i go for objectives.

Experience: console about 13 years pc 2 years)

Job: If i were to say it would be the last thing you wold know.

Interests: Building and having a laugh.

So if anyone is interested hit me up on steam =)

Edited by gsus1073

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