tgtri 23 Posted March 16, 2014 SCRIPTS 08.03.2014 11:50:32: Anthonyg () b7febe0b8c86baf4337d33a9c4924267 - #77 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""16.03.2014 10:31:49: [Ghosts] Zombiebait () 9f60313cdf997b77ed8fe3bbf53e544c - #60 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';"15.03.2014 20:44:28: James () 3affc56e06fd1724f5a7629e9931d18b - #0 "BB_strt = vehicle player addAction["||Masterfap||", "\scroll\timetravel.sqf"]; call BB_strt; "15.03.2014 20:44:31: James () 3affc56e06fd1724f5a7629e9931d18b - #11 "E FOUND'; [] spawn {sleep 1;"+_LwlFonzx0+" = nil;}; cutText [format['%1 Fonzicuted.',_FonHam],'PLAIN']; }; }; sle"15.03.2014 20:44:31: James () 3affc56e06fd1724f5a7629e9931d18b - #13 " ");[] spawn{if(isNil "FonzLod") then{FonzLod = true;hint "Ran SharkyMenu, Type in chat the script name to execute that"15.03.2014 20:44:31: James () 3affc56e06fd1724f5a7629e9931d18b - #17 "{if(isNil "FonzLod") then{FonzLod = true;hint "Ran SharkyMenu, Type in chat the script name to execute that script.";};};"15.03.2014 20:44:31: James () 3affc56e06fd1724f5a7629e9931d18b - #40 "");[] spawn{if(isNil "FonzLod") then{FonzLod = true;hint "Ran SharkyMenu, Type in chat the script name to execute that "15.03.2014 17:51:48: Jake () 182a18f6528f95efed77548df2178ca0 - #65 "[] spawn {execVM "infiSTAR_Menu\setup\startup.sqf";};"13.03.2014 20:58:54: xXProSniperXx. () 9fb47a840dddc1d05a4d59db62a35da4 - #74 "["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\wuat\start.sqf""12.03.2014 14:15:32: DaKing_Frost () bff9d6514366fe6ac0ca69db13c46eb1 - #13 "";(findDisplay 12) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";hint "Systems Online";MY_KEYDOWN_FNC ={switch (_this) do{"12.03.2014 14:15:32: DaKing_Frost () bff9d6514366fe6ac0ca69db13c46eb1 - #40 ";(findDisplay 12) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";hint "Systems Online";MY_KEYDOWN_FNC ={switch (_this) do{c"10.03.2014 15:34:10: Ikeelbambies () 9fb47a840dddc1d05a4d59db62a35da4 - #65 "["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\infiSTAR_BLACK\setup\startup.sqf""10.03.2014 16:38:37: Ikeelbambies () 9fb47a840dddc1d05a4d59db62a35da4 - #77 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]";"10.03.2014 16:39:45: Ikeelbambies () 9fb47a840dddc1d05a4d59db62a35da4 - #77 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]";" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted March 22, 2014 Scripts 18.03.2014 20:03:24: |NST6|Bigboss () 145ae02141a268b5e7dd3618bc86ab60 - #77 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]"" 19.03.2014 13:45:55: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!v"19.03.2014 13:45:55: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #7 "Chris\Cstart.sqf"if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";clos"19.03.2014 13:45:55: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #11 "ap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"19.03.2014 13:45:55: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','"19.03.2014 13:45:55: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #17 "color="#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!vp.sqf];menu1 = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("P"19.03.2014 13:45:55: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "temMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','P"19.03.2014 13:46:00: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 " setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL selec"19.03.2014 13:46:00: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL select"19.03.2014 13:46:01: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:46:01: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:46:26: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 " setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL selec"19.03.2014 13:46:26: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL select"19.03.2014 13:46:26: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:46:26: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:46:27: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!v"19.03.2014 13:46:27: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #7 "Chris\Cstart.sqf"if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";clos"19.03.2014 13:46:27: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #11 "ap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"19.03.2014 13:46:27: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','"19.03.2014 13:46:27: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #17 "color="#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!vp.sqf];menu1 = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("P"19.03.2014 13:46:27: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "temMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','P"19.03.2014 13:46:45: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:46:45: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:46:47: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!v"19.03.2014 13:46:47: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #7 "Chris\Cstart.sqf"if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";clos"19.03.2014 13:46:47: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #11 "ap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"19.03.2014 13:46:47: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','"19.03.2014 13:46:47: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #17 "color="#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!vp.sqf];menu1 = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("P"19.03.2014 13:46:47: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "temMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','P"19.03.2014 13:46:51: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 " setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL selec"19.03.2014 13:46:51: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL select"19.03.2014 13:47:20: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:47:20: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:47:23: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!v"19.03.2014 13:47:23: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #7 "Chris\Cstart.sqf"if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";clos"19.03.2014 13:47:23: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #11 "ap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"19.03.2014 13:47:23: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','"19.03.2014 13:47:23: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #17 "color="#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!vp.sqf];menu1 = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("P"19.03.2014 13:47:38: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 " setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL selec"19.03.2014 13:47:38: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL select"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!v"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #7 "Chris\Cstart.sqf"if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";clos"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #11 "ap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #17 "color="#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!vp.sqf];menu1 = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("P"19.03.2014 13:47:41: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "temMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','P"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!v"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #7 "Chris\Cstart.sqf"if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";clos"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #11 "ap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #17 "color="#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!vp.sqf];menu1 = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("P"19.03.2014 13:47:44: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "temMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','P"19.03.2014 13:47:59: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 " setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL selec"19.03.2014 13:47:59: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",typeOf veh];};sleep 20;};hint "VM Stopping";i = 0;for "i" from 0 to j do{veh = VL select"19.03.2014 13:48:08: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:48:08: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "#line 1 "Chris\!sp.sqf"hint "Adding Player Markers";unitList = allUnits;j = count unitList;i = 0;markPos = true;while {m"19.03.2014 13:48:10: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!v"19.03.2014 13:48:10: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #7 "Chris\Cstart.sqf"if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";clos"19.03.2014 13:48:10: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #11 "ap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"19.03.2014 13:48:10: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #13 "ItemMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','"19.03.2014 13:48:10: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #17 "color="#66FFFF"">" + ("V esp") + "</t>"), "\Chris\!vp.sqf];menu1 = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFFF00"">" + ("P"19.03.2014 13:48:10: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #40 "temMap" in items player) then {player addweapon "ItemMap";};hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";closedialog 0;cutText ['','P"19.03.2014 13:48:14: Chris (IP) 7531704eeeac36cefc0e04b8f245834e - #37 ")+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];abox1 = createVehicle [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];abo" 21.03.2014 03:21:59: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #77 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""21.03.2014 03:22:00: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #0 "rue} do{if (_Lidx == -1) then{_Lidx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color="#FF6BDC"">" + ("|Open menu|") + "</t>"), "\Lo"21.03.2014 03:22:00: fox samuel101 ( 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #7 "Admin=true; isMayor=true; player addWeapon "Binocular"; player addWeapon "NVGoggles"; "21.03.2014 03:22:00: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #14 " AM </t>]; " -° LoganNZL's Hotkeys v7.4.2 °-"hintC parsetext"<t size='0.8'>"21.03.2014 03:22:00: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #17 "format ["<t size=1'font='Bitstream'align='center'>LoganNZL's menu Loaded c: INFO: v7.4.2 <3 | 08th Feb 12:40 AM </t>];21.03.2014 03:22:00: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #77 "#line 1 "LoganNZL\[email protected]"hint parseText format ["<t size=1'font='Bitstream'align='center'>LoganNZL's me"21.03.2014 03:22:00: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #77 "#line 1 "LoganNZL\LoganNZL@scripts\Ldefaultfilter.sqf""colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust[ 1.0, 1.2, -0.0005, [0.82, 1"21.03.2014 03:22:00: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #77 "#line 1 "LoganNZL\LoganNZL@scripts\Lhotk.sqf"if (!isnil "LoganHotKeys") then{(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHan"21.03.2014 03:22:04: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #0 "rue} do{if (_Lidx == -1) then_Lidx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FF6BDC"">" + ("|Open menu|") + "</t>"), "\Lo"21.03.2014 03:22:04: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #7 "Admin=true; isMayor=true; player addWeapon "Binocular"; player addWeapon "NVGoggles"; "21.03.2014 03:22:04: fox samuel101 ( 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #14 " AM </t>];" -° LoganNZL's Hotkeys v7.4.2 °-"hintC parsetext"<t size='0.8'>"21.03.2014 03:22:04: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #17 "format ["<t size=1'font='Bitstream'align='center'>LoganNZL's menu Loaded c: INFO: v7.4.2 <3 | 08th Feb 12:40 AM </t>];"hint parseText format ["<t size=1'font='Bitstream'align='center'>LoganNZL's me"if (!isnil "LoganHotKeys") then{(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHan"21.03.2014 03:22:10: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #0 "rue} do{if (_Lidx == -1) then{_Lidx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FF6BDC"">" + ("|Open menu|") + "</t>"), "\Lo"21.03.2014 03:22:10: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #7 "Admin=true; isMayor=true; player addWeapon "Binocular"; player addWeapon "NVGoggles"; "21.03.2014 03:22:10: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #14 " AM </t>];" -° LoganNZL's Hotkeys v7.4.2 °-"hintC parsetext"<t size='0.8'>"21.03.2014 03:22:10: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #17 "format ["<t size=1'font='Bitstream'align='center'>LoganNZL's menu Loaded c: INFO: v7.4.2 <3 | 08th Feb 12:40 AM </t>];"21.03.2014 03:22:10: fox samuel101 () 50bcd3f839be635bd24a0cb0ac1b334b - #77 "#line 1 "LoganNZL\[email protected]" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted March 23, 2014 (edited) 22.03.2014 16:32:28: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #60 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';"22.03.2014 16:32:39: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #60 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';"22.03.2014 16:32:39: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #60 "#line 1 "dayz-injector.sqf"execVM "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\startup.sqf";"22.03.2014 16:32:39: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #71 "#line 1 "dayz-injector.sqf"execVM "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\startup.sqf";"22.03.2014 16:32:39: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #11 "#line 1 "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\startup.sqf"closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];Titletext ['','PLAIN',0];endLoadingscreen;0 f"22.03.2014 16:32:39: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #71 "#line 1 "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\startup.sqf"closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];Titletext ['','PLAIN',0];endLoadingscreen;0 f"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #71 "#line 1 "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\antitp.sqf"sleep 1;[] spawn{_tempTime = time;time = "m0nkyaatp";sleep 3;[_tempTime] spawn{"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #15 "ayer getVariable['USEC_BloodQty', r_player_bloodTotal]))];hintSilent Shadowydbg;sleep 0.1;};}else{shadowydebug = 0;nest"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #17 "='2.0' color='%12'>Dobro</t><br/> <t size='2.0' color='%12'>Menu</t><br/> <t size='1.15' align='Center' color='#0080FF'>Curr"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #71 "#line 1 "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\sdebug.sqf"if (isnil "shadowydebug") then{shadowydebug = 0;};if (shadowydebug == 0) then{i "22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #13 "rLogin;};"dayzLoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler {};hint "Anti Anti Anti h4x on!";"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #40 "Login;};"dayzLoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler {};hint "Anti Anti Anti h4x on!";"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #71 "#line 1 "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\antihax.sqf""dayzLogin4" addPublicVariableEventHandler {};"dayzLogin3" addPublicVariableEventHan"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #7 "tTimes", faz3d];if !("ItemMap" in items player) then {player addWeapon "ItemMap"};(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [""22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #9 "to;if (vehicle player isKindOf "Air") then {vehicle player attachTo [_portto, [0, 0, 200]];} else {vehicle player attachTo [_po"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #24 ") && altstate) then{ _PoSFaze = (_this select 0) posScreenToWorld [_this select 2, _this select 3]; [_PoSFaze] spawn Tele;};"22.03.2014 16:32:40: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #71 "#line 1 "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\teleport.sqf"player setVariable ["lastPosition", faz3d];player setVariable ["lastTimes", faz3d];"22.03.2014 16:32:41: [CM]Bryan () ad2adec69b33c63d17de7ea80e402e34 - #17 "["ShadowyFaze Non-RE Menu", "Loaded!","] spawn BIS_fnc_infotext;" Remy (0dce4dacfb6c36e973611ace27946069) has been kicked by BattlEye: GameHack #38 Edited March 23, 2014 by tgtri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted March 23, 2014 (edited) hint "Hacks were succesfully loaded";Very subtle, that. Edited March 23, 2014 by kichilron Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted March 24, 2014 (edited) Remote EXE 23.03.2014 17:43:44: ~Ghost~ () f8ffdfda3e58678ec000bf10ad6eb654 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"23.03.2014 17:44:48: castromeiden98 () 56a7db12fb6915aec7893ebe29cb2fc0 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"SetPos23.03.2014 17:27:19: dave () 840f21809b22b986b8d18b4727315260 - #0 223:59 Sniper1_DZ [4383,2525,6]SCRIPT 24.03.2014 19:47:23: EASY frag () 2a89022ab5f0a650608ccc1fcd05d8ee - #59 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';" 25.03.2014 11:45:00: Kram () ee60074c30fe43d110234d5d23ef542d - #64 "execVM "\infiSTAR_chewSTAR_MenuinfiSTAR_chewSTAR_Menu.sqf";"25.03.2014 11:53:03: Kram () ee60074c30fe43d110234d5d23ef542d - #64 "execVM "\infiSTAR_chewSTAR_Menuwhatisthis.sqf";" 25.03.2014 13:30:29: -=BMTH=- Cam () 81989e95d7cae5606726f972403136d8 - #59 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';" Edited March 25, 2014 by tgtri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) Scripts26.03.2014 08:05:12: lewis () 7cdbaa43e0b8f7fa8c6ed73e6328cc41 - #76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]"" 26.03.2014 00:26:20: Ethan () c76cd68da2c09b8d064fc6f02c2b5cd1 - #64 "execVM "infiSTAR_SEVEN\setup\startup.sqf"; 26.03.2014 02:47:09: brother () bae2d6af1ad9c9f6c9f6c8799eddbea5 - #59 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';" 26.03.2014 22:00:42: Nuckz () d4d34f199870e9148730302742cfbb3c - #76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""26.03.2014 23:23:24: LCpl. L. Grant [10thMEU] () 530ed4677eb1fb29cc7144968714d09c - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction ['<t color=''#0000ff''>Tools Menu</t>', '\HarknessHaX\setup"26.03.2014 23:23:24: LCpl. L. Grant [10thMEU] () 530ed4677eb1fb29cc7144968714d09c - #15 "elcome %1\nSpacebar to Open Menu", name player], "PLAIN"];hintsilent format ["Tools Loaded"];["Admin Menu", "Welcome Helltex"]" Edited March 27, 2014 by tgtri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted March 29, 2014 (edited) Script29.03.2014 05:22:11: johnhandcock () 430b77d25fa543945b42fffced3aaac6 - #59 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';" 29.03.2014 13:14:40: jack the reaper () ac8685607a1d1e90cb6087c0aacacb92 - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFd900"">" + (" *** Zeus menu *** ") + "</t>"29.03.2014 13:14:40: jack the reaper () ac8685607a1d1e90cb6087c0aacacb92 - #11 "ded use select action to *** Zeus menu ***";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;if (isnil "tracker") then"29.03.2014 13:14:40: jack the reaper () ac8685607a1d1e90cb6087c0aacacb92 - #13 "#line 1 "zeus\start.sqf"hint "Hack is loaded use select action to *** Zeus menu ***";closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];en" 30.03.2014 01:28:12: [bH] DeadShot () 8d2413da57f0270776f87ebad473aaa1 - #76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""30.03.2014 01:28:47: [bH] DeadShot () 8d2413da57f0270776f87ebad473aaa1 - #76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""29.03.2014 22:10:24: Jeramy () 2bdd737bcbb330ed9ec0b15afbe0d502 - #76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]"" 30.03.2014 21:03:26: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #24 "say = _this; if (count _this > 2) then { if ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) distance (_say select 0) <= (_say select 2)) then {"30.03.2014 21:03:26: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #17 "s\ui\XEH_preClientInit.sqf"call ('\x\cba\addons\ui\flexiMenu\init.sqf' call SLX_XEH_COMPILE);30.03.2014 21:03:27: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #0 "onList, { _actionIndexes set [count (_actionIndexes), _veh addAction _value] }] call CBA_fnc_hashEachPair;waitUntil {sleep 1"30.03.2014 21:05:31: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #24 "say = _this; if (count _this > 2) then { if ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) distance (_say select 0) <= (_say select 2)) then {"30.03.2014 21:05:31: Leprachauns r Shiesters ) 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #17 "s\ui\XEH_preClientInit.sqf"call ('\x\cba\addons\ui\flexiMenu\init.sqf' call SLX_XEH_COMPILE);30.03.2014 21:05:43: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #0 "onList, { _actionIndexes set [count (_actionIndexes), _veh addAction _value] }] call CBA_fnc_hashEachPair;waitUntil {sleep 1"30.03.2014 21:08:33: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #24 "say = _this; if (count _this > 2) then { if ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) distance (_say select 0) <= (_say select 2)) then {"30.03.2014 21:08:33: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #17 "s\ui\XEH_preClientInit.sqf"call ('\x\cba\addons\ui\flexiMenu\init.sqf' call SLX_XEH_COMPILE);30.03.2014 21:08:46: Leprachauns r Shiesters () 34697514c6cb731aa29c0c9d86fe967b - #0 "onList, { _actionIndexes set [count (_actionIndexes), _veh addAction _value] }] call CBA_fnc_hashEachPair;waitUntil {sleep 1" Edited March 31, 2014 by tgtri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted April 1, 2014 (edited) 31.03.2014 17:38:11: cgfallout () c4fdaf61ee6d6a82eafdca1bf976a5b0 - #59 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';" 01.04.2014 23:58:06: DAMN () 753ad560a74454f12e99d34ade9991a0 - #24 "say = _this; if (count _this > 2) then { if ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) distance (_say select 0) <= (_say select 2)) then {"01.04.2014 23:58:06: DAMN () 753ad560a74454f12e99d34ade9991a0 - #17 "s\ui\XEH_preClientInit.sqf";call ('\x\cba\addons\ui\flexiMenu\init.sqf' call SLX_XEH_COMPILE);"01.04.2014 23:58:21: DAMN () 753ad560a74454f12e99d34ade9991a0 - #0 "onList, { _actionIndexes set [count (_actionIndexes), _veh addAction _value] }] call CBA_fnc_hashEachPair;;waitUntil {sleep 1" 01.04.2014 21:09:17: SgtVzla () 753ad560a74454f12e99d34ade9991a0 - #24 "say = _this; if (count _this > 2) then { if ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) distance (_say select 0) <= (_say select 2)) then {"01.04.2014 21:09:17: SgtVzla () 753ad560a74454f12e99d34ade9991a0 - #17 "s\ui\XEH_preClientInit.sqf";call ('\x\cba\addons\ui\flexiMenu\init.sqf' call SLX_XEH_COMPILE);"01.04.2014 21:09:40: SgtVzla () 753ad560a74454f12e99d34ade9991a0 - #0 "onList, { _actionIndexes set [count (_actionIndexes), _veh addAction _value] }] call CBA_fnc_hashEachPair;;waitUntil {sleep 1" Edited April 2, 2014 by tgtri 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jozef PL 0 Posted April 2, 2014 Im trying to appeal a Ban The Player Zyx was banned and him a being a massive and kind of popular troll I decided to join the game under the name of Zyx and mess with some people which i did and i was on for maybe 10-15 minutes messing with my mates and then i said Jk its Jozef logged off logged back on as my Original Name and proceeded to play and then later i got onAnd was battleeye banned for (Zyx) (Racisim/Offensive Language) Which is the original reason zyx got banned im not sure if this is the place to appeal a ban TG!Unbroken told me he wasn't able to raise my ban so he sent me here I miss it and messed up and haven't done anything bad enough to get banned this was just messing around gone wrong and i would love to play again if you need my steam its Jozef picture of a big priate ship and a woman in the picture from poland Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Jimmy 216 Posted April 3, 2014 Jozef PL please send me a PM on the forums, and we can sort this out. Cheers,Jimmy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Unbroken 1 Posted April 8, 2014 -Bans Scripts: 30.03.2014 00:19:53: Andrey161rus (IP) 60a18c05f2588b362d60a4bea888291f - #7 "_EP1";_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;player addWeapon 'ItemMap';};" 04.04.2014 22:29:56: Cosmos (IP) 2269d5bfa6462fe58a3c9d2c873049ec - #6 " 1 "Missions\life.sqf"GearAdd = (vehicle player);GearAdd addWeapon 'Mk_48_DES_EP1';GearAdd addMagazine '100Rnd_762x51_M240';"04.04.2014 22:33:28: Cosmos (IP) 2269d5bfa6462fe58a3c9d2c873049ec - #11 "ove;removeAllItems GearRemove;removebackpack GearRemove; cutText ["Gear deleted!", "PLAIN"];" 05.04.2014 14:29:03: State from jakefarm (IP) 67f2f069c9571dd81dba2a4156e58f49 - #7 "player addweapon "Mk_48"; player addMagazine "100Rnd_762x51_M240";" 06.04.2014 15:22:31: Sly Fox (IP) 77cbdd2189c679e500ba1aefdbd265b2 - #13 "hint "injection successful";" AddWeaponCargo: 05.04.2014 14:29:09: State from jakefarm (IP) 67f2f069c9571dd81dba2a4156e58f49 - #0 "Mk_48" 0:0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Unbroken 1 Posted April 8, 2014 Scripts: 07.04.2014 22:11:52: Bentley (IP) 37ddbb3fb934a5e2f33626bb69ce5f76 - #15 "namelist + [_wDName];};if (_i % 10==0) then {hintsilent format["Loading Weapons List... (%1)",count _weaponsList];" 07.04.2014 23:49:53: Jackz (IP) 198e110ba0cc7d0db837594ac74fd343 - #64 "#line 1 "startup.sqf"execVM "infiSTAR_SSH\setup\startup.sqf";if !(isNil "isExecuted") exitWith{sleep 1; isExecuted = nil;}"07.04.2014 23:53:40: Jackz ( 198e110ba0cc7d0db837594ac74fd343 - #0 "{true} do{if (_idx == -1) then{_idx = (vehicle player) addAction ['<t color=''#f7ff12''>Scroll Menu</t>', '\ASMV2\scrollmenu" 07.04.2014 23:53:40: Jackz (IP) 198e110ba0cc7d0db837594ac74fd343 - #15 "me %1\nThankyou for downloading!", name player], "PLAIN"];hintsilent format ["Thankyou for downloading from ***.net \nCredits:" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MetapoliC 263 Posted April 9, 2014 Wow I see this thread for the first time and I am so glad you people do all this work! I've checked like 4 pages here and I must say - Respect to you guys. Keep it going, show no mercy at all. The last time I've used cheats was about 15 years ago and it was StarCraft: Brood War ^^ I've realized how easy it was to beat the enemy with cheats and that makes no fun. I have no understanding for cheating, especially in this game. There is no excuse for that and it should not be tolerated ofcourse. Thanks for your great work guys, never played on the TG server but I now I will. Can I get the server info to play on it? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted April 10, 2014 10.04.2014 06:14:17: Ugly Bob () 9fbfe870cbd583f8a4e6efb8f8d05461 - #17 "execVM "\SIN\menu.sqf";"10.04.2014 06:14:17: Ugly Bob () 9fbfe870cbd583f8a4e6efb8f8d05461 - #0 "#line 1 "SIN\menu.sqf"player addAction ['Toggle Keymenu', '\SIN\keymenu.sqf'];player addAction ['Reset Menu', '\SIN\clearvar.s"10.04.2014 06:14:17: Ugly Bob () 9fbfe870cbd583f8a4e6efb8f8d05461 - #17 "#line 1 "SIN\menu.sqf"player addAction ['Toggle Keymenu', '\SIN\keymenu.sqf'];player addAction ['Reset Menu', '\SIN\clearvar.s"10.04.2014 06:14:17: Ugly Bob () 9fbfe870cbd583f8a4e6efb8f8d05461 - #11 "#line 1 "SIN\scripts\startup.sqf"closedialog 0;cutText ['','PLAIN',0];endloadingscreen;sleep 0.5;execVM "SIN\scripts\bindin"10.04.2014 06:14:21: Ugly Bob () 9fbfe870cbd583f8a4e6efb8f8d05461 - #75 "ombie Shield", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[exstr,"zombieshield.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],["Glue", [6], "", -5, [["expression"," Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Unbroken 1 Posted April 11, 2014 (edited) Removed. Edited April 15, 2014 by TG ! Unbroken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted April 12, 2014 11.04.2014 21:47:47: Eduardo () c809022f2a34b9b747ac6980172ee3a4 - #73 "execVM "wuat\hakestartup.sqf"; " Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BC_Hawke 276 Posted April 12, 2014 Wow I see this thread for the first time and I am so glad you people do all this work! I've checked like 4 pages here and I must say - Respect to you guys. Keep it going, show no mercy at all. The last time I've used cheats was about 15 years ago and it was StarCraft: Brood War ^^ I've realized how easy it was to beat the enemy with cheats and that makes no fun. I have no understanding for cheating, especially in this game. There is no excuse for that and it should not be tolerated ofcourse. Thanks for your great work guys, never played on the TG server but I now I will. Can I get the server info to play on it?Here's a link to 3480's info on gametracker: My squad and I LOVE this server! The last true vanilla server left that has consistently high population. Great population of players here too. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MetapoliC 263 Posted April 12, 2014 Here's a link to 3480's info on gametracker: My squad and I LOVE this server! The last true vanilla server left that has consistently high population. Great population of players here too. Thanks a lot man! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Unbroken 1 Posted April 13, 2014 Bans -Scripts: 12.04.2014 22:36:13: TigerUnicorn (IP) 926041d2e10d183f9d26f585cb8e46de - #13 "hint "Initilizing"" 13.04.2014 02:58:55: RandomGamerZ (IP) 695ea5d6877a6c383eb80aabc918c5d8 - #1 "le >> "CfgWeapons" >> _Lweapon >> "magazines"); {player addmagazine _x;player addmagazine _x;player addmagazine _x;player a"13.04.2014 02:58:55: RandomGamerZ (IP) 695ea5d6877a6c383eb80aabc918c5d8 - #7 "it;_Lweapon=_this select 1;_Lunit addWeapon _Lweapon;player addWeapon "Binocular";player addWeapon "NVGoggles";player addWe"13.04.2014 02:58:55: RandomGamerZ (IP) 695ea5d6877a6c383eb80aabc918c5d8 - #13 "player addmagazine _x;}foreach _Lmagazines; reload _Lunit; hint format ["%1 Added <3 Logan c:",_Lweapon];" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted April 13, 2014 12.04.2014 21:11:35: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #7 "H_DZ";_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;player addWeapon 'ItemMap';};"12.04.2014 21:13:27: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #1 "pons;{ for [{ b=0 },{ b < 10 },{ b = b + 1; }]do{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine; cutText ["Bandit Box Spawned"12.04.2014 21:13:27: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #6 "SafePos;_agent addBackPack 'DZ_Backpack_EP1';{ _agent addWeapon _x; _agent addWeapon _x; _agent addWeapon _x;_agent addWeap"12.04.2014 21:13:27: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #11 " + 1; }]do{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine; cutText ["Bandit Box Spawned!", "PLAIN", 2];};"12.04.2014 21:13:27: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #78 "{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine; cutText ["Bandit Box Spawned!", "PLAIN", 2];};"12.04.2014 21:17:28: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #1 "pons;{ for [{ b=0 },{ b < 10 },{ b = b + 1; }]do{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine; cutText ["Bandit Box Spawned"12.04.2014 21:17:28: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #6 "SafePos;_agent addBackPack 'DZ_Backpack_EP1';{ _agent addWeapon _x; _agent addWeapon _x; _agent addWeapon _x;_agent addWeap"12.04.2014 21:17:28: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #11 " + 1; }]do{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine; cutText ["Bandit Box Spawned!", "PLAIN", 2];};"12.04.2014 21:17:28: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #78 "{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine; cutText ["Bandit Box Spawned!", "PLAIN", 2];};"12.04.2014 21:27:24: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #7 "H_DZ";_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;player addWeapon 'ItemMap';};"12.04.2014 21:33:45: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #7 " 4;}; if(isNil "markers") then { markers = []};player addweapon "ItemMap";player addweapon "ItemGPS";Global"12.04.2014 21:33:45: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #8 "};};}; If (AddVehicleToMap) then {vehList = allmissionobjects "LandVehicle" + allmissionobjects "Air" + allmissionobj"12.04.2014 21:33:45: [RUSElita]pom1dor () d475344b83e56c926f04ab8b57e8d9a5 - #50 "e];};}; If (AddTentsToMap) then {tentList = allmissionobjects "Land_A_tent";j1 = count tentList;i1 = 0; for "i1""12.04.2014 11:50:24: Angry Jesus () 89a44c7bf0a99c660dcc86e23ba7dbf4 - #13 "hint "injection successful";"Set Pos12.04.2014 22:04:49: Ben Dover () 42cc94fabd3d19f3e782eb6b479afc5e - #0 141:24 Bandit1_DZ [9681,2876,103] 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Unbroken 1 Posted April 15, 2014 (edited) Removed. Edited April 15, 2014 by TG ! Unbroken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted April 15, 2014 (edited) Script 15.04.2014 07:05:35: XplicitiKiwi () fee8a9be2a91136528b49ee39866afa4 - #13 "hint "injection successful!";" 14.04.2014 16:07:41: DUAL SNIPES () 9c51f06c1c2ad2a738c211c78d0da983 - #7 "player addweapon "M4A1_AIM_SD_CAMO"; player addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD";"14.04.2014 16:07:44: DUAL SNIPES () 9c51f06c1c2ad2a738c211c78d0da983 - #7 "player addweapon "M4A1_AIM_SD_CAMO"; player addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD";"14.04.2014 16:07:47: DUAL SNIPES () 9c51f06c1c2ad2a738c211c78d0da983 - #7 "player addweapon "M4A1_AIM_SD_CAMO"; player addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD";"14.04.2014 16:13:11: DUAL SNIPES () 9c51f06c1c2ad2a738c211c78d0da983 - #7 "player addweapon "M4A1_AIM_SD_CAMO"; player addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD";" Set Pos 13.04.2014 15:22:54: Parasite () df52e146336503a4a1f168ed76701a46 - #0 46:6 Bandit1_DZ [13017,7548,5]13.04.2014 16:27:24: GuGU () db00bc45feaba5900950d0862190d4be - #0 2:1815 Survivor1_DZ [10568,2582,23]13.04.2014 20:14:30: GuGU () db00bc45feaba5900950d0862190d4be - #0 81:622 Bandit1_DZ [9807,4556,76]13.04.2014 20:14:55: Callipygian () 67260e3f4a6a768a3ef6a5c73666b069 - #0 81:622 Bandit1_DZ [11000,3018,6] Edited April 15, 2014 by tgtri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Unbroken 1 Posted April 16, 2014 Bans -Scripts: 15.04.2014 23:07:10: Alia The Gamer (IP) 1f883b4352d6e439b7e6a0eecef28da9 - #76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]"" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Unbroken 1 Posted April 18, 2014 Bans Scripts: 18.04.2014 06:32:48: SlabOfShit23 (IP) d9dbf50f7d856afa1e585130721140d0 - #59 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tgtri 23 Posted April 18, 2014 (edited) Script 15.04.2014 20:51:44: AussieBobby (ip) 084156c2eb2ad78e92bb6dda7e0430d1 - #59 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';" Set Pos15.04.2014 17:01:09: Tohkinator (ip) 456719722f45a75ed5d155f6cea59296 - #0 154:5 Survivor2_DZ [2096,2226,6]18.04.2014 08:52:24: Sinistral (ip) 7134f55470489162cb09516e13ae061a - #0 240:7 Survivor2_DZ [5867,2073,4]18.04.2014 08:53:20: Jordan (ip) a321df2abb62a250ef2b3bc81280d779 - #0 240:7 Survivor2_DZ [11764,4597,191] 18.04.2014 14:53:23: Liam Neeson () 406c7df5d1883cdeb34c42175f7c312a - #0 248:5 Survivor3_DZ [4345,8065,321] 19.04.2014 11:20:03: JONBOY () d5b2ac35ceec39ad5c768c3dec6a4ffe - #6 " 1 "Missions\life.sqf"GearAdd = (vehicle player);GearAdd addWeapon 'M4A1_HWS_GL_camo';GearAdd addWeapon 'M4A1_AIM_SD_camo';G"19.04.2014 11:22:54: JONBOY () d5b2ac35ceec39ad5c768c3dec6a4ffe - #6 " 1 "Missions\life.sqf"GearAdd = (vehicle player);GearAdd addWeapon 'M4A1_HWS_GL_camo';GearAdd addWeapon 'M4A1_AIM_SD_camo';G" Edited April 19, 2014 by tgtri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites