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I feel like this is terrible. Spawning is now literally find direction of major town, hit W, run to major town as fast as you can. Hope you don't get shot as you scramble to find everything you need to live past the next 5 minutes.

There is no sneaking during this part of the life. It's simply run as fast as you can completely ignoring all zombies because you just do not have the time to sneak. Oh, and getting shot along the coast feels like it happens more often. Maybe because of spite, maybe because people really need your one bandage.

If you at least have food and water you have options, and you can try sneaking around. Starting with nothing is just a race against a small amount of time.

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I think the starting spawn loot should reflect an "emergency bag" of items.


Bandages x 2

Canteen of Water

Can of Food(Beans etc.)


Provides the player with enough "out-of-the-gate" time to find more supplies. Without, gates player into a panicked 'find supplies' state immediately upon spawning, and forces them into the coast cities where they'll likely be killed. For me when I die and spawn, I like to go slightly north and loot the farms and what have you.

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1 Makarov

1 Mag

1 Bandage

1 Soda

1 Bean

1 Painkiller

1 Morphine

1 Heatpack

That is all.

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Almost there.

Replace backbag with vest pouch.

Give 1x watch.

Give 1x bandage.

Give 1x flashlight.

Give 1x random food.

Give 1x empty water canteen OR 1x random canned drink.

Add a non-lethal melee move (knock unconscious for a few seconds, breaks aggression/LOS if used against zombie).

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I hope this thread is still read by Rocket.

I have been thinking about this for some time. Not sure if anyone else had the same ideas.

1) Make the watch not an item. We all have it, it's not a tool or a lootable item. Same function that it currently serves, but it is not listed under tools or in any inventory. Just hit o twice to bring it up. I think most people having a watch in the zombie apocalypse sounds reasonable. Also, very few people actually utilize the watch, at least from my experiences. I know I dont get super excited when I find one.

2) Replace the slot that the watch held in the tool section with the flashlight. Currently, the flashlight takes up 4 inventory slots! That is crazy! Make it so that we can carry it as a tool and it won't interfere with having a pistol in hand. Having to swap to pistol while walking around with a flashlight is ridiculous, imo. I think we can all carry a gun and a flashlight at the same time in real life. This will marginalize the G17's uniqueness, but I think it is necessary.

3) When a main weapon is out, we can't use the flashlight. Risk vs reward here. It also makes guns like the Remmington 870 very valuable.

4) Revert prone visibility to before 1.7.1. Reason why I think it should be this way is that prone also makes you and easy target by players, coupled with the slow move speed. Prone crawling through a town takes a lot of time, it also leaves a player open to easy shots from other players, so it could now be rewarded by being very hard to detect by zombies.

5) Spawnable loot should be similar to the way it was before 1.7.1. Sub machine guns and the like should be rare finds. Also, uniforms should be rare too. Any kind of military grade weapons should make a player jump for joy when they find one. Currently, it seems like M4A1's are a dime a dozen. I could be mistaken, but that is what I have been hearing from everyone.

6) I liked the loot spawn pre 1.7.1, but just scale back the food and water finds a little bit, just not a lot.

7) Replace current bag with vest pouch or get rid of the vest pouch all together. As it stands now, nobody will ever grab a smaller bag then the current Patrol Pack.

My input, for what it is worth.

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For an experienced player spawning without a weapon is actually a non-issue. This may change with more dangerous zeds? (LOS makes things too easy...) I just watch out for a barn / firestation / supermarket and I will have my weapon.

So it will mainly address the playing experience for newer players i guess. When I started with 1.6 the game immersion was quite intense, even with weapon. Died several times to figure out viable strategies. The learning phase could be quite tough for newer players now.

Whats good about it in any way:

It will prevent running north in case you have died.

Normally I spent like 3-4 makarow mags on random zombies I encounter on my way north, so I would propably search for a weapon first, some med supplies etc.

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How far does one have to walk before finding a weapon? (or anything for that matter) I spent literally 40 minutes walking in a straight line away from the coast, spent a good 20 minutes crawling on my stomach every time i came by a house, and had NOTHING to show for it but empty cans.

Total playing session this go round was over 1 hour 30 minutes and found NOTHING but empty cans. Survived a couple of close calls with zombies but literally 95% of my playtime was spent walking or crawling through empty woods and fields.

I've been told that you have to get away from the coast in order to find anything but expecting players to spend 90 fucking minutes walking through the woods everytime they log in is insane. As it is I'm not sure when I'll pick the game up again, definitely done for the day.

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I'm liking it so far although I've not had much chance to play yet. Loved sneaking around a warehouse area with nothing but a torch for comfort. Scariest moment so far, searching a house, shining my torch along the wall and suddenly seeing a zombie through the window. Proper shit me up that did.

My one concern is starting with no beans or drink. It might be a day or two before I get on again and I'm not looking forward to logging in to flashing hunger and thirst icons with no food or drink nearby.

Maybe start with one each of beans and soda? It would take a bit of pressure off, especially for those of us with sketchy play times. Or maybe ixnay the offline hunger/thirst thing?

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Ok, at the risk of being labelled a 'noob' or similar I'm not in support of the reduced gear on re-spawn. I'm a long term Op Flash, Arma player and I think it's too difficult in a game where:

1. You have no melee means of self defence.

2. The zed agro bugs haven't been worked out (you can still agro a zed on the other side of a fence/building wall (yes, it's still happening)). Effectively it's game over as soon as that happens.

3. Zeds have been made more sensitive to sight and sound.

3. Where zeds now spawn inside buildings, effectively guarding the majority of gun spawn locations.

Of more concern it will stint the ongoing popularity of the game because new players will give up because it's too much of a steep learning curve. Say what you want, but this game will not survive on the 'hardcore elite gamer' who'll post on these forums.

Previous to the zombie changes it would have been fine but until you can sort out the zombie agro aspect you need at least a pistol and two clips of ammo. As far as realism goes, anyone in real life would find a baseball bat, axe or similar straight away and without those melee possibilities (because of ARMA2 engine) you need to compensate the player with some form of self defence.

Rocket, I love how you've resurrected one of my favorite games but I think there are other things to fix/improve before you worry about making it harder for new players.

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I've enjoyed the new changes for the most part, but I have one concern.

Has anyone found food/drink yet since

I've raided 3-4 towns and so far I've found 2 cans of soda (one spawned on a zed I killed and the other was on a player corpse), 1 can of food (player corpse). I've YET to see a canteen, and right now it seems like all I'm finding are packs, empty cans and weapons. Supermarket I just raided had 2 packs, a lot of empty cans, 3 pistols, a stanag round, and that was it.

I'm living off of hunting/killing animals which is fine for food, but yet to find an empty canteen for thirst.

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Ok' date=' at the risk of being labelled a 'noob' or similar I'm not in support of the reduced gear on re-spawn. I'm a long term Op Flash, Arma player and I think it's too difficult in a game where:

1. You have no melee means of self defence.

2. The zed agro bugs haven't been worked out (you can still agro a zed on the other side of a fence/building wall (yes, it's still happening)). Effectively it's game over as soon as that happens.

3. Zeds have been made more sensitive to sight and sound.

3. Where zeds now spawn inside buildings, effectively guarding the majority of gun spawn locations.

Of more concern it will stint the ongoing popularity of the game because new players will give up because it's too much of a steep learning curve. Say what you want, but this game will not survive on the 'hardcore elite gamer' who'll post on these forums.

Previous to the zombie changes it would have been fine but until you can sort out the zombie agro aspect you need at least a pistol and two clips of ammo. As far as realism goes, anyone in real life would find a baseball bat, axe or similar straight away and without those melee possibilities (because of ARMA2 engine) you need to compensate the player with some form of self defence.

Rocket, I love how you've resurrected one of my favorite games but I think there are other things to fix/improve before you worry about making it harder for new players.


Hit it on the head, made the important points concisely :)

Think about the bigger picture. The main problem for Rocket besides the bugs, is Finding ways of making the game harder for veterans, without being too harsh on the noobs. IMO the game should never be easy for respawning players, no weapon is fine, but maybe a bottle of water, to give a bit more thinking time?

I don't think you can discourage the bandits, unless you increase the hearing distance for high end guns, especially snipers?

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Flashlight is a waste if you ask me. I'll just drop it right away as I won't ever use one. I never play the game at night.

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Please post all your "comment" about spawn loot being reduced to' date=' well, essentially nothing.

Please do NOT create a new topic.


Im a little confused now, your post here seems to suggest this is a feature implemented purposefully. However the patch notes led me to assume it was an unintended side effect of the latest update:


Perhaps I missed it somewhere so can someone clear this up for me? Was this intended and is it likely to stay this way?

As for my feelings on this I think its probably going to lead to more player on player action due to scarcity of supplies and tools. Which I thought may have been offset by the increased threat the zombies pose to everyone and the lack of starting weapons. Alot of changes at once in this update, will take a while to gauge an overall feeling personally on how the gameplay has been altered. It's too easy for people to have knee jerk reactions to sudden change, especially when several occur at once.

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I kind of liked the bugged loot spawn. Finding a pile of roadflares or finding a crossbow with 2 bolts was such a great feeling. After Been running around for 30 mins just finding empty cans.

A little jump to my next point. The spawn points should not spawn anything if theres a player within 50-100m. Now you can just camp on a good spot and harvest the loot every 15min or so. This would make loot more scarse (could make). Like most people say, this is not the beginning of the apocalypse Its in the "middle". So why arn't all houses already looted?

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I think that the less you spawn with, the better and the more rewarding it will be playing the game and find gear. I think the backpack should go too, the basic inventory is enough to carry everything you need to survive.

It isn't really that much harder now and you have more reason to to places other than military loot spawns.

The 'need a gun for zombie defence'-argument isn't really valid anymore since you can always get away from zombies quite easily at the expense of some time.

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