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Squad xml not working at all

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Been a while since I've posted in these forums, anyway got the same issue as most of the people here my .PAA file refuses to load in my dropbox. I can't get it to work for whatever reason. I'm using photoshop elements 8.0 to edit the image and make it 256/256 with a transparent background aswell as TexView 2 to convert it to .PAA from .JPEG I don't really want to download GIMP if i'm completely honest.

Anybody know any quick fixes for this?

Thanks for your time

.PS I realise im bringing up a dead thread but its better than me making another one for no reason right?

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If it comes down to it I can host your xml for you. Mine works just with with hostmonstor . Squad XML

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I don't think its the host I'm using dropbox and everything else works fine just the image not showing up when I go online.

But thanks for the offer man I appreciate the support.

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Would it be better if I linked you guys to the current XML I've got running and the image I want to run aswell?

Xml - https://[email protected] ( for convenience https://www.dropbox....byfe/0x-8JNs6YB )

logo - (currently in .PAA from .TGA but displayed here as JPEG for convenience the background is transparent) http://oi47.tinypic.com/2nsniog.jpg

Edit: Also the image i've linked has been changed to 256x256 still no change in ArmA 2.

Edited by SrgTRhodes

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