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Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

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I am not a casual player.
Indeed you are.
but at least reduce the likelihood of bleeding out or going unconscious.
So' date=' make it easier for carebears like you to play? LOL.
I'm fine with the damage, but bleeding out ever time I get attack sucks.
That's why you are casual, my CoD friend.
I shudder to think what it would be like to try and move a group of people around zombies at the NW airfield. Nearly impossible.
Oh, i'm sooo sorry, carebear, that ir's hard to go loot those delicious barracks.

As a conclusion - please, die.

Mmm... aren't you just a nice guy? :P No, you aren't.

Everybody just change your tampons and chill out.

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Alright' date=' I'm really digging where rocket is going with this patch. At first, I hated the idea of spawning without a gun but, after thinking about it more, I love it. I actually can't wait to die so that I can try it out (although I'd rather not because I just got my first m1014. Yes, I'm new.)

However, I feel he (you, if you read this) kind of overshot the target with the update. So far, it seems way too easy to hide and way to hard not to get seen. Instead of hiding being a tool for me to use if I get seen, it's become what I have to rely on in order to survive. I agree that the zed vision should've been increased, as being able to crouch-walk by them at a distance of, like, 10 feet felt ridiculous. Now, however, they definitely seem overpowered in their ability to spot me.

I guess that it depends on how you view the game. I always thought of DayZ as more of a PvP game than a zombie-survival game. The survival sim was always there, and made it extremely special, but it was the interactions with other players that truly made the game special. Zombies were like walking, spawning landmines and obstacles- an amazing way to spice up getting what you needed to interact with other players, whether it be getting guns to fight them with, food/meds to share and team up with, or anything else that you needed. Even playing solo, the zombies always felt like more of a gameplay mechanic and the other players- those shots in the nearby town, or the ever-present feeling of being watched- were the real threat that I was preparing for.

Now, however, the zombies feel more like the focal point of the game. They feel like the real enemy and the main focus of all my efforts. I dunno whether that's a bad or a good thing, but I personally preferred how it was in 1.7.0.

I also feel like the two "phases" of zombie were what made them so scary. You could get close to them (albeit, too close for what you were aiming for) and sneak around them like they were lumbering idiots- because they were. However, whenever you were prone 5-feet away from that lumbering idiot, you knew that one wrong-move could turn it into a sprinting, terrifying threat. Now that they're constantly super-sensed and fast, it kind of loses that feel to me. I dunno, it's just my opinion.


Good points, agree totally. Game finally feels like it should for a zombie survival horror.

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I should make it clear that I still think the patch is, overall, a great addition to the game. A positive in the long-run, and I can't wait to get home from my next shift so that I have to time to truly try it out. Even if it stays the way it is, adapting to it should be fun. I just preferred parts of 1.7.0.

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Mmm... aren't you just a nice guy? Tongue No, you aren't.
Why so? Just because i wished someone to die in pain? It's normal practice, i think. That's what forums are for after all :)

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Having played for a few hours I'm liking the patch thus far. My only complaint would be the strange way zombies are presently spawning. They sometimes appear out of the blue fairly close to you. No so close that they'll instantly aggro, but close enough that you notice it and they're suddenly a threat. Also saw 2-3 zombies spawn on top of each other inside some buildings and there appears to be too many zombies spawning near isolated structures such as deer stands, lone houses, lone sheds etc.

On a side note, prone still works wonders for avoiding the Zeds but isn't as over powered as it was before and zombies definitely can't detect you by sight from behind which is pretty awesome. Me and a buddy I met (first time I actually met a friendly!) managed to sneak through several towns and deer stands without aggroing zombies, so it is definitely possible.

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when and where did he say this?

I can't say where, but he said that the hotfix will be released in the nest 24-48 hours. Search in this thread.

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Ideally for me the zombie behaviour should be like this:

-Zombies should not be able to spawn within about 200 hundred meters of players. This would also make it possible to clear out towns and parts of cities and hold them as a sort of base and safe zone for fellow survivors.

-Zombies should also spawn in longer intervals' date=' say every 20 mins. A player could come across a town empty of zombies which would notify them of the risk that there could be other players nearby

-Zombies should run in straight lines towards you, not zig-zag all over the place

Too make up for these changes which you could argue make zombies less dangerous I reckon zombies should be made much more unpredictable as a threat

-There should be roaming hordes of zombies, say 10-30 of them in size, that travel randomly across the map. This would make zombies a threat out in the wilderness as well as in the predetermined spawn areas

-Some zombies should be stealthy. Zombies that are quiet and stick to corners, alleys, doorways, ect. that a player could run into without seeing or hearing them first

-Also zombies that can play dead. Some should spawn as what appear to be corpses, but jump up and attack any player that comes close. Zombies should have a chance of appearing to die when they get to a low amount of health, but like above, jump up when a player comes near. This would make players much more cautious of corpses, worrying if they're dead or not

-Zombies should be more lethal when they actually reach you. Maybe they could have attacks that knock you down onto the floor, and it takes a short amount of time to get back up


Like a lot of these suggestions, except zombies running in a straight line, but that's my own opinion. However you should also post this into the Suggestions thread, as I have a feeling most of this will not get read by the dayz team unless they want some luls.

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Hey fellas, quick question...

I have a weeks worth of loot, what happens if i update? Will i lose everything?

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Having played for a few hours I'm liking the patch thus far. My only complaint would be the strange way zombies are presently spawning. They sometimes appear out of the blue fairly close to you. No so close that they'll instantly aggro' date=' but close enough that you notice it and they're suddenly a threat. Also saw 2-3 zombies spawn on top of each other inside some buildings and there appears to be too many zombies spawning near isolated structures such as deer stands, lone houses, lone sheds etc.

On a side note, prone still works wonders for avoiding the Zeds but isn't as over powered as it was before and zombies definitely can't detect you by sight from behind which is pretty awesome. Me and a buddy I met (first time I actually met a friendly!) managed to sneak through several towns and deer stands without aggroing zombies, so it is definitely possible.

[/quote']Agreed completely Medic. I've now looted four tree stands with the new hordes of zeds in attendance. In my last one there was even a zed who had spawned IN the stand. After thinking about it very carefully I popped him and prepared to duck behind some rocks ... I didn't have to. I crawled up the stand, climbed the ladder, looted it and climbed down again. Oddly, as I was going down the hill probably five minutes after I fired a zed jumped me out of nowhere, that happened last night as well after a one shot kill. Kinda spices things up :D

I think the keys are (a) take your time, crawl up to the stand, even from a fairly long distance and check carefully to be sure there aren't zeds close by then (b) as quickly as possible climb the ladder and crouch. Then, before you climb down check again to be sure a zed hasn't moved closer. It won't work all the time I'm sure and I'm equally sure that the reports of masses of zeds re-spawning and besieging a stand are all factual. But I haven't experienced it.

I've had a similar experience to yours in towns, I've crawled all over the towns and been in buildings and I've not had a problem. In one case I crawled out of an archway to find a zed not 15 feet from me heading toward me ... I just kept crawling and he went on his way. I'm sure I was lucky in that case, but my experience so far has been different from the other reports I see here. It might be that my inner wimp has kept me from even crouching if I think or suspect that zeds might be nearby, yeah it takes more time but it's much safer.

Finally, a big thanks to Rocket for this tremendous mod which will only get better.


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Hey fellas' date=' quick question...

I have a weeks worth of loot, what happens if i update? Will i lose everything?


Probably not, unless you die. Be warned zeds are deadly =D

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I know that there's going to be a hotfix, but I just wanted to make another post with some of the things I like and some of the things I don't like.

I do like the upgraded aggro ranges, but I think it's a TAD too much. Lower it a bit, but keep it higher than it was in 1.7.

I've been spending most of the time playing today in Cherno, and I am finding a crazy amount of drops. It's too much, imo. I have found over 5 Lee Enfields in the last 30 minutes alone, not to mention crazy amounts of ammo.

I haven't noticed a severe spawn problem but that's due to me not engaging the zombies/running away when I can. However, I have seen videos on youtube about it as well as having had friends tell me about their experiences.

I think taking the weapon away at the start is a bit extreme. I would keep the makarov on spawn and just put in a much lower amount of ammo carried with it, one or two clips. This way, in case of an emergency, you at least have some sort of defense, but you also have such a limited amount of ammo that you won't just be going willy nilly into a town knowing you have enough ammo to take out a small army of zombies. I also think not having a weapon at the start will turn away new players. For me, since I have a bit of experience(not saying I'm pro or anything), I know how to handle myself at the start. Looking back at when I first played, however, I would have never been able to survive without the makarov.

As far as not starting with food/water/medicine, I like that. It gives you an incentive to start scavenging right away.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am having FPS/lag issues. It's strange because on some servers, I get no FPS issues and on others I can barely play. It makes me think this is a server side issue, but I never experienced this before today's patch.

But really, I think the biggest issue are the zombie/item spawn rates. Both are WAY too high.

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I don't get why people are whining.

The man said he was going to put out a hotfix for the issues.

Been trying to get the message across.

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We don't want another CoD' date=' but at the same time the game needs to appeal to the average gamer because that's who your customers are[/quote']

There's your problem. The average hardcore gamer these days IS a CoD player. The average gamer in general doesn't even play PC games, he (or, more likely, she) plays games on a cell phone or on Faecesbook.

If you want mass market appeal, you have to pull in the attention span deficit kiddies, and that means deathmatch mode. If you want to make something good, you need to focus on a smaller subset of the population, which is what Rocket is doing.

What? First off, I didn't say it that. I simply said I agreed with the overall post. The average gamer is NOT a CoD player. 20% of the market is made up of CoD. The other 80%? Everyone else. The average gamer is not a casual player. I am not a casual player. No one on the this mod is likely to be a casual player. If the complaints and pros are 50/50 when it comes to a game, chances are high you want to change it. I'm not saying return the game back to 1.7, but at least reduce the likelihood of bleeding out or going unconscious. I'm fine with the damage, but bleeding out ever time I get attack sucks. Then there is the fact the zombies run too freaking fast, so fast you don't even hear them till they are right next to you.

This game is not suppose to be Demon Souls, it's suppose to be a game where long-term survival is possible, but difficult to achieve. Not impossible. Rocket has stated he would love to promote community building, but it's nearly impossible with this new patch. I shudder to think what it would be like to try and move a group of people around zombies at the NW airfield. Nearly impossible.

Tell you what, what are the good things about this update? Everyone that says this update is great doesn't have very many reasons. So bring them up people. I'm sure all of us "whinners" would love to tell you what we think of your ideas, since you seem to not present them.

Not even close to impossible. Stop shouting statements like they're facts.. they're only your opinion. I don't feel it's difficult to survive at all.. and FAR from "nearly impossible". Those who constantly die with the changes are just impatient.. thats all.

So far I only died once and quickly learned my lesson. It's easy to get away from the zeds now and the few bugs have already been identified.

We don't need to state tons of good reasons.. all of the reasons it was good before are still there. The few changes that make it great now are the zeds behaviour, line-of-site, no starting weapon etc.. few bugs sure but it's alpha. Stop speaking like everyone agrees with you..

From what I've been reading it's pretty split down the middle on who does and doesn't love the changes. Give it a chance and time.. he doesn't have to please everyone with every change. Go play it or don't.. and see how it evolves as we go. I'm sure Rocket is going to monitor feedback very closely.

IN the meantime, I love the changes.. some agree some don't. It's not like I'm entitled to the exact game I want and neither is anyone else. Just play the game or don't.

So far I haven't died. I have profited from this update. Before the update I had a MP5SD (of course just notable things that I am listing). I now have the Coyote Backpack (upgrade from Alice) and a M4A3 CCO, with a lot of beautiful ammo.

Seeing as you have actually died, I think you should be the one complaining. I have adapted my tactics and I can live like this, but I just don't see it possible to have a group of 50+ people working together in this. Zombies agro easier, which I have no problem with. Again, the knocking bleeding out, breaking a bone, and going unconscious part of this equation is far too high. The loot spawns are amazing, but I'm soloing everything and still having trouble from hiding from the zombies.

Again, I'm fine with the damage. It's simply the idea of a permanent community that is being threatened by this patch. Going to NW airfield will yield higher casualties because zombies were already pretty difficult to deal with (you would waste a lot of ammo once you agro the zombies), then there is a the human factor all ready. Humans raised the difficulty of DayZ already, and I'm fine with that.

I simply think bleeding out, breaking a bone, and going unconscious is currently too high. I haven't died yet, but these things have almost made me die. I have already adapted, but I have great weapons. I'd hate to see what happens when you don't have a silenced weapon in a military encampment.

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It's really easy to break line of sight around the airfields, by the way. Just sayin.

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We don't want another CoD' date=' but at the same time the game needs to appeal to the average gamer because that's who your customers are[/quote']

There's your problem. The average hardcore gamer these days IS a CoD player. The average gamer in general doesn't even play PC games, he (or, more likely, she) plays games on a cell phone or on Faecesbook.

If you want mass market appeal, you have to pull in the attention span deficit kiddies, and that means deathmatch mode. If you want to make something good, you need to focus on a smaller subset of the population, which is what Rocket is doing.

What? First off, I didn't say it that. I simply said I agreed with the overall post. The average gamer is NOT a CoD player. 20% of the market is made up of CoD. The other 80%? Everyone else. The average gamer is not a casual player. I am not a casual player. No one on the this mod is likely to be a casual player. If the complaints and pros are 50/50 when it comes to a game, chances are high you want to change it. I'm not saying return the game back to 1.7, but at least reduce the likelihood of bleeding out or going unconscious. I'm fine with the damage, but bleeding out ever time I get attack sucks. Then there is the fact the zombies run too freaking fast, so fast you don't even hear them till they are right next to you.

This game is not suppose to be Demon Souls, it's suppose to be a game where long-term survival is possible, but difficult to achieve. Not impossible. Rocket has stated he would love to promote community building, but it's nearly impossible with this new patch. I shudder to think what it would be like to try and move a group of people around zombies at the NW airfield. Nearly impossible.

Tell you what, what are the good things about this update? Everyone that says this update is great doesn't have very many reasons. So bring them up people. I'm sure all of us "whinners" would love to tell you what we think of your ideas, since you seem to not present them.

Not even close to impossible. Stop shouting statements like they're facts.. they're only your opinion. I don't feel it's difficult to survive at all.. and FAR from "nearly impossible". Those who constantly die with the changes are just impatient.. thats all.

So far I only died once and quickly learned my lesson. It's easy to get away from the zeds now and the few bugs have already been identified.

We don't need to state tons of good reasons.. all of the reasons it was good before are still there. The few changes that make it great now are the zeds behaviour, line-of-site, no starting weapon etc.. few bugs sure but it's alpha. Stop speaking like everyone agrees with you..

From what I've been reading it's pretty split down the middle on who does and doesn't love the changes. Give it a chance and time.. he doesn't have to please everyone with every change. Go play it or don't.. and see how it evolves as we go. I'm sure Rocket is going to monitor feedback very closely.

IN the meantime, I love the changes.. some agree some don't. It's not like I'm entitled to the exact game I want and neither is anyone else. Just play the game or don't.

So far I haven't died. I have profited from this update. Before the update I had a MP5SD (of course just notable things that I am listing). I now have the Coyote Backpack (upgrade from Alice) and a M4A3 CCO, with a lot of beautiful ammo.

Seeing as you have actually died, I think you should be the one complaining. I have adapted my tactics and I can live like this, but I just don't see it possible to have a group of 50+ people working together in this. Zombies agro easier, which I have no problem with. Again, the knocking bleeding out, breaking a bone, and going unconscious part of this equation is far too high. The loot spawns are amazing, but I'm soloing everything and still having trouble from hiding from the zombies.

Again, I'm fine with the damage. It's simply the idea of a permanent community that is being threatened by this patch. Going to NW airfield will yield higher casualties because zombies were already pretty difficult to deal with (you would waste a lot of ammo once you agro the zombies), then there is a the human factor all ready. Humans raised the difficulty of DayZ already, and I'm fine with that.

I simply think bleeding out, breaking a bone, and going unconscious is currently too high. I haven't died yet, but these things have almost made me die. I have already adapted, but I have great weapons. I'd hate to see what happens when you don't have a silenced weapon in a military encampment.

Dying is a part of the game, so I have no need to complain. And I only died once so far. I do agree that breaking bones is a little to easy.. but it's not actually the mods fault for that.. that's ARMA 2 and some of its bugs. Since I figured out the causes I haven't had it happen at all since then.

AS for communities.. the more people you have, the quicker you will arm up and the less threat zombies will be due to the number of people defending. I feel that if you engage zombies in an open area outside.. you'll be overrun no matter the number. Tactics need to be used 24/7 everywhere you go.. the game is supposed to be hard.. zombies should not be push overs.

Anyway.. there's lots of bugs to be fixed and they will be. But this is the right direction for sure.

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i dread re-spawning now' date=' there's no way to defend yourself and its so much more difficult to sneak around trying to find a weapon with the super sensitive zombies.


Don't die then.


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So here's my thoughts on this. I think the updates are ok. I'm not the biggest fan of spawning with almost nothing but I've been playing long enough to be able to quickly find almost all the supplies I need within a few minutes. But if you spawn with no pistol now then at least make the Makarov spawn more frequently near the shore. The new Zombie aggro is almost too much. I used to be able to get in a city and loot everything and get out without ever being seen by a zombie but now it's much harder. I'm not saying that I need it rolled back to 1.7 because I can't handle it but a few tweaks would be nice. I like how the zombies aggro because it is more realistic. If you're out in the open with a clear line of sight then something is going to see you and I understand that. It's a lot to take in for people who have been playing for a while and grown used to the zombies as they were. Sprint until you're about 20 yards from a zombie and then sneak in while crouched and crawl around on the ground 2 feet away from zombies and never be seen. Now if you're not in sneak mode by the time you're in sight of the first zombie you're screwed. I like this but at the same time adding this and taking away supplies in the same update is kind of a shock to the veteran players. And I do completely agree that player killing is going to become far more frequent. And it may not be because they want your supplies but think about how difficult it now is to become supplied and once you get your stuff are you going to risk losing it by the random chance the the player you run across is going to be friendly? Think about if you're entering a town and there's someone else in there that you don't see and they just notice you and they shoot you to be safe, or vice versa. But there's also the bandits as well. They see you roll up and they're low on supplies yeah they're going to shoot you. My play style has always been if I see you and you don't see me as long as you're not in my way or bothering me then you can go on your merry way. If they start coming towards me or look in my direction for too long I don't take any chances, I shoot. Someone else though may decide that simply seeing you is too much and decide to kill you for your meager supplies or just kill you and run away so that there's no chance of you killing them.

tl;dr Zombie aggro is just barely too much but will be fine once gotten used to. I think spawning with almost no supplies wasn't the best idea but can be made better with more frequent spawns. Players are going to kill just to avoid the slight possibility of having to respawn with almost nothing or just to get a few more supplies.

But remember guys, this is an Alpha and not a finished work. Constructive criticism is needed and not bashing them because they changed things. Just because this is the way it is now doesn't mean that 3 updates down the road they won't add in something new or bring back something old that balances it all out. And yes we are they're customers. How many of us would be willing to buy this if it were a standalone game? I would in a heartbeat. Yes, I bought ArmA II just for this mod and just because the mod is different now than when I first started playing isn't going to make me stop playing. I plan to be there when this mod is finished and if it moves to ArmA III when it's released then I'll be buying that game as well. Thanks for making this mod and ever-improving it guys. Can't wait to see what you do next.

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I really like the new patch. NOT.

The starting gear is perfect. The increased range of sight is good, but still a bit op.

My only issueis, that i can't join any server. Every Server in the Six Launcher says: 1.7.1/93825, but when i join it say something like: the server is 1.7.0 and I am 1.7.1. WTF.

No updates by the server admins? idk.

I love this mod so far. 1.7.0 felt really great. But imo the new patch went live a way too early.

I can't even play 1.7.1 since all the Server are not working as they should (only one or two, which are now off, they went smoothly, perfekt, godly :( ).

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Again, like others have said, seems 90% of the complaints about zombies would be solved specifically by getting a suppressed weapon. They're not hard to find. Also like others have said already, and Rocket has said so himself, there will be a hotfix.

People need to learn to spend an hour of reading before they go and complain about things that have already been complained about and/or addressed already. Bring something new to the table that every other page doesn't have.

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Before I comment on the patch, I want to make some points.

1) This is Rockets mod, he can do whatever the hell he likes with it. If I don't like what he does, I don't have to play, I can stop any time I want, which I have for the time being. Everyone can do the same. If you like what he does, fine, you don't need to deride those that don't and vice versa. "If you stop playing, no one will miss you, so piss off" is a pointless thing to say.

2) I bought Arma2:CO especially for DayZ as it was definitely worth the price of admission for a free mod. I had no interest in the game before (I mean no offence, Bohemia). I think I am at least entitled (I hate that word, it's thrown around a lot) to give my feedback on how the mod works and plays. Not being able to play the mod does essentially mean not playing a game i've paid for, but I guess I could just mess about with the proper Arma2 game in the mean time.

3) Rocket made this in his own time, but he is an employee of BI. As the mod has really taken off and increased Arma2 sales incredibly, both Rocket and BI have a vested interest in this being a complete success, which means they will have to appeal to everyone. I assume persistent death will never change, but some aspects will have to, such as zombie LOS. If they want this to be a financial success, they will have to accommodate both hardcore fans and yes, the console FPS fanboys that you hate so very much. Don't worry, they'll soon learn they can't just run and gun, there's no predator missiles here! I'm talking about dumbing the game down, or making it accessible for people by giving them 200 clips of mak ammo, but they can't make it super-hardcore so that very few people will actually enjoy playing. Whilst he hasn't made any money specifically from this mod at the moment, I genuinely hope that Rocket will get his due when the time comes.

4) I don't like the attitudes in this thread. If you complain, you're a noobish CoD kiddie who cries to their mummy when they skin their knee. If you like the changes, you're a brown nosing douche bag. Why do we have to be one or the other, can't we just get along? Can everyone stop wishing death on everyone else and be a bit more grown up? (Hah! Some chance, this is an internet forum after all!)

5) Yes, this is an alpha, things will go wrong, it's natural, it's experimental. We are essentially the QA testers. We're not being paid to do the work, we're not professionals (some of you may be in your real jobs), so yes, feedback often comes in the form of "This is gay". There's no avoiding that unfortunately. Constructive criticism would be nice, but don't ever expect it in this arena, just ignore it.

6) Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how stupidly it is put across. Don't tell anyone they can't have an opinion (that felt slightly hypocritical). You don't have to agree, but you don't need to start a flame war over it either. Please stop wasting your time making posts saying "F off and die", it looks bad on you.

7) I know a hotfix is on the way.

So yes, anyway, after those points, i'll actually give my thoughts on the patch. Bugs and patch failure aside, I am not so keen on some of the changes made.

I like that Zombies cannot clip through walls/fences/doors and cannot hit you through them (in theory, when all is hotfixed). I do not like their improved senses though. The zombies, bar the clipping/spawn improvements and being able to hide from them, were perfect in 1.7.0 in my humble opinion. The right level of threat (including damage levels), combined with the right level of stealth to avoid.

I really do hope that pitching tents is fully fixed, I have one that I am dying to deploy ASAP!

As for the starting gear, I don't like that change either. I have mentioned elsewhere on the forum that a cascading system would probably work out better. Original gear set in Regular servers, a few missing pieces/less ammo in Veteran and bandage/torch/painkillers only in Hardcore servers. This means that those who want to play the game how they want, get to do it. Player choice can be an amazing feature in an game. As for the whole 'hoping it'll inspire teamwork" thing, it's an interesting social experiment, but I don't think it'll work out, as you can't rely on everyone to think that way. It's also a point to be made - working in teams will be harder because of zombies being easier to agro, there's always one guy who sets them all off! I felt the game was almost perfect in 1.7.0, it just needed a few tweaks here and there.

I am not a noob crybaby (or "carebear"), most of the reason I bought Arma2 for DayZ was BECAUSE of the hardcore aspect. It was finally, in my eyes, the zombie game i've always wanted to play. Open world, plenty of loot (I love looting in games, such a magpie!), zombies, no narrative so you can create your own stories, PvP, final death, it has it all! Now it's gone too far in the opposite direction, I feel. I like that as this mod is an Alpha, there can be a lot of experimental features to test the waters for the final version. I look forward to a 'finished' product! There are plenty of people out there who think that the latest update was perfect and good for you, glad you enjoy the changes, but don't expect everyone else too.

tl;dr version: I am not a fan of the patch, preferred 1.7.0, please don't be an asshole and thank you Rocket & team for your hard work. I'll start playing again when the current bugs have been fixed.

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So when 1.7.1 rolled out I logged in and found myself not where I logged out. I was in a Forrest and I couldnt use any equipment I had in inventory such as chem lights to light up the area. I was also receiving a waypoint marker. Anyone else get this?

That's called the debug forest. :P

Simply click Abort - Disconnect - Disconnect and then Okay once you are in the class selection screen and try again.

I have tried many attempts to disconnect and rejoin but it keeps sending me back and I cant kill myself and respawn either.

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Is it just me or are you being spotted much more often by zombies when crouched? Intended? It is really annoying to constantly have to crawl when in first person.. almost makes me feel sick... makes me wish all servers had 3rd person' date=' at least when crawling


You are correct.

Though go prone and watch the zeds head direction, you have a good chance of him walking straight past you. What is game breaking is being unable to see zeds due to trees/bushes yet they can see you so expect to be pounced upon in such situations.

Conclusions - Zeds have a virus, lets pretend it causes auditory & visual hallucinations, therefore its safe to bet they should NOT be able to see better than you but worse.

MUCH worse :P

Wait we also need the Arma 2 beta to play this?

Didn't you read Rockets post?

I mean' date=' you didn't read Rockets post did you?


no need to be an asshole. And no, I guess I didn't read his post. Unless you're talking about the first post he made about the changelog, which mentions that this requires the Arma 2 beta. I'm guessing by that he meant the Operation Arrowhead beta patch...

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Unplayable. I'll be back when one can survive from scratch for more than 5 minutes. Laying in some reeds, motionless, spotted by a zed from 10 meters. Ya, loads of fun.

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