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Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

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I am the admin of Chicago 21 and 22.

I am seeing a LOT of DC'ers now.

Before the tears start flowing and the threads start popping up on the servers....anyone that DC's on me is getting an insta-ban.

I'm not fucking around anymore. I'm sick of PVP'ing someone and they DC on me or sit in the fucking lobby like a coward.

I expect vitriol for this, not a single fuck was given. You're exploiting a weakness in Arma 2 and until Rocket patches this coward shit out...I'm going to remove you weak fucks from my atmosphere.

That is all.

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That is an annoying problem and you're probably going to have to do a lot of banning and unbanning to get it right.

I'm aware. I'm just fucking exasperated at shooting someone and then they bounce on me...it is getting old.

I have to do something about it.

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That is an annoying problem and you're probably going to have to do a lot of banning and unbanning to get it right.

I'm aware. I'm just fucking exasperated at shooting someone and then they bounce on me...it is getting old.

I have to do something about it.

Well, that's about all that you can do right now. I just know it could be an issue because there have been times with me where I've been attacked by a bandit and right when I was able to spot him, my game crashed; so it's not always intentional. However, I am aware that a lot of people do use ALT + F4 as a way to get out, or just disconnect.

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I have set the motd on my server to advise players that DCing during firefights will result in a ban. Its utterly the worst kind of grief for players and i wont tolerate it.

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I have set the motd on my server to advise players that DCing during firefights will result in a ban. Its utterly the worst kind of grief for players and i wont tolerate it.

Yeah I did that too.

Also Chimera, my website is listed on my MOTD. If they don't like the ban, they can come to my website and state their case. I'm not a dick, I know accidental bans happen...but this problem is the worst issue for this game imo....and we have to deal with it locally until Rocket can offer a solution to it.

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I've not changed my message of the day, but this is getting people banned on my server too. I had one dc on me then come back from the lobby and kill me after I quit looking for him to reappear.

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...and we have to deal with it locally until Rocket can offer a solution to it.

As of this time you are not allowed to ban someone because he DCs on you during a fight and/or establish some arbitrary rules local to your server "until Rocket can offer a solution". If he says so this may change. Has not happened yet.

Yes' date=' this has been classified as an exploit.

No, you are still not allowed to local ban for it.

You may only for ban for:

those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism

RuleZ are RuleZ and you agreed to them to be allowed to host dayz. Dont like ehm? Stop hosting and ty for the time your servers have been running.

Someone please blacklist Chicago 21 and 22 for violating dayz hosting rules, ty.

Proof: this very own thread created by the server admin himself.

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...and we have to deal with it locally until Rocket can offer a solution to it.

As of this time you are not allowed to ban someone because he DCs on you during a fight and/or establish some arbitrary rules local to your server "until Rocket can offer a solution". If he says so this may change. Has not happened yet.

Yes' date=' this has been classified as an exploit.

No, you are still not allowed to local ban for it.

You may only for ban for:

those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism

RuleZ are RuleZ and you agreed to them to be allowed to host dayz. Dont like ehm? Stop hosting and ty for the time your servers have been running.

Someone please blacklist Chicago 21 and 22 for violating dayz hosting rules, ty.

Proof: this very own thread created by the server admin himself.

I haven't banned anyone yet.

And I don't answer to you. Most servers ban for this, and they're not blacklisted.

SO, until a DEV tells me to stop, I'm going to do it. I'm sick of the exploiters.

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...and we have to deal with it locally until Rocket can offer a solution to it.

As of this time you are not allowed to ban someone because he DCs on you during a fight and/or establish some arbitrary rules local to your server "until Rocket can offer a solution". If he says so this may change. Has not happened yet.

Yes' date=' this has been classified as an exploit.

No, you are still not allowed to local ban for it.

You may only for ban for:

those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism

RuleZ are RuleZ and you agreed to them to be allowed to host dayz. Dont like ehm? Stop hosting and ty for the time your servers have been running.

Someone please blacklist Chicago 21 and 22 for violating dayz hosting rules, ty.

Proof: this very own thread created by the server admin himself.

I love how people are using this self-righteous justification. "You cant' ban us so neener neener neener."

"WTF i wuz band u cant du dat derp"

I have people disconnecting WHEN I SEE THEM. I must be some real kinda badass that they just abandon all hope when they see my mighty Winchester hove into view. At this point, I'm getting like.,. wholesale prices on ammo.

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...and we have to deal with it locally until Rocket can offer a solution to it.

As of this time you are not allowed to ban someone because he DCs on you during a fight and/or establish some arbitrary rules local to your server "until Rocket can offer a solution". If he says so this may change. Has not happened yet.

Yes' date=' this has been classified as an exploit.

No, you are still not allowed to local ban for it.

You may only for ban for:

those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism

RuleZ are RuleZ and you agreed to them to be allowed to host dayz. Dont like ehm? Stop hosting and ty for the time your servers have been running.

Someone please blacklist Chicago 21 and 22 for violating dayz hosting rules, ty.

Proof: this very own thread created by the server admin himself.

I love how people are using this self-righteous justification. "You cant' ban us so neener neener neener."

"WTF i wuz band u cant du dat derp"

I have people disconnecting WHEN I SEE THEM. I must be some real kinda badass that they just abandon all hope when they see my mighty Winchester hove into view. At this point, I'm getting like.,. wholesale prices on ammo.

I know right.

They think that because there's a set of rules up they can control my server.

The only people I answer to are the DEVS...not pubbies. If you DC on me...which they have said is an EXPLOIT...a BANNABLE EXPLOIT....which they are working on fixing....I will BAN you until the hole is patched...at which time I will unban you.

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Rocket himself made a thread in the Announcements section dictating that this is an exploit of the game.

You have my 100% support WildGuns.

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I really just don't understand people who disconnect during PvP. I have never even ONCE considered disconnecting to avoid death.

First of all, I'm way too involved in what I'm doing to think about anything else, and also I'd be too afraid to move my hand off of the mouse to ALT+F4 or press esc>abort.. considering that there's a good chance I'd get shot dead in those seconds it takes for me to hit escape/ALT+F4. Second, I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I was such a coward.

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we have banned for it since the beginning. So many luls from people who think they can only be banned for "malicious talk and racism". I even had some guy mic spam and go on about how he couldn't be banned for it... how wrong he was.

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I have tested this method out and it works 100%

Head shot...... cant disconnect from a headshot.

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Oh good. I will be looking forward to DC every time you shoot me then. Good luck banning me. :)




Please come into Chicago 21...under your own name....see what happens if you DC on me.

I guess you don't realize I have your GUID when you join...and I can nail you even after you leave ;0)

Please come in though.

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Server admins saying they only answer to devs, when devs have already answered. So why are you ignoring it? Why does a dev need to come and repeat to you what has already been said, that you are duty bound to read and abide by?

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I agree with ur post but admins too abuse their power, just yesterday on US85 me and my friend shot 3 guys from [WD] clan en "suddenly" session lost, server restarts.

Giving us no chance to loot any of the corpses.. and when we were back on all is gone.

I really hope Dc'ing and admin abuse can be fixed somehow.

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So OP what if some guy was trying to find a spot to log out, and you start shooting at him. He runs to a pine tree, loggs out, his body is there for the 10 or seconds that 1.7.1 is putting it.

Technically he did it fair and square and you are going to ban him for that?

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Oh good. I will be looking forward to DC every time you shoot me then. Good luck banning me. :)




Please come into Chicago 21...under your own name....see what happens if you DC on me.

I guess you don't realize I have your GUID when you join...and I can nail you even after you leave ;0)

Please come in though.

Lol GUID, pffft. I can easily spoof my GUID to look like somoene else. Not that hard. Lmfao...

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I agree I host a server and i dont Ban people for it,Yeah it pisses me off but owell But i agree you should be blacklisted YOU ARE ONLY SUPPOSED TO BAN FOR TWO REASONS.

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I agree I host a server and i dont Ban people for it' date='Yeah it pisses me off but owell But i agree you should be blacklisted YOU ARE ONLY SUPPOSED TO BAN FOR TWO REASONS.


You host a server and yet you are not aware that rocket has said that dc'ing during pvp is a bannable exploit.

dc on me in pvp and I'll ban you to.

OP has my support.

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Well that there sir is a Threat so thats a bannable offense join my server and ill ban you we can play the fucking ban game all day grow the fuck up

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I support this ban and it should be added to the rules for ban able offenses.

then again I am not a strong believer is devs micro managing servers that they dont pay for either.

just my 2 cents.

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but what if you have to take an emergency toilet break in the middle of a firefight?

also what server... I feel like getting pointlessly banned by an admin raging at the world today.

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