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Serious Stan

DayZ goldsellers and ingame spam reports, handling and solutions?

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Hey, i doubt this has ever been brought up but like any other item involved games DayZ will probably be a victim of goldsellers(in this case itemsellers)

What is the devs/admins answer to this? how will we fight it.

If you buy an ingame DayZ item, lets say an as50 over a website is this illegal or not. is it banabel? typos.

I can atleast think of some websites and forums that has kinds of money you can buy and spend for trades of for money.

this would mean that you have an amount of money on another website not directly from dayz but you could still use it to buy dayZ items.

basically you can sell an item and get an amount of money that you can buy something else with.

Any openions please

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It has been tried before, I recall seeing posts of people trying to sell stuff to other players on here and gaining the wrath of the Mods.

You would have to be incredibly stupid to want to buy anything in this game from someone. Or incredibly mis-informed. You can trade, that exists now, but buying? Why buy something when you can easily find it in game?

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Buying something using real life money would be the silliest thing to do. Anyone with half a brain would know that.

Death is beyond easy to occur in DayZ. There's no point in buying something when it can be lost in an instant.

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Hello there

Whilst arguably "meta gaming", as far as I understand it, let's say the practice of selling in game items is "not good at all" and will incur some "mod wrath" if found out.

But AFAIK the mechanics in the SA don't really lend themselves to this kind of exploitation, as (as inception points out) items are inherently fleeting.

You'd have to be as daft as a bucket of eels to want to pay for gear.



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why in the hell would i buy something in dayz for real money,

and why would i care if anyone else does?

trading is happening in dayz without RMT, i personally couldn't care less if

someone is getting money for the trade, its not like other mmo's where RMT is a severe pain in the rear.

bohemia will likely have a different view on that, but i fail to see how it would affect me as a player.

its not like you die, buy new gear on some website, and be full equipped again within 5 minutes.

neither would it be realistic to think people would pay real money for items, when loosing them is so

easy in a game with perma death. that concept would die really quickly.

Edited by Azrail
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I see what you guys mean, ofcourse it would be stupid to buy dayZ items for real life money.

Another thing i mentioned still remains unanswered. Or its hard to explain.

On a website like dayZ its hard to say: I have cz550 I NEED a mp5SD.

On another website you can SELL this cz550 for lets say 150 website money (NOT IRL MONEY) but you can if you want buy these kind of money for IRL money.

with these 150 forum cash you can buy whatever you want in dayz on the same forum maybe 2 days later you see someone selling the item you want for 100 forum cash then you earned 50 cash..

whats the openion on this?

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Hello there

It's unlikely that for a game like DAYZ anyone would bother setting up such a site as essentially they would firstly have to fund the venture to equate the "credits" into RL $.

I just don't think the economy (or item delivery structure) is there and ingame barterting/trades already exist and work well.

I understand the point, I just dont think it will be an issue.

If it does start to happen, we will see what needs to be done.



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Buying something using real life money would be the silliest thing to do. Anyone with half a brain would know that.

Death is beyond easy to occur in DayZ. There's no point in buying something when it can be lost in an instant.

that's not how the brains of "item buyers" work.

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Nah can't ever see this happening.. The community has a damn good trading set up as it is, and to be realistic you would trade with items in the apocalypse not credits as such.. not anything of any value anyway.

Being this the case the Standalone should be no different to how it is now, you want good loot? go out and earn it, then trade away...

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that's not how the brains of "item buyers" work.

it takes two brains for a trade. the brains of "item sellers" work quite differently.

being a mmo player for a while i had to deal with RMT alot. not as a buyer, of course xD

Edited by Azrail

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Is this discussion dead yet? I hope so this is the absolute biggest no brainer I've seen lately.

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I read in these forums , a server admin that heard a convo. with a hacker via player . The player was buying items off the hacker. I say this could happen , ppl are stupid to hack , why not buy items , sad but true.

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Please move to grave yard. Couldn't think of more stupid "issue" to discuss...

Care to elaborate?

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and this is one of the things i think DayZ has done better than WarZ. WarZ has said they will have some kind of money or tokens that are traded with and NPCs. Where in DayZ civilization is truly destroyed and anyone trying to do this kind of thing is stupid and will only hurt themselves and i say let em.

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Rocket has already stated that any Pay 2 Play options are not going to happen in the standalone. Don't see how this topic has made it this far without someone already mentioning that part....

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I see what you guys mean, ofcourse it would be stupid to buy dayZ items for real life money.

Another thing i mentioned still remains unanswered. Or its hard to explain.

On a website like dayZ its hard to say: I have cz550 I NEED a mp5SD.

On another website you can SELL this cz550 for lets say 150 website money (NOT IRL MONEY) but you can if you want buy these kind of money for IRL money.

with these 150 forum cash you can buy whatever you want in dayz on the same forum maybe 2 days later you see someone selling the item you want for 100 forum cash then you earned 50 cash..

whats the openion on this?

^ that statement makes his entire question answered and done...

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