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DayZ Animated series? No?

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Hey guys, I'm an animator and I was planning on releasing a DayZ series revolving around a survivor who gets into various adventures (Original, right?).

But yeah it would be stuff like that. I'm shooting for action with comedy parts in it. It would touch on typical inside DayZ jokes as well (Like Shooting in Cherno jokes).

Anyway, I was curious to see what the general public would think about something like that.

I'm in the process of making a trailer to kinda showcase the series and I was going to start with three episodes if the reception was decent.

But what are your opinions on an animated series is what I'm wondering.

Thanks for the feedback.

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I love the idea. I was dabbling with the idea myself but i think I'll leave it to the pro's ;)

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i think it would be great to have a animated dayz series i will watch it for sure if you do it! :D :D :D :beans: :beans: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Oh also. I was planning on releasing the trailer around when the standalone comes out or a bit sooner to catch the gravy train. :P

The first episode would probably be out sometime in early January.

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Cool, if you want to build a bit of hype you could post some concept work up here: http://dayzmod.com/f...00#entry1032725

It's where the us arty hipsters hang-out.

Oh that'll be great, I was planning to do some work next week. Thanks for that.

I figured I'd post it on the forums here because the DayZ community might be interested, go figure. Haha.

I was really trying to get a hold of Frankie to do a few lines but I have yet to get a hold of him. That would be fantastic to get him to do some lines.

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Do a "Battlefield Friends" style series.

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team fortress 2 style

Edited by Candylol

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Animated series sounds cool.

What kind of animation style are you into on this series?

I usually do a more cartoony style. less realistic looking.

But for this series I felt a more realistic look was in order. I makes things look better when animating too. Haha.

The style will be the same you see in my banner and profile picture.

In response to Smasht_AU, I've watched the BFFs series and I think some shorts like that would be nice but I'm looking for some deeper videos.

I think this would answer both you and Caine. I'm looking to make it like longer versions of the Minecraft: The Noob Adventures with a linking plot. But more action and better jokes...

If anyone feels like they can get a hold of Frankie, go for it. Cause I can't. :P

EDIT: Just got a message back from FrankieonPCin1080p, surprisingly. He was interested and will be in the series.

Edited by WooleyWorld
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