xela 13 Posted November 28, 2012 (edited) Good evening ladies and gentleman,Today I bring you another great feature for your favourite game mod. Working hard with my friends at Dayzland Community we ported another great island to DayZ and unleashed the horde. Hand in hand with Martin, the developer of Taviana Island, we are proud to be able to release DayzTaviana just at the moment Island Taviana will be brought to the public. Befor I start with the showcase I want to thank you my friend for the cooperation and support you offered us and that we are now able to release a working and balanced first version of DayzTaviana. *hat off*Taviana Island - Background, Geographie and OutlookWhen talking about Taviana Island we talk about the State of Taviana with a size of 625 km² established on two big islands in the Baltic Sea. So we should rather call it Taviana Islands. The two big, seperated Islands are connected with each other by the famous Bratislav Bridge. The smaller Island, named Lesh with a size of approxiamtly 48 km², is created by a volcano in the middle of the island. It features mainly agriculture areas laied around the mountain and some huge, dense forests scattered over the island. The Airport Krasnoznamenks is located in the NE part of the island a few kilometers beside the town of Krasnoznamenks which is one of the two bigger towns on the island. The southern part of the island is hold by tourists who spend their holidays in one of the uncountable beautifull resorts at the coast. The northern part offers a very unique attraction, a reacetrack west of the port of Stangrad, one of two big ports on the island.The bigger island has a size of approximatly 70 km² and is named Bukvac. The capital city Sabina is located in the middle of this island. Sabina is not only the capital but the biggest city on Taviana Islands with a size of 1.1X1.5 km. It holds a underground train station, tram system and many historical buildings giving the city a very unique modern stlye while keeping up the history of the state. The landscape is dominated by giant mountain formations on the island and the thick forest belts around them and at the coast. Two airports are located on Bukvac, Airport Dubovo in the south right beside Sabina and Jaroslavski Airport in the northern part of the island. The uncountable urban areas, mostly post soviet workers' settlements or industrial areas are connected with each other by an highway. A modern train system completes the public transport network. The pioneer role on the subject of renewable energy is clearly visible by the offshore parks and wind turbines all over the island.Many little islands and some oilrigs north of Bukvac are always worth a visit. Not to mention the countless ruins all scattered over the two big and smaller islands.There are so many things to point out about the buildings and landscape, just read it up in the manual we will hand out with the package. Martin gives detailed information about Taviana in there. It's worth it.DayzTaviana - Technical AspectsNow let us talk about some DayZ facts and features this port offers. Basically its pure DayZ gameplay with some slight changes and tweaks to improve your gameplay and experience. This means that every native DayZ function works how they used to work. We added the dependency on owning a toolbox to repair a vehicle. Will never understand why that got removed :P . Some lootrates are tweaked to work smoothly with the buildings of the island. Of all barrack loot has been decreased to fit the chernarus drop rate. Many little object compositions have been added to increase the atmosphere and give a little background for those that like to play DayZ in a roleplay style. This is still WIP and there is more to come in the future. Some new vehicles have been added/introduced. We intended the Mi-17 Civilian and Mi-17 RU medevac to replace the Huey. Therefor we removed the radar of this vehicles and additionally we modified the An-2. It's legit to bring an airplane in the game on a map of this giant size in our opinion. In addition we overhauled the boats. They now have an inventory and are finaly usefull. We increased the speed of the small boats and fishing boat slightly to make them less of a deathrap. In addition the temperature calculation has been modified to not freeze you to death nearly instantly once you enter a boat. To increased the atmosphere we decided to turn the streetlamps back on. In the future we will replace the vanilla arma2 streetlights with some better and realistic looking ones.In addition DayzTaviana will be the place to release and get player feedback of new technology we develope to increase your Dayz experience. So even if you dont like the island stay tuned. It will be worth it.DayzTaviana - Release informationAlthough the work is 100% done release will be on 4th of November when Taviana Island is officially released by martin. We will start off with a hand full of server for you to get in touch with the island and for us to get some stresstest data. The server list will be released here together with the download link. Dont worry, serverfiles will be brought to the public after a short testing period. We just want to ensure that you can enjoy the product from the very first minute on your own server and dont have to struggle with bugs or performance issues.Streamers that want to get in touch with DayzTaviana from the very first beginning can "sign up" and drop their channel link, maybe with a short description of language/location etc. right here. You will get first hand information on when the servers go live and your channels will be advertised to allow those that dont have the chance to participate to get a first impression.DayzTavian has gone life on the following Servers. Follow the instructions below to get in touch with this epic Island:#1 DayZ Taviana [99343] by DayZLand.eu |Whitelist|3P:on|CH:off|Tags:off - :Location: GermanyIP: 70#2 DayZ Taviana [99343] by DayZLand.eu [DE02] |Whitelist|3P:on|CH:off|Tags:off - :Location: GermanyIP: 60DayzTaviana - Client files, download, installationInstalling Taviana is as easy as stealing your childrens candy. Just grab the latest files (V1.1.0) here:VERSION: 1.1.0All this time we search help from other communities to make stress-test and quick way to find bugs. For take server-files just put information about you and your communities here Beta Server files V1.1.0DayzTaviana V1.1.0 Mirror 1DayzTaviana V1.1.0 Mirror 2DayzTaviana V1.1.0 Mirror 3Arma2 Beta-patch 99343Open the archive and copy the @DayzTaviana directory to your arma2oa or arma2co root directory (The same directory your @dayz folder is located in). Now enable @DayzTaviana via arma2 main menu, shortcut or launcher. Join the DayzTaviana server of your choice and enjoy :).DayzTaviana - Server files, download, installationhttp://download.dayzland.com/BetaServerFiles_v1.1.0.zipDayzTaviana - MediaTaviana Maps:High resolutionUltra High resolutionDayzTaviana - ChangelogVersion V1.0.1 - 4.11.2012Initial release-Included Dayz Version 1.7.3-Added loot and zombiespawns for custom buildings-Tweaked spawnrates to fit Tavianas building layout-Removed the radar of Mi17 Civil, Mi17 Medevac RU and AN-2-Unbanned GAZ Vodnik-Unbanned RHIB variants-Added inventory to boats-Increased boat speed slightly-Overhauled native DayZ functions to work with the Tavian enviroment and new vehicles-Enabled streetlamps (WIP)-Added object compositions to give a background for those that like to play DayZ in a RPG style (WIP)-The weather has been changed to fit an island in the baltic sea. (More wind and fog, sorry sniper boyz)-Temperature calculation has been changed to consider boats. You no longer freeze to death instantly on a boat, you will still loose heat when the weather is bad.Version V1.1.0 - 11.11.2012- Fixed damage system- Fixed damage for vehicles- Fixed some spawn position of vehicles- Zombies can only be killed by headshots- 34 new skins- New leveling system for Heros and Bandits- Totaly changed humanity system (1 Bandit kill = +200 Humanity | killing 1 Hero or survivor = -200 humanity)- On every humanity change (+-2000) changes the level- New Spawnpoints- Overhauled Zombie Spawning- Increased Mi-17 and An-2 Inventory Size- Flip Vehicles(Motorbikes and even Cars when you have enough mates)- Increased spawnradius of Crashed Helicopters from 4000 meter around center to 10000 meter- Changed Loadout. You will spawn with a makarov and one clip now.- Locked open "dummy" vehicles- Unbanned some accidently banned weapons- T-90 is now banned again, too much of a security leak- Fixed M136 rockets. The M136 is now more then just a tube with sfx.- changed to the latest version of the Taviana map- Starting collect data for statistics for each player- We go to have statistics for all playersDayzTaviana - Known Issues and BugsA minor bug with missplaced lootpiles. We are aware of the problem and working on it.DayzTaviana - CreditsWe want to thank everyone who participated in this project. First of all the Dayzland community for the countless help and understanding. Regardless of the problems we had, this project is tiny compared to the outstanding work done by martin. He created Taviana in more then three years of work, houndrets of models have been made, uncountable hours of work. Thank you for giving this masterpiece to the arma2 community. Drop him a nice message here or send him a care package. He deserves it. And never forget about rocket who made Dayz, our favorite game mod, possible. Edited December 1, 2012 by smasht_AU Added server files link 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xela 13 Posted November 28, 2012 (edited) Pending release - New DayzTaviana Update 1.1.1Current Changelog not final Changelog.For people who don't like my work..say what you want, make bad things - but I'm not going to stop my work on DayZTaviana (porting/supporting) or implementing ideas because this is the best dayz map. I'm also not going to stop my small thing for protecting DayZ from hackers/cheaters. Thank youChange log:- player spawns in 2 areas;- player can select spawn area;- configs for new buildings;- new loot spawn positions;- cleanup optimization;- small bug fixes;- heli-crash spawn fixed;- server side optimization >65 ppl online support;- server stability fix;- update vehicles spawn position;- fix for loot spawns;- some fixes from Dayz Community Builds;- balanced leveling system;- respawn bug-fix;- skin-changes fix;-Information for Communities.This beta-relise is much stable - to grant a stable and enjoyable experience with the Taviana Map.We start to collect information from communities, who want host server with DayzTaviana, for provide server files and support for make stable server.All this time we search help from other communities to make stress-test and quick way to find bugs. For take server-files just put information about you and your communities here request Beta Server files V1.1.0DayzTaviana V1.1.0 Mirror 1DayzTaviana V1.1.0 Mirror 2DayzTaviana V1.1.0 Mirror 3Arma2 Beta-patch 99343 Edited November 29, 2012 by AlexSpain 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrBoolean 0 Posted November 28, 2012 Finally! Setting up my server with this RIGHT NOW! I've been waiting for this for a reallllly long time! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted November 28, 2012 Sweet, hopefully quite a few servers pick this up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted November 28, 2012 this map is gunna make all the other maps obsolete..bank it.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
audiorejectz 8 Posted November 28, 2012 (edited) My bad, i just noticed in the post it says contact you for the server files Edited November 28, 2012 by GotYourNumber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
audiorejectz 8 Posted November 28, 2012 I cant see no server files there? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kampfkarnickel 7 Posted November 28, 2012 cant see serverfiles .. dayzland rocks... pm me for servefiles if you want them for testing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted November 28, 2012 May u please post a direct link to download the server files on this forum please?Thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kampfkarnickel 7 Posted November 28, 2012 No serverfiles for everyone so we can help testing ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nex (DayZ) 25 Posted November 28, 2012 Why make a new thread? There's already a thread about Taviana. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xela 13 Posted November 28, 2012 (edited) 19 communities request server files and in start to make server with DayzTaviana.And we make support board for bug/reports from all servers.If you want to make server with DayzTaviana just send us request.Thank all who understand all. Thank you for Beans too.And we start to have problems with Vilayer.......Also see the topic from @Kampfkarnickel about his steal version DayzTavianaPublic, what he wait for? I dont know.Only shitmakers stop us to release direct link to our work.How to:go to DayzLand board -> make request -> not in our shitmakers list -> take key and server filesShitmakers go to have server files in the end, if they no change the side.@ Sorry for my english. Edited November 29, 2012 by AlexSpain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted November 29, 2012 (edited) People are re-releasing it because of your decision of making something easy unnecessary complicate.You never learn this is internet, you can't rule it (in the good or the bad).Now you opened a thread to announce the world that the server files are available.. and i said myself: oh cool!! Finally! ...to only discover a minute after that i had to surf into other forums, register, making requests... are you fucking serious? Next time publish the DAMN PUBLIC LINK instead of asking ppl to jump here and there, the admin life is already full of troubles with this game, we don't need to have more rules and wasting our time for something that could be done easy. If you're not sure about it, and you wanted a closed beta, then don't come here announcing it's "released".Now you're surprised that someone is publishing the server file elsewhere? Welcome to internet bro: the place where you can't hide a shit.If you wanna do something good, while you're in time: EDIT your first post and add the direct link to the server files instead of trying to split users between this and your private community. Edited November 29, 2012 by WalkerDown Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xela 13 Posted November 29, 2012 (edited) We start Server-side Bliss support, Thanks to ayan4m1 to support our DayzTaviana.In some time is be avalaible in Bliss.@WalkerDown I go to see then you make somthing and then peoples go to throw shit to your head and after you go to give him your work. I go to see your feelings.All peoples who make request have server files and our support to install.We not agree with -> some ppl want make money profit.We want only who want make profit(fun, happy, enjoy, free to play) for players and all Dayz Community Edited November 29, 2012 by AlexSpain 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted November 29, 2012 Whatever dude.. you're going to give the file to anyone who request em (you said), so there's no point into making this complicate steps on other forums... just publish the direct links here, or don't blame us if someone else will do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xela 13 Posted November 30, 2012 Now DayzTaviana support Bliss server-files Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stapo 188 Posted November 30, 2012 Now DayzTaviana support Bliss server-filesi sent you a pm on DayZ Land regarding non bliss files Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xela 13 Posted November 30, 2012 i sent you a pm on DayZ Land regarding non bliss filesI send you pm give me email ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xela 13 Posted November 30, 2012 (edited) Taviana map cant be used for make money profit, like sell slots for Taviana servers or other money makers things.Bliss server fileshttps://github.com/ayan4m1/DayZ-Private/archive/f94b6f90630541799c3319064c460009d2884eeb.zipMirror 1 http://download.dayz...iss-taviana.tgzPrivate Hive Server fileshttp://download.dayz...iles_v1.1.0.zipClient DayzTavianahttp://download.dayzland.com/DayzTaviana-Final-V1.1.0.ziphttp://www.board.dayzland.eu/downloads/maps/DayzTaviana-Final-V1.1.0.zipAny problem join to our TS for support submit feedback / bugs for Taviana, go HERE Edited December 5, 2012 by AlexSpain 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted December 1, 2012 Thankyou, good to see the server files released, now DayZCommander can add support. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malau 11 Posted December 1, 2012 The map files are 404. Any chance of a re-up ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
decoman 45 Posted December 1, 2012 "Die Domain "www.ctc-gaming.com" wurde gesperrt." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted December 1, 2012 Alex thank you! I appreciate you releasing these files. (tips hat) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Verbal (DayZ) 1 Posted December 1, 2012 Thank you for releasing the files, now i can be lazy, and let commander do my work for me! Lets get this thing moving mr josh!joking aside, the map is very good, and commander makes my life easier, you both get my beans and a coke! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites