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Guerilla Warfare Tactics

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I. Introduction

Greetings DayZ community! I, like many others, am a career bandit. I enjoy the fighting parts of the game, raiding, scouting, firefighters, ect. I enjoy DayZ over regular ARMA due to 3 reasons. 1, I am a huge guerilla fighter, I like to have the best advantage over my oponents and create elaborate traps for them. And I think Day Z really captures that ability. 2, I love having to "survive" in a combat environment, even if it isnt very hard at the moment. 3, I love the immersion of the game, and the amount of PVPers.

I am bringing you guys a couple ideas for more indepth Guerilla warfare tactics. Using some things that are already in the game, some that are not.

II. Clothing

So, currently there are 3 types of clothing that you can find, 2 that you can earn. But none can really be customized to the soldiers needs. What I am talking about here is camo. The ghillie suit is all well and good, but most places it does not blend. To allow scouts/snipers or anyone else to customize their camo to their surroundings is something very easy to do. First, a new clothing pack to be added. It will be called "Blank Jumpsuit". What this will be is pretty much a 1 piece jump suit, with a hood and dark green boots. With this, you wil be able to make custom camo. If you have a hunting knife, you can approach a tree and cut leaves off of it. Then you can simply right click and select add to jumpsuit. You need to get leaves from 4 trees to get full camo. If you are in a dense brush area, you could get leaves from that brush. If you are in a grassy plain, get grass and grass colored leaves. These can be removed.

III. Weapons

This idea is building off the one above. You only gun in the game that is camo'd with actual good camo is the SVD camo. You should be able to do this with same method as above.

Next, weapon traps. What is the best way to get an enemies attention without putting yourself in danger? An explosive? Maybe, but what if you want them to walk into an ambush. Here is my idea, say you have a spare M4. You can take string(a new item that will be used quite often in my ideas), which would be aquired from bows, or residential loot spots. With the string you could set the weapon to fire on command(hotkey). So say you prop the weapon next to a tree, pointing towards an enemy patrol. You could draw their fire while your team moves in and removes the threat from the rear. Of course the weapon could not be reloaded, but it could also be picked up and used again.

Next, is another type of decoy. You can take a spare magazine, or clip, and put the bullets in a pile on the ground. With matches(and a wood pile), you could light them and it will make the sound of gunfire, which could draw attention to the location and used to flank the enemy.

IV. Explosives/Traps

Alright first idea is a type of trip mine. You can take string(remember from before?) and tie it between 2 trees, a door frame, hallway, anything really, within a reasonable distance apart. Tie one to the pin of the grenade, boom you have a trip mine.

This can also be used to make a disguised explosive. You could take some cans, and put a grenade under, vehicle runs over it, you have a road spike type explosive. This would remove a wheel or if it was a bad hit maybe the engine and damage a player. This could be upped by a claymore(which would decimate the vehicle).

This next idea is a non explosive trap, what it involves is an entrenching tool and leaves. With the entrenching tool, you would dig a little ditch. By no means is this a huge hole, and you put leaves of it. If someone is running/sprinting over it, they will break their ankle. Would be perfect for an ambush, coupled with a trip while trap it would be deadly.

Traps would expire every 3 hours.

V. Tracking

One thing I would MAJORLY, is tracking. Here is what i am thinking, you could "inspect" things that have been dropped by the player and it would tell you how long ago it was dropped. So say, someone drops a makarov, you can track them with it. Also, when you drink a soda/eat it should create a can(except meat) that you could either take with you or drop. This can be inspected too. Now another thing is tracks, tracks will only last 20 minutes, and can be followed.

Thoughts on these ideas? I'd love some critisisms or expansions off these ideas.

Edited by Krihelion
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In your second last paragraph, do you mean tracks will only stay for like 20 minutes when you say "tracks will only like 20 minutes"?

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Using a string to pull the trigger? Is that meant to be a joke of some kind?

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I doubt anyone actually patrols regularly in a matter that allows them to be ambushed.

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In your second last paragraph, do you mean tracks will only stay for like 20 minutes when you say "tracks will only like 20 minutes"?

Meant to stay last for 20 minutes, my bad.

Using a string to pull the trigger? Is that meant to be a joke of some kind?

Humour me for a second and imagine the weapon is strongly secured, it would be possible to pull the trgger with a string rapped around it.

I doubt anyone actually patrols regularly in a matter that allows them to be ambushed.

That was just an example, this could be used to ambush people that you know are traveling that way, to create a choke poinit(if they are spotted).

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