Ganzor 8 Posted November 25, 2012 (edited) So, a bunch of buddies and I got fed up with the scripters on public servers and got whitelisted on a private server.https://www.facebook...officialFanPageThe server is alright for a while, and then we discover that one of the guys on the server streams, although I suspect after what we found last night he'll be told no more streaming. (, for a while now, we've wondered how it is that their group always seems to have at least two choppers. There's supposed to be three choppers at a time on the server, and they always seem to have two of them. It's also strange that one night, We confirmed FIVE working choppers on the three chopper server.We we're on the server last night, and decide that instead of announcing where we are so the entire server comes running + a chopper or two, we'll camp a coastal city, wait for somebody to wander in, kill them for the kill message, and let everybody figure out from there where we are and wander down on their own. We sit there for a couple hours with zero activity.; Turns out they were split in to two groups, both looking in the entirely wrong spots.I have a friend watching their stream because we all figure we'll die, and he'll get to watch the fun. I suddenly get the word that they're scripting, and we should leave the server.Here's a link to the stream in question (, at least before it gets deleted. The group the admins are a part of can not find their chopper. They look one place, can't find it, figured they parked it in another spot, and then can't find it there either. The shady dealings start at about 2:23:30. The streamer is pulled into a different teamspeak room for a "private" chat. Apparently the admins at the time, Red and Hoss, used admin tools to find the camp of the people who stole their chopper and relayed the coordinates to the person streaming. After that, the admins get real quiet about the chopper. These is talk about teleporting choppers, and finding locations with admin tools. At one point the admin says something to the effect of "I did and it's not there." to somebody suggesting using the admin tools.So after a while, after going from "we can't find the chopper" to absolute silence on the matter, The admin comes flying in on top of them in a chopper. Never a mention of "oh, we found the chopper. Silly us we parked it somewhere else", no "hey, we found who stole the chopper and stole it back!", only "we're doing something" in response to somebody asking "where's red and Apex". It's pretty clear they either scripted the chopper in, or abused their admin tools to find it after it was stolen. It's all right there in the stream. There's also a lot of side related chatter of teleporting choppers earlier in the day, and other cheat related things.This also explains why there were five choppers on the three chopper server one night. Three legit, two spawned in by the admins.We have, of course, been banned from the server and teamspeak for bringing this up to an admin that wasn't even there, but we'd rather not play with cheaters anyway.Also there in the stream, when we log off and deny them of their scripted in fun, the level of butthurt is priceless.So, in short, if you're looking for a whitelisted server, look somewhere else. These guys may have tried to be sneaky about it, but they still cheated in the end. We on;y stuck with the server so long over the constant bitching and complaining because we thought it was a script free environment. I imagine if we look at FuriousAndy's other past streams, we could find more shady dealings unrelated to us, but I'm not going to watch hours of footage when I already have all the proof I need to never go back to the server again.Thanks for reading my story DayZ, have a nice day! Edited November 26, 2012 by Ganzor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legacy (DayZ) 1091 Posted November 26, 2012 This is not a Server Report.However you took your time making it.Thread Moved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 yeah, after I posted it, it occured to me I might have posted to the wrong forum. Thanks for moving it instead of deleting it, I didn't think to make a copy of the text. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) Watching part of it over again last night, there's an interesting tidbit right after the streamer gets told where to find the camp.Guy1: "Did they tell you to piss off?"Streamer: "they're doing..."Guy1: "I had a feeling they'd 'fix' it."This implies to me that not only did the people they were playing with know they were getting a chopper by shady means, but it had happened before. Edited November 26, 2012 by Ganzor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tyber19 0 Posted November 26, 2012 hi i am writing this replay for the admins of the UFP we are sad to hear that one of our admin may or may not have abused his power on behalf of the UFP we apologize for the incoviance this will be investigation as soon as possible and yet again thank you for bring this to our attention Tyber19 & Chippy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) We were playing the server bad guys since everybody was super friendly when we got there. Few there seemed to be able to separate the game from reality so I'm sure you'll get a very tilted version of the events. it's all right there in the stream so assuming it doesn't get deleted, you can see for yourself.I'm sure they'll insist that since we don't have "proof" it's all untrue. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, they were not nice enough to record the actual abuses and post them on the interwebs so we'll never be able to prove this 100%. We do, however, have a very strong circumstantial case.The "strongest" defense they've been able to muster has been "If we scripted a chopper in, Battleye would have banned us!". Because, as we all know, Battleeye is bulletproof and admin tools are totally covered by it as well. There is no scripting in DayZ folks, battleeye stops it all! Edited November 26, 2012 by Ganzor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apexx 19 Posted November 26, 2012 Hi Apex here. I'm one of the Admins that was dicussed here. This was all very easily explained if Mr Ganzor would have just come to us instead of jumping to conclusions. As anyone who uses Bliss or has a private hive server knows, the vehicle spawns are buggy. The heli in question that was supposedly "teleported" was parked on the roof of the hotel in Cherno. Upon every restart for about a week it would respawn on the roof and immediately slide down and explode, thus destroying the hotel. We are not experts and this is our first foray into running a server, so on the advice of more knowledgeable people we went into PHPMyAdmin tools and moved the location of the heli from the roof to another place where it wouldn't keep exploding. If that is abuse then i think all admins are guilty.As to us or others we play with having a heli, well use common sense Ganzor. We are on a good portion of each day and usually when others aren't. When you have a heli it is quite easy to fly to each spawn and find other heli's. But we are always careful to leave at least one for others to find.Lastly the 5 confirmed heli's may be true. Also another bug that people familiar with bliss will be aware of. Sometimes when heli's crash they respawn at the crash point and also another will spawn in the original spawn.In closing I would like to say that myself and the other admins of US 1024 are not abusers, hackers or scripters. We started a private server to escape that and play DayZ as it was intended to be played. Ganzor had done nothing but complain from the time he entered our server and we are glad to see him gone. This is all sour grapes from him and it is in his character to "take his ball and go home." When things do not go his way. I think he will see when he joins another server just how fairly we did things on 1024. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 This admin was not on that night, FYI.The chopper on the roof in cherno was an entirely separate issue from the chopper they gained unfairly the other night. There's fixing a spawn, and then there's "locating" your stolen chopper with admin tools and/or just scripting one in.Seriously, watch the stream and tell me with a straight face that it's not obvious from the chatter that something shady went on.You guys are so sore because we would laugh at you every time you'd gather 10 guys and script in a couple choppers to take us on, you're blinded to your own dishonesty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) These are also the same people that in response to us laughing at them for insisting on lopsided fights, divided the server up into separate teams. These teams were not to be friendly to each other, and were to actively hunt each other.Based on the same stream, they knew where each other were, but we actively avoiding each other and sharing intel on our (lack of) whereabouts.They were so focused on hunting just US down, they never killed anybody to send them into our fire on the coast. We did what we did that night on purpose, to expose their dog and pony show of dividing the server up.As soon as we logged off, after the raging in chat and teamspeak, the server emptied out because the hunt was over, and they STILL insisted they were hunting everybody, not just us. Meanwhile, in the stream, they communicated their whereabouts to the other group so they wouldn't get shot at.They're all in all just dishonest admins who have no problem abusing their tools when it benefits them. Watch the stream and decide for yourselves while it's still up. Edited November 26, 2012 by Ganzor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apexx 19 Posted November 26, 2012 You are comical. Enjoy your life. Our server thrives and you won't be there to ruin it with your lies and complaints. Even this elaborate farce you have posted will have no effect on us. You have wasted your time. Goodbye 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) Holding your ears and blocking out the truth won't change reality.Everything I've said here has been truth. You weren't even there, and I'm betting you haven't even watched the appropriate parts of the stream. It's all right there in the stream, but you won't watch it and shatter your illusions that everything that night was above board.Hell, even SlackPack told me he thought the chopper was scripted in because they were acting "shady" about it. Though apparently all he needed was an "it's not scripted in, honest" from Red or Hoss to change his mind.At minimum, in this specific instance, they abused admin tools to locate a chopper, that's blatantly obvious to anybody not blinded by butthurt. Edited November 26, 2012 by Ganzor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) Okay, just for you Apex.Some time in the near future, I'll go and re-watch the stream. I'll give you exact timestamps of the obvious references to shady deeds.You'll still deny reality of course, but all the other good people reading this thread will be saved the time.P.S.- It was fun being called a "faggot" by one of the Facebook page admins in a message. Childish much? Edited November 26, 2012 by Ganzor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apexx 19 Posted November 26, 2012 I've watched the whole thing and it was easily explained, as I already have. You take the "teleport" comment out of the context of what we were trying to do, which was to fix a broken spawn. And as for knowing where each other were and actively avoiding each other and sharing intel on "not knowing" where you are, it's called teamspeak genius! WTF, you have no valid points and try to make up lies because you know that no one has the patience to watch a 6 hour stream. You are a fool and I am done with you. Go troll someone else. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) You really are thick. The teleport comment just shows scripts have been used on the server. I've never claimed it had anything to do with this specific incident.I know they were on teamspeak genius. The point of that comment was the fact that they were still claiming they weren't working together, while they were clearly working together.You are a very dishonest bunch. The only reason we played for as long as we did on the server with you bunch of babies was the "script free" environment. Once it was clear that wasn't the case, we were done.Continue to stick your head in the sand. There's a reason few people logged on to the server before we got there, and I'm sure it will return to that state very soon. You're not a very fun bunch to play with, and the scripting just takes it over the top.We're off to greener pastures. Everybody can look at the evidence and decide for themselves. Edited November 26, 2012 by Ganzor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 Oh, well there we have it folks. The stream has been deleted. Why delete if there's nothing to hide?/thread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apexx 19 Posted November 26, 2012 MORON it wasn't teleported they just used that word for lack of a better one. They used PHPMyadmin to move the heli's location in the database. You just keep trying to make a case off of that poorly chosen word. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 26, 2012 It's not even part of my case, you're just choosing to focus on it as a misdirection.I have never claimed chopper teleportation had anything to do with the incident the other night.There are MANY other things that were said during that stream that all point to admin abuse, or to a scripted in chopper.By all means, keep focusing on the word teleportation. maybe if you say it enough times, the people who read this thread will forget about all the other things. After all, now you you guys had Andy delete the stream to cover your tracks, there's no proof right?You guys enjoy your status as kings of your tiny little server, the rest of us will play legitimately while you script, and we'll be better for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganzor 8 Posted November 27, 2012 (edited) So I'm curious, which one of you likes to call people "faggot" when challenged?Real good community leadership you have there. Edited November 27, 2012 by Ganzor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted November 27, 2012 (edited) :) lets just have fun Remember there is no crying in baseball Edited November 27, 2012 by HOSSBC 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted November 27, 2012 (edited) This is not a Server Report said Legacy.This is just a bickering Topic, says I.Faggot, will get you a Ban from these Forums.Sort it out on the battlefield please. Edited November 27, 2012 by Boneboys 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites