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Penny Sue

[DayZ SA] Will DayZ remain a sandbox game forever?

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Glad to see people talking about this; it's quite interesting to read some other perspectives here.

scumbag OP advocates freedom but doesn't want PVP. Everyone knows that in the zombie apocalypse the real threat is the living.

You really are a witless fucking retard aren't you? Obviously didn't read a damn thing I wrote, which is fine, but don't reply with some insult that doesn't even apply to what I said.

Wow. Seriously? Scumbag? For not exactly liking getting shot for no reason? Think before you speak. Better yet, read before you speak. He wants freedom. He makes clear in his closing sentence.

THANK YOU! Maybe I wasn't overtly clear on my personal stance with PvP. It's a wonderful thing and should remain a very important part of DayZ SA. A great many people love the competition and challenge. Even many of those who don't enjoy PvP love that it's there because it adds more risk, realism, and depth to the game experience.

For peoples opinions on the topic to make sense you have to realise, freedom is a matter of perspective. There's a lot of difference between structuring a game world and infringing peoples liberties. The players in DayZ are given many, many freedoms, but it's still as restrictive as any other game. It has to be, at the very least for the sake of creating a challenge and providing the tools required to overcome it. It IS still a game.

In any case, that's not a bad thing. It's quite unlike any other online experience I've had, and this topic (for me at least) is a case of, "the less you think about it the better it will be".

@Penny Sue - You clearly spent a while pondering this, Kudos. I personally like the uncertainty of it all. Probably best not to worry about it turning into Ultima Online, lest you end up too apprehensive to enjoy it for what it is.

I highlighted something that struck me there. I'm really glad I got into this game before it goes stand alone and (hopefully!) mainstream. This truly could be one of those rare games that only comes around every decade or so and you'll look back years from now while talking to your friends and say "OHHH man remember when DayZ first came out?!" It could be one of those iconic games where decades from now people ask if you played it 'back in the day'.

What I am worried about is years from now we could be saying "It was SOOOO awesome back then!" but it changed for the worse due to all the crybabies.

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I like as much freedom as possible in any game. In DAYZ though, people should think of giving players a reason to kill others. As well NOT to kill others.

Else, the genre will tend too much towards a form of "COD with zombies" type of game.

It only depends on how limited or unlimited our phantasy will be.

Also, these settings related, should be alterable in server tools.

Why not add a "warning sound" when other player is within 50 meter range? Or within viewing range?

Why not allow players to choose to play "friendly", and allow them to have much more health (5x the usual), than those choosing "bandit" (But let them die when killing another player who didn't start shooting at them, for not to allow misuse their choice) Why? Bandit has to do lots more to kill "friendlies", While killing other "bandits" isn't any harder.

Bandit has always the dillemma: Should I start this fight, or not?

One of the main reasons for me, not to like the game so much anymore, is the almost always Killing On Sight happening lately. If it would have any reason, I could understand.

But there is no benefit, and thus no motivation to not kill other players, and play together.

It just get very very boring, to being shot all the time, carrying almost nothing, not being able to even start playing a game (spawn killers). It just takes away motivation.

For me, if on certain servers, a "wanna take revenge?" button would appear, being killed for the xth time at spawn or close by, allowing to respawn in the neighborhood, fully equipped to do just that, would be welcomed very much... Then those dirtbags would have something to worry about all of a sudden.

Talking about a challenge, everybody yells about, that they want... Well, that would be one.

Actually going by what you say, you don't like freedom in a game. You want to inhibit other peoples freedom to play the way they want so that you can play carelessly. That is why you suggest a warning sound when players are within 50 metres or viewing range, or why you want 5 times health than those who play as bandits.

There is always a reason to kill on site in this game. You may have something I need, and I won't know that til after I kill you. It might be a band-aid or painkillers, which newly spawned characters have. Maybe I need food or drink. Maybe I just passed a rifle and don't want you picking it up and coming after me. Maybe I'm shooting for the ultimate bandit rep. Every player is a potential walking lootbag.

How often do you actually get killed by spawn killers? People spawn in such far away places from where they died that it would take enormous patience to spawnkill in this game. I don't think it's ever happened to me.

Join a clan, find some friends and group up. The game could use some grouping mechanisms, but you could use a chat program running at the same time as the game. Make hunting bandits part of your challenge.

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personaly i dont think there is anything different we can expect from the SA vs. what we see today in the mod,

the KoS epidemic will continue, maybe have a slight lull at first launch as people go about exploring the map again, but in very short order it will be camping the hills above Electro to pop nubs as per usual..

i dont think Rocket can fix DayZ without putting into places rulesets vs play styles.

with freedom ala DayZ ur gunna be stuck in a game world full of asshats. simple as that.

While in game mechanisms like squads or something would help alot, nothing really prevents you from forming a clan of like minded players, grouping up on a server, and working together. FFS if you know the snipers are going to be camping on the hill above electro, group up and come around from the back side of the hill, and shoot them from behind.

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I like as much freedom as possible in any game. In DAYZ though, people should think of giving players a reason to kill others. As well NOT to kill others.
Standalone sounds like it's aiming to make survival an absolute bitch, so lack of medical gear/rations IS a reason to kill others if you're so inclined.

If it all goes the way it sounds, people will be too busy killing one another for a tin of beans to kill for fun.

When bandits have to go back to banditry to survive, there should be no cause for complaint.

Not just killing on sight is HARD mode. That's why most would shoot first, make excuses later.

I try to keep other survivors alive because I choose to, that's what SANDBOX means.

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Wow. Seriously? Scumbag? For not exactly liking getting shot for no reason?

Think before you speak. Better yet, read before you speak. He wants freedom. He makes clear in his closing sentence.

Who likes getting shot in general? No reason? Try all of your gear, maybe I don't want to find out if this guy is friendly or not. He says he wants freedom but from what? Other players? I thought all the care bears are playing the War Z so they could just pay for there supplies. You're right maybe scumbag is the wrong word. How about coward or maybe pansy? Does that fit better?

ps: lol at l2read seriously?

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Standalone sounds like it's aiming to make survival an absolute bitch, so lack of medical gear/rations IS a reason to kill others if you're so inclined.

If it all goes the way it sounds, people will be too busy killing one another for a tin of beans to kill for fun.

When bandits have to go back to banditry to survive, there should be no cause for complaint.

Not just killing on sight is HARD mode. That's why most would shoot first, make excuses later.

I try to keep other survivors alive because I choose to, that's what SANDBOX means.

I agree,

I have a feeling the Standalone will be going back to the early days of DayZ,...

where comments about TEARS were common and yummy!

I think they will introduce new weapons and items, slowly.

I can't see them dropping all the Arma2 military weapon assets into the standalone.

It needs to be built from the ground up. The DayZ standalone should have a personality of it's own verse the mod.

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Who likes getting shot in general? No reason? Try all of your gear, maybe I don't want to find out if this guy is friendly or not. He says he wants freedom but from what? Other players? I thought all the care bears are playing the War Z so they could just pay for there supplies. You're right maybe scumbag is the wrong word. How about coward or maybe pansy? Does that fit better?

ps: lol at l2read seriously?

You still didn't read it. He says that there's going to be a lot of KOS and a lot of complaining from OTHER people. He says that he's worried that the DayZ devs will put systems in the game that restrict KoS. That's what He's worried about.


The majority of the time, people don't shoot others for their gear. They shoot others for fun. You might not, but others do.


I didn't tell him to learn to read. If he can spell, he can read. I told him to use his ability to read, cause he obviously didn't. You didn't either.

Edited by colekern

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I hope they WON'T change it. DayZ should be DayZ.

And DayZ IS open sandbox. Something else, even a little bit, would ruin the game for me.

The players make the stories, not the devs.

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