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Lancer 2-2

Action Lag

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Anyone noticed since the last update a certain type of lag?

Player movement, gun fire, aiming is all fine... the lag comes from the action menu like Picking up, Refilling, drinking, eating, gutting, making a fire, collecting wood... etc... etc.... I select the option and it takes forever to do it!

I spam clicked refil my canteern once, gave up and ran off. A minute later my canteen was full and for the next 5 minutes I was spammed with you have no empty canterrn to fill message...

This is occuring on multiple servers and makes it dangerous to loot because I'm stood there tree times as long waiting for something to happen.

I've checked and my ping is good and my latency is normal so I don't understand it!

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Happens all the time. It's server lag.

Kinda like how it is with hit-detection, but it's all safe.

If you spam a couple clicks per item and just leave, most of the time you will get them later on.

i do that a lot with tools and weapons. Just middle-mouse-click to pick up, and instantly start moving when the animation lets you. They'll appear on you later.

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Okay just had it big today... again my ping and latency are fine.

I just got to the market of a town, noticed some delay when picking up stuff. I was just about to switch out my pack for another one when I heard a shot across the town, so I moved to a safer location.

I had the doors closed, he came right to my doors, as he opened he moved in and then moved to the left, I went to open comms when I just fell over, out for the count under the blue lockers. No timer, not bleeding... it was weird. The guy said sorry he didnt see me... I thought... must be some server lag.... then all the zombies came... lots for a winchester shot.... he ran off. After about 2 minutes of lying there I got the hour glass appear then it said wait 3 seconds and then I died.... yet my UI didnt show me as bleeding....

I've noticed this action and data lag since .4 and it really affecting gameplay and loot spawns.

Sometimes you can run into a town and there is no loot at all and when the zombies eventually spawn they ignore you...

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server lag +server restart needed = change server. :)

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server lag +server restart needed = change server. smile.png

thats NOT true


a simple log in and log out will fix this 'action menu delay'


is there a fix for this? I have this on my server and it sucks

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thats NOT true


a simple log in and log out will fix this 'action menu delay'


is there a fix for this? I have this on my server and it sucks


until the next time it happens  :)

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thats NOT true


a simple log in and log out will fix this 'action menu delay'

Thats not a fix, thats an annoyance. i would go to a new server.


is there a fix for this? I have this on my server and it sucks

Are you still trying to run your server with 75 players?

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It's server lag(due to dayz poor design) and a mix of lower end pcs.



It's not due to the design of DayZ, as I have multiple servers running it and there's not Desync issues whatsoever. It is due to serveradmins feeling the need to add 1,000 unneeded scripts to the server making it lag.



thats NOT true


a simple log in and log out will fix this 'action menu delay'


is there a fix for this? I have this on my server and it sucks



What Fluxley said. You said you were having problems with your server multiple times now and the way you have been handling it so far doesn't particularly strike me as iyou know 100% what you're doing. Blaming the mod now is just simply wrong, as the mod is fine. It's the servers themselves causing the issues.

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thats NOT true


a simple log in and log out will fix this 'action menu delay'

Thats not a fix, thats an annoyance. i would go to a new server.


is there a fix for this? I have this on my server and it sucks

Are you still trying to run your server with 75 players?



well yes of course im trying to run my server with 75 people, its on its own machine.


cant arma run 75 players?

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cant arma run 75 players?



It can only use a certain amount of processing power / processors at a time, so anything above 50 will not necessarily work out for you, especially when actually having that many people online.

Edited by kichilron

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