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British Sergeants' Mess - [BSM] **Fully Admin'd** & Whitelisted - TAVIANA.COM

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Oh nooooooooo :D

In other news:

PvP will be running this weekend. Same as before, you spawn kitted up with rifle of our choice and your usual database entry will be re-instated on Tuesday next week.

We've also got a nice surprise for the hacking tw*ts that are sure to join. Be sure to keep your eyes open for the wails from their rotten lips.

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I was looking forward to getting my character kitted up to f*ck and setting up a camp for myself, but jesus, the last PVP weekend was so fun.

Looking forward to it chaps!

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PvP risk assessment. item 1

C4 road blocks

Hazards: explosion, fire, accidental detonation while arming, shrapnel, noise, pressure piling

Risks: shock, burns, deafness, fatality

Likelihood: extremely likely

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Congrats. We could not have done it without you, Silver.

To all the admins that have strung their balls out to keep the BSM flag flying high, I salute you.

To all the regs that keep us in a job and keep coming back for more, we salute you.

To all the new folks who have recently joined the fun, ride the waves! You are part if the greatness.

To all the hackers banned and yet to be banned. We shake you warmly by the throat.

All of the above made it possible.

See our Servers tab and click the GameTracker image. Rank is just a representation of global popularity but it is not the be all and end all. BSM takes pride in offering you the best whether its for 40 people or for 10 people. We've been doing this since 2001 and will continue for as long as we can hold our cocks to piss.

**toasts you all.

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yeah m8 ill throw my 2 cents in here.

Been playing on BSM servers since early 2011 (BF3) and when i found out they had a DayZ server, i dropped all the other serves for this one. Always have good, active and FAIR admins online and the community as a whole is fantastic.

Thanks to all those who make it possible!

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Good Job folks! Well done :thumbsup: :beans:

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49 names in three days. So far so good.

The expected date for whitelisting will be brought forward. Hackers are so common in this game it's ridiculous. They think its acceptable to spawn themselves in items to get the edge. Others will teleport to their friends. Some just drag everyone to the same spot so they all get wiped out. Absolute cunts.

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i prefer to think of them as the dumb offspring of brother and sister having sexual relations!

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Get your names down guys. Last day or so for the whitelist switch on.

Almost 150 successful applications since Wednesday!

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havent recieved my confirmation from your forum to register for some reason ? :(

sorted now thanks!

Edited by berendir

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havent recieved my confirmation from your forum to register for some reason ? :(

sorted now thanks!

What name did you use to register? I'll get it looked at for you

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If your post with your guid is given a right Royal Huzzah! (Our version of give you beans) then you are approved and added.

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can the vodnic go in the water?

yes it can.

Edited by Sgt.Ganji

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can the vodnic go in the water?

ohh hell yes they can. Its good to do to avoid all the nabs that sit at the bridge sniping

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One thing bridge rats never bank upon, being taken from behind. A coordinated attack could eliminate a road block quite quickly.

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How is the white list working out for everyone? Let us know here or in our forums.

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Hey guys, I haven't received the confirmation mail after registration for some reason, could you look at it pls? Registered with the name WM

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WhiteMouse; Did you register on our forum?

Check out the features being added tomorrow.

Nowhere else will these scripts exist.


- Smoke pods toggle on planes (M7, AN2, C130, MV22)

- Switch seats in air vehicles (to pilot, gunners and cargo)

- Smelt 4 whiskey bottles into Windscreen Glass at a fire

- Take clothing from dead players

- Czech Vest Pouch is also an explosive vest

- Rig vehicles with satchels to detonate on engine ignition

- Ground Fog between 3-6am

- HALO jump now with second parachute

- DANCE! Look at fire from 20m and scroll to dance!

Register for our whitelist here


Edited by Sgt.Trojan

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Yes, I did, but couldn't finish the process since I've never received the confirmation mail which I need to activate my account

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