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The Ability to Scavenge Parts From One Vehicle To Better Yours.

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Hello everyone. While playing on my DayZ server that I normaly play on, I passed a bus that was missing only one tire. Knowing that I was in search for a tire to fix my car, I thought to myself, "man, if only i could take that tire off the bus i would be set." But i coulden't, so the search continued.

Basically, to summarize. My ambitions for this is for people to have the choice to take parts from other vehicels in order to fix their car.

Please try and get this out to the community for all to see, it can only better the game!

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I'm a big fan of this idea as it makes perfect sense and even vehicles that you cannot use in game that are props should be scavengeable? Not sure if thats a real word but Im for the idea.

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definatly a good idea. however the idea where the other propped vehicles hold gear you can scavenge would sound like it may break the game a bit unless it literally take 3 days for a vehicle to respawn a tire you can take or a week for the glass part needed in most vehicles.

the one problem im having in this game isnt living off what i can find but its the stuff i cant find that i need which is usually vehicle parts especially engines

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definatly a good idea. however the idea where the other propped vehicles hold gear you can scavenge would sound like it may break the game a bit unless it literally take 3 days for a vehicle to respawn a tire you can take or a week for the glass part needed in most vehicles.

the one problem im having in this game isnt living off what i can find but its the stuff i cant find that i need which is usually vehicle parts especially engines

Really? I can usually build an entire car from scratch after hitting two or three decent loot spots.

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I have thought of this same thing! Theyd have to find a way to balance it but itd be so cool and make veichles a little more durable

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Yeah I agree. It would help so much with the tedious task of (e.g.) going around in a Sedan looking for parts for the Pickup Truck. Just park next to the Truck and cannibalize the car.

We shouldn't be able to salvage the body though. Wheels, engine, windows, fuel tank. And rotor blades for my bike.

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Great idea, but I think you should only be able to scavenge wheels, and maybe glass too.

This'd be awesome, logging off, then when you rejoin, your cr isn't stolen, but has a few missing wheels!

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I was thinking of a reverse engineering. But not just for vehicles, but also for traps, bullets,light with the car head light and a car batteries. Use the copper wiring to melt down into bullet casing or heads. the the wire to tie up a make shift tent to stay dry in the rain. there is many things i can come up with as well..

. I think there needs to be more tools too. Like wire cutters. claw hammer. I think you should be able to use a hammer and nails to secure a door so the zombies are unable to just open the door although if they get pised enough and make enough noise it draws more zombies to the door smashing zombies, and have a chance to break the door down. SO its a limited time use or a long time if you don't get the geeks excited.

I would like to see some way to salvage metal from cars to use for sleds or turn them into shields for melee so you can bash a zombie it may just knock them down or it may make them fall off a incline and break a bone. I was thinking of a door of a car,or a large hubcap.

This sorta does not belong in this thread but along the same lines i think melee weapons should be the normal and guns should be a lot more scares or at least a bit more rare and the bullets clips would be rare but maybe not the bullets them selfs. there would be hard wear stores that carry bullets. walmart type stores. And then more or less player made bullets would be less effective then the store bought bullets. there would be bullets in say houses,in the dresser drawer or in kitchen area.depending on the scene of the house. it may just have empty boxes laying around. to tease you.

In the movie THe Road and in real life most people Don't go out and buy a ton of bullets some do but most don't. I think bullets need to play a roll in the game but Should be rare. With the ability of player made reverse engineered.

Edited by WnxSoulreaver
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Really? I can usually build an entire car from scratch after hitting two or three decent loot spots.

Ya this is another problem i have with the current mod. The Loot spawns need to be a lot more random and no static spawn spots. this hole cycling of loot spots completely breaks the game..

I would also like to see in the SA random scene not just down choppers but maybe say a medic convoy that got ran over and broken down ambulances. random spawning areas in the citys of police scenes where the cops had a shoot out and there is guns and bullets and road flares in the trunk if you can get the trunk open say like with the claw hammer i mentioned above.. There needs to be more survival in the game right now when i log into a server with players that have played a long time. They are so decked out its like why even bother playing for survival ? All the stuff takes the Idea out of the game. If you know what i mean. The fact you can cycle a fire house and get bullet clips up the wazu prety much breaks the game. and then there is no choice of should i run or should i shoot this zombie becasue my life depends on this gun?

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This is an obvious and much needed addition to the game. Its already scripted in to the game to damage wheels, replace wheels, so why not steal wheels, glass, engine parts, fuel tank etc...

also im finding that in order to store supplies for myself and a few others we are keeping to many vehicles in the forests, this makes camp easier to spot and takes away vehicles from other players... somehow it would be nice if there was a way to build a small camp with say 1) entrenching tool, 2) cinder blocks, 2) scrap metal (roof), this would allow you to build a small camo structure which could store at least equal to a mtvr/ural vehicle. maybe depending on the number of blocks and scrap you can select build small or medium structure.... just an idea

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Sounds good. The ability to repair broken cars *i mean the ones you can't get in all* with the right parts would be good to. It would require 10 or something scrap just to be able to get in them.

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Good idea but I would think it'll be good with a 30 seconds delay.

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It's a wonder this idea isn't already in... well, aside from trolling. You could probably just take a single part out of say, a sever admin's shiny helicopter and trash it.

But that's just realistic.

Another really important aspect, IMO is siphoning gas from damaged or wrecked vehicles. It doesn't make sense you find all of your gas fresh in jerry cans.

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I love the idea of taking parts from other cars and bettering yours, but should also add taking scrap metal or anything from another vehicle and making it body armor for yours so when you get shot it will protect it and also adding mods onto a car like a turret on back of a Ute or some spikes on the bonnet.

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That would be a good use for a crowbar, prying wheels and parts from working cars and scrap metal from burnt useless ones.

Edited by Rubarb7000

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