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Murder and NVG's

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My two suggestions.

One; if you are are given the shock status by another player, you should be able to kill that player without it being 'murder'.

Two; add VERY low chance NVG to military loot supplies.

Whose bright idea was it to have the NVG only spawn in two places in the same damn geographic area?

Way to make a server-hopping hotspot and a shooting gallery. It isn't survival any more. It's come down to 'Hey, let's go server hop at the barracks, find NVG's, and CAMP NOOBS! :D'

Average time a server spends in pitch black CAN'T-SEE-SH*T-CAPTAIN mode: EIGHT HOURS. A DAY.

Now tell me how many people have NVG's, and tell me that it's fair that they're so rare. Servers at night are impossible.

I get that night time is meant to be scary. Wooooo. You know what's scarier than night time? The fact that the only people who bother with night time servers are either server hopping, or already have NVG's.

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limit the life of nvgs

like one hour of use max.

this would help a lot and make them less rare then.

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Make them a lot more common even, but have them require batteries. Batteries could be a medium-rare drop in supermarkets and urban environments. That way, even if you have NVG's, you're not a god. NVG's at night right now are completely overpowered. If that's even the right word.

Unfair springs to mind.

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I have a pair of NVGs and I can pretty much sneak up on anyone at night, and I know I have the advantage. I feel like if you spent the time to actually earn them you should have the reward of using them; of course they have an advantage and it's unfair.. They're NIGHT VISION GOGGLES. However, agreeing with the previous posts they should take batteries that are semi-hard to find so you're not invincible with them.

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The problem with rare items is that eventually someone posts the location on the net and everyone spawn camps the item. Or they just server surf util they can get what they want.

This is why drops for rare equipment must be random and in several spots.

I'd like to see some rares items be a reward for helping in game NPCS against zombie attacks. Or a random event triggered by player movment in uncommon areas. Basically something that cannot be camped.

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NVGs spawn in the south too.. one of my clanmates found some at balota.. they're rare.. deal with it.. ive never found anyone with them..

Server hopping needs to be fixed I agree, as well as ghosting.

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I dont have NVGs and I play on night time servers ~ 50% of the time. It is easier to avoid zeds. You just need to have patience and not do stupid things. Things like staying out in open ground, using the roads etc. Even in Cherno I can go about my business at night without getting shot at. You need to have your wits about you and be careful.

Ears help to.

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terribad ideas, nvgs are useless now anyways, as almost all nights have moons.

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NVG's at night right now are completely overpowered. If that's even the right word.

Unfair springs to mind.

Welcome to DayZ.

IRL at night you would have an advantage with NVGs against someone without them.

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I would love to see NVG run on batteries so you have a certain amount of use for them so you must ration how often you use the NVG before you need to get new batteries.

I guess that would mean a new item Batteries, could also be used for flashlight or radios -when they are added to the game.

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+1 on batteries, not only for nvg, but also for all flashlights, gps, and anything else that runs on electricity.

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