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Doom Guy

If Rocket doesn't include this feature, I will hunt him down.

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There is a feature I have wanted in Day Z for a while, and I think it would be fucking metal. What is this feature you ask? Cannibalism. Yes. Cannibalism. I want to defeat an opponent, and consume his flesh while uttering a might war cry. I want to run around with an ax, and slaughter and eat my enemies. It would be so much fun, and I just think it should be added. This IS realism is it not, undoubtedly, in the apocalypse there would be acts of cannibalism.

Fund it.

Edited by Doom Guy
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OMG, I love The Avalanches. That whole album is so good!

I'd rename and move this to the Suggestions forum but it's been discussed many times with mixed opinions already...

Personally I don't think cannibalism would bring anything to the game.

Edited by mZLY
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OMG, I love The Avalanches. That whole album is so good!

I know!!! That song is my favorite out of the whole album!

On topic: Cannibalism would be hype as fuck.

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It's sick, but it is survivalism. :beans:

Edited by DopeR
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Exactly! Imagine walking through the woods, and a group of players invite you to your camp at night. Once there, you're relaxing, and you ask to grab a gun, and they allow you to. When you check one of the tents, it is filled to the brim with human flesh, raw and cooked. You gasp in horror, spin around, only to see them standing behind you with hatchets. Then you get murdered..

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Exactly! Imagine walking through the woods, and a group of players invite you to your camp at night. Once there, you're relaxing, and you ask to grab a gun, and they allow you to. When you check one of the tents, it is filled to the brim with human flesh, raw and cooked. You gasp in horror, spin around, only to see them standing behind you with hatchets. Then you get murdered..

sounds scary. :o :o

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Based on Rocket's military background and survival training I wouldn't recommend any attempt to hunt him down.

I do see a purpose for cannibalism in this game. It should come with major consequences though if its done in excess.

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There are already servers (Obviously private HIVE) that has this implemented. I don't know exact server names, but they will give you the option to gut, cook and eat human meat. This does have an affect on your humanity of course.



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Cannibalism is actually in a special DayZ mod called DayZero check it out.

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I'd like this option but only once the disease aspect is fully introduced.

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as long as beans and stuff are as easy to find as they are now this would be just a feature for people who just want to eat other people for the sake of it. if there would be no other choice in some situations it would make more sense maybe.

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Picture this:

You come across a backpack in a house... open it... and find human meat steaks.

Then you hear footsteps....

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Picture this:

You come across a backpack in a house... open it... and find human meat steaks.

Then you hear footsteps....

Abort! Abort! Abort!

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I'd like this option but only once the disease aspect is fully introduced.

I hadn't even thought about that. Good point.

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It's not realistic anyway, so it shouldn't be in the game

Please enlighten me as to how its unrealistic that someone might eat another human being during the apocalypse. Its happened in real life, and they didn't need an excuse like being unable to find food due to the world ending.

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