logan23 118 Posted November 20, 2012 This topic will cover the Standalone of Dayz Servers and Server hopping.I truly believe that Server Hopping needs to be addressed because it could destroy DayZ’s ecosystem and make the game impossible to balance.In MMOs they usually have the player choose one Server and all characters are created on that one Server.With DayZ, they are targeting to hold up to 200 players for the map/Server. The problem comes up when you have some large Clans join a server which means that 200 sounded large but can get filled up fast, possible. So now you have a character but your friends have a hard time getting on the server do to them being maxed out. This is where Server Transfers or Server Hopping happens if you’re on one server and your friends are on another you simple jump to their server. But we have seen this abused and leads to making it impossible to balance loot since players can hop from server to server.There are possible solutions to protect the Standalone-1- Player creates a character on ServerA and that character can’t jump to another Server. ServerA is home for that character. Now if the player sees ServerA is full they can go to ServerB and make a different character. This would completely remove the Server Hopping but it will also cause some issues at launch since it will take awhile to figure out what Servers will be available more often when you target the time to play. The benefit is the player can have their Clan character to use when their Clan is playing- jump to that server. If their clan or friends are not around they could be playing with their lone wolf character on a different server. (Also the issue of character transfers might come up but since death in the game is guaranteed, it really doesn't cause too many issues, and others might disagree.)2- If Players are allowed to Server Hop in the Alpha/Beta stages of DayZ, there are still ways to help limit some of the issues. One is that, players who are on SeverD and wish to jump to ServerF with the same character, they, must wait for 30 mins to 1 hour. (Times would be tweaked based on testing.) This will cut down on exploiting the server hopping but also the player needs to be able to have more than one character so if PlayerA gets word that they are on ServerF and he is on ServerD, he could jump onto the same server with a character created on that server so he doesn't have to wait 30 mins- 1 hour. (The timer must be attached to the character on that server who is hopping since if it’s on the User’s ID Account, then the player will simply choose another character to play as and jump in game and then after 5 mins, he would go back to the original which would be cleared of the Server Hopping wait time.)Why this is important:Most MMO Worlds, they are instanced or unchanged by player actions in the permanent manner.DayZ allows player to live, breath and build their own civilization or chaos as the players see fit on each Server.I personally want players feel as if they own this world/server.The building that was destroyed because a player crashed a chopper into it is still there with the damage. Whenever a player walks by they will remember when that happens or wonder what happen here. This site could become a new landmark which is unique to this Server alone. Each Server over time will go from what it looked like to something different because of player actions. Server hopping would degrade the experience since the player’s character wouldn't be attached to the server/world.DayZ allows you and your friends tell a story but it only matters if it’s in the same world/server. This would show up greatly when more make shift construction is allowed.What we would see is Servers would start creating their own identities as if they are parallel universes of each other. They started the same but after a few months each will be shaped.You will have PvP focus players gravitate to DayZ servers that have more PvP players as well as many other clicks/factions within the player base will be created.With having one character per server (there can be a limit you can create- can’t have someone making one character per all server) you will allow players to have their lone wolf character, their PvP character, survivor, etc.This would allow everyone get what they want and players will actually get to know each other which can lead to rivalry or partnerships. We will see legends build for those who help and those who love to kill. (Win-Win situation )If Server hopping is not handled sometime after the alpha release (before beta and final release) you will find it almost impossible to balance loot and other mechanics since loot are not rare when you can hop across 5 servers to stock piling. If this game is to keep its survival edge it needs to block players from stockpiling or we will have like in the Mod players with the max guns and loads of ammo – leads to players getting bored and start killing players or do more death match style combat not because they want to but because they have nothing else to do with all their ammo and supplies.PvP will always be in the game but there should always be that risk and reward with your limit of supplies. (EX. Resident Evil 1 –first half of the game)Let me know what you think, 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted November 20, 2012 (edited) In MMOs they usually have the player choose one Server and all characters are created on that one Server.Which makes this suggestion already impossible because there are not 1000 player per server like f.e. in PotBS and the system isn't really made for MMOs. And you can't limit the game to private hives only because there are a lot of changes host wise, a lot disappear overnight as well as new ones starting to host.Beeing locked to a server until it goes down or having the ability to switch servers with cooldown time or an equipment penalty should be ok.One character per server is also ok but adds a lot of load to the hive. Edited November 20, 2012 by Enforcer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarcDaKind 37 Posted November 20, 2012 Two very good solutions here, I actually thought of number two myself a few days back.Most players wants to have one main home server where they have all their vehicles and camps, so I don't really see any real problems with solution one. Me and my group play on a private hive server, and it is much more fun because you get a real sense of community and remember the names of the other frequent players and clans. The only problem is when the server is full, but it is well worth it to wait those 10 minutes to get that private hive experience!Being able to go to NW barracks and server hop 10 times on low pop servers until you get that coyote and MK48 really needs to be addressed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayZoey 110 Posted November 20, 2012 Hate to be a buzzkill fellas but this subject has already been brought up some time ago, should thread search before posting. :( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted November 21, 2012 (edited) I just posted this on another thread.Main server is where you spawn.If you wanna jump to new server you will be placed somewhere up north near debug plains and have to travel down.Maybe have a squad jump ability so you can move your whole squad to new server to raid the known squad bases there?I can see this being excellent if or rather when Dayz gets construction up and running. Edited November 21, 2012 by wolfstriked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted December 19, 2013 Simple solution for server hopping for gear farming. If the player joins a server at a location, then leaves and joins another server, that player will not be able to loot ANY item within 1000+ meter radius of where they spawned in for at least 20 minutes. So they have to leave that area if they wish to survive. On top of that the more often the player hops server the further the radius gets and the longer the cool down time is on being able to return to that area and loot items. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hosty 647 Posted December 19, 2013 Solution for server hopping: Cooldown on joining server is atleast 30-40 minutes, and that's being kind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites