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Spawned in "Nowhere"

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• Have you tried to restart Arma II? Steam? Computer?. Yes and many times

• Is your Arma II or DayZ Mod files up to date? Yes, they are.

• Have you tried to update battle-eye recently? Install? Reinstall? My Battle-eye version is up-to-date.

• Have you tried searching the forum? Yes, I did.

• Did you check the other stickied threads yet? Yes, I did.

Few days ago I was playing on DayZ server RU6(Date of that day was 12.06.2012). After few minutes of playing I disconnected and haven't played untill next day. On the next day I've joined NY6 server and spawned in "Nowhere". I've tried to relogin and other stuff, that is recommended in "Bug reports" forum section, but that didn't help. Can my character recieve Position reset without being killed\inventory cleared?. Screens included.

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Either re spawn, or try running east.

Or search "Dubug Forest"

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Friend of mine spawned in the debug wilderness, Chernarus is a tow hour run south east.

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I've never come across this.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Hahah indeed, not seen 15 other threads like this today.

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Not being an ass here, just looking for clarity. Debug Forest has trees, to my knowledge anyway. Maybe this is off the map?

Maybe they moved players to another debug location off map since the on map debug area was causing serious problems.

Weird situation nonetheless. xD

Debug Forest Vid:

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I've been in "Debug forest" many times and figured out its' location on map. It's not Debug forest, cause i'm stuck in a place that's called Development desert(outskirts of game map).

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