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To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

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So we came across a huge ass bandit camp with a motor pool and completely wiped it clean. How dumb can you be it was wide in the open. Now after we have raided these unskilled bandits the server has been offline. Not even launched at all. I know you guys are mad we stole you stuff but dont hide it in obvious places if you dont want people to find it. IE dont make a HUUUUGE tent circle with barbwire and sandbags and expect someone not to find it. Such a bitch move to completely take down the server bc you guys weren't smart about your spoils and they were taken from under your noses. The other server has been up and fine, that is US 27 Chicago 21. That server has been up and been fine. (probs bc we didn't steal all their stuff on that one). This again is a bitch move by the FOG (Fraternity of Gamers). They host the server in question.

This is supposed to be a hardcore game and if you cant deal with someone taking something from you then just stop playing. Bc its gonna happen again. Especially when you guys aren't smart about hiding your stuff. Put the server back up or dont. I dont really care. All i want is the DAYZ community to know that you guys are a bunch of pussies. But when you have admin rights you can just cry and take down the server. You probs have the server in private trying to find where we hid all your shit. Well I hope you guys spawn helicopters bc that is the only way your going to get your stuff back. Long story short your all bitches. Get bandited hoes.

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Hey Dumbass, it's up. I had to change the MOTD.

The admins play in 21....and watch 22 with the RCON.

Goddamn lol

None of us even play on 22, it's up to help the community.

Freak out like a retard some more LOL

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You guys took the server down in private mode to search for us. Congrats you got all of your stuff back. You guys are bitches. Like completely and totally.

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You guys took the server down in private mode to search for us. Congrats you got all of your stuff back. You guys are bitches. Like completely and totally.

What in the sweet fuck are you on about dude?

I took the fucking server down to change the message of the day.

No FOG members were even ON that server. We play on 21 EXCLUSIVELY.

Jesus Christ, assume some more..

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I'm not siding with anyone... but... I've seen this "coincidental server going down" thing happen WAY too often and it's always the same excuse. Just saying...

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Can you give me a total time of server downtime then? What time it went down and when it came back up

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This is the thread I made 1 hour ago, the same time both of my servers came down.

I changed the MOTD, and I copied the dayz.cfg from 21 over to 22.

For a time, there were two Chicago 21 servers up.

One of my guys told me there were two of them up, I took 22 down...fixed the MOTD and the server host line manually...and put it back up.

Any DEV can look at the hive and confirm this, and they can also confirm no FOG members were in 22 at the time that this shit went down.

Now, calm the fuck down and ask questions before you assume next time.

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YAAAA the only thing about that is..... I play on that server alot and it was down for a LOOONNNGGGGG time. All night pretty much and US 27 was running while 28 was down...... I dont believe you at all actually

You guys are abusing your admin rights. I just want everyone to know who plays on your server what to expect. The server JUST came up like 20 mins ago. Noone was on the entire night. You abuse your admin rights. Plain and simple

Noone was on.... bc it wasn't up.

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YAAAA the only thing about that is..... I play on that server alot and it was down for a LOOONNNGGGGG time. All night pretty much and US 27 was running while 28 was down...... I dont believe you at all actually

I don't give a SHIT if you believe me or not.

You're working off of assumptions.

Also' date=' this was last night? Yeah, the fucking server crashed....which a DEV can also confirm. I woke up this morning at 6:30am Mountain time and logged onto my box and 22 had crashed. So, I brought it back the fuck up around that time.

Again, I don't give a shit if you believe me or not....you freak out over nothing and make accusations based on your feelings and not actual fact.

If you had asked a QUESTION and not accused us of wrongdoing...I might have given a little more of a fuck about being nice about this.

But as it stands right now, fuck you.


YAAAA the only thing about that is..... I play on that server alot and it was down for a LOOONNNGGGGG time. All night pretty much and US 27 was running while 28 was down...... I dont believe you at all actually

You guys are abusing your admin rights. I just want everyone to know who plays on your server what to expect. The server JUST came up like 20 mins ago. Noone was on the entire night. You abuse your admin rights. Plain and simple

Noone was on.... bc it wasn't up.

Proof: Get some.

Otherwise you're just another whiner in a long list of whiners that are wearing tin foil hats and think everyone is against them.

I'm done here.

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Sounds like your mad that your actually talking to one of the people that jacked you guys. Its sok. You guys will be dumb again and we will find you. All 2 of us. HAHAH

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You know what?

Yeah I am angry. I hate idiots that come along, make accusations without a shred of proof, without even asking what happened.

So, I'm taking 22 down permanently. I'll leave 21 up. Go play somewhere else.

This community is such bullshit, it's full of kids that cry and scream when things go wrong and then point fingers at the people that are paying out of their own pocket to host servers for this community...just to have shit spread about them that isn't true.

So you know what? Fuck you. I'm done paying so kids can take a shit on my clan on the forum.

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You guys went in admin. And took everything back. I understand. Some people just shouldn't have admin rights. They come with a certain responsibility that most people in this world just do not have. I see that your getting mad and taking the server down. Now iam certain of what you guys did. Actions so brash as to completely take down the server cries out to me as admittance of your guilt. (I know children s games I have 2 of my own) Why take the server down? LOL.... Im pretty sure you still have to be paying for 2 dayz servers. Your servers were clean and fast thats why I liked playing on them. Not fun when the admin kills everyone on the server( yes there was a time when everyone on the server was killed by elevating them by 30 meters and then falling), and then takes the server down to find out where their lost gear is. Man up and go scavenge more stuff. I liked your servers too bad it was too much responsibly to play the game straight up. SAd to see ya go

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i was present when the server went down, i was on 21 along with the rest of the fraternity who play day z. this is pure rage coming from donkamints who lost some stuff they found. please grow up.

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You guys went in admin. And took everything back. I understand. Some people just shouldn't have admin rights. They come with a certain responsibility that most people in this world just do not have. I see that your getting mad and taking the server down. Now iam certain of what you guys did. Actions so brash as to completely take down the server cries out to me as admittance of your guilt. (I know children s games I have 2 of my own) Why take the server down? LOL.... Im pretty sure you still have to be paying for 2 dayz servers. Your servers were clean and fast thats why I liked playing on them. Not fun when the admin kills everyone on the server( yes there was a time when everyone on the server was killed by elevating them by 30 meters and then falling)' date=' and then takes the server down to find out where their lost gear is. Man up and go scavenge more stuff. I liked your servers too bad it was too much responsibly to play the game straight up. SAd to see ya go



You just showed your ass.

You can't take anything back through admin. Nice try though.

You know what? I changed my mind...I'll keep it up. I see now that you're just a very misinformed person (who has children...I feel bad for those kids btw)

Now I see that you're just ignorant about how this game works, no biggie. Next time don't accuse without proof.

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This is one of the dumbest things I've seen. Ever... Like, Westboro Baptist level of dumbness.

NOBODY from FoG, admins nor regular members, ever play on Chicago 22. We ALL play exclusively on 21. Whoever's stuff you raided was not ours, therefore we'd have no reason to be pissed about having our stuff taken because you took someone else's stuff not ours. Go ahead and brag about how much awesome shit you raided and how stupid "we" were for leaving "our" stuff in the open, but it was not our stuff or our players.

The server was taken down for brief maintenance, we had no idea who was playing on it or what was going on in the game. The reason we're mad is not because you took our stuff, but because you're being a whiny little twat accusing us of foul play. Congrats on your shitty stolen stuff, come on to Chicago 21 if you ever feel like getting shot.

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You guys went in admin. And took everything back. I understand. Some people just shouldn't have admin rights.

Where's the issue? Just steal it again.

So Kid, get a life or commit suicide. Both will lead to a better world.

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YAAAA the only thing about that is..... I play on that server alot and it was down for a LOOONNNGGGGG time. All night pretty much and US 27 was running while 28 was down...... I dont believe you at all actually

You guys are abusing your admin rights. I just want everyone to know who plays on your server what to expect. The server JUST came up like 20 mins ago. Noone was on the entire night. You abuse your admin rights. Plain and simple

Noone was on.... bc it wasn't up.

This kid clearly doesn't know what being an Admin involves.....SMH.

You guys went in admin. And took everything back. I understand. Some people just shouldn't have admin rights. They come with a certain responsibility that most people in this world just do not have. I see that your getting mad and taking the server down. Now iam certain of what you guys did. Actions so brash as to completely take down the server cries out to me as admittance of your guilt. (I know children s games I have 2 of my own) Why take the server down? LOL.... Im pretty sure you still have to be paying for 2 dayz servers. Your servers were clean and fast thats why I liked playing on them. Not fun when the admin kills everyone on the server( yes there was a time when everyone on the server was killed by elevating them by 30 meters and then falling)' date=' and then takes the server down to find out where their lost gear is. Man up and go scavenge more stuff. I liked your servers too bad it was too much responsibly to play the game straight up. SAd to see ya go


You know you can't go in "Admin" and take things back right? Admins can only, look at logs, kick/ban/restart/update server side files. You really look like an idiot when you don't know what you're talking about.

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I'm going with admins on this one... From past posts and my feeling about the party on that side.

This donkamints guy seems like he's lost it and can't have a coherent conversation without it becoming some kind of microcosmic dick waving contest.

Where do I go to copyright the phrase "microcosmic dick waving contest" because it's a winner.

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I do not like the direction this thread is going.

Taking a server down for maintainence is allowed.

If anybody has PROOF of Admin abuse, collect it.


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So in this thread:


Donkamints made some accusations against my clan. He sent me a PM, with an apology in it. I wanted to make it public so everyone knows.


I just wanted everyone to see it, and if you could confirm you sent this Donkamints I would appreciate it.

Mods, if you want to put this in the closed thread that would be great.

I just wanted to clear the [FoG] name on the forum...AGAIN.


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Private messages are private messages.

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