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BenKen (DayZ)

More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

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Some Surviving realism-suggestions:

- you have a stamina bar

- you also have a breath bar

- the breath bar is always 20 % of your stamina bar, so when your staminabar drops, your maximum breathlevel also drops

- every movement decrease your stamina bar a bit(normal running, going, sprinting)

- when you sprint, your breathbar drops, this also decrease your stamina bar a bit

- when your breathbar is zero, but u still sprint, your stamina bar start to drop rapidly

- when you stop sprinting and run at normal speed, your breathbar regenerate slowly up to 100 %

- when your staminabar is zero, you became unconscious

- eating, drinking increase your staminabar, but not your breathbar

- sitting, lying arround increae your stamina bar and breathbar(it fill up rapidly)

- sprinting, running increase also your body temperature

when u have a full stomache, u could get a debuff over time for your breath(-50% or so)

and when your breath is zero and you still sprint, your charakter puke and you have to eat again.

maybe food increase the staminabar different.

For example energy bars increase your stamina more than your hunger

or meat increase your hunger alot, but your stamina bar only a bit

with this system, it will ad some awesome realism, wehn you hunt people or you run away from other players.

you have to plan your rations and your movements.

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Dont add realism at the EXPENSE of fun. If said realism is going to make the game a pain in the ass (IMO stamina will) it shouldnt be put in, just because its 'realistic'. Getting shot once in the chest with ANYTHING and dying is realistic, would you want that too? Or how about if you get shot in both legs or get a broken legs and it it takes MONTHS to heal and you can walk until they're fully healed? This is much more realistic than just bandaging/morphine (how does morphine cure a broken leg?)

The "it should be added because its realistic" argument doesnt fly with me.

Things should be added because they make the game better/more fun to play. And no, you dont have to make it all arcade like either, thats not what I mean, to make it fun. Fun realism = awesome. Not just realism on its own with out the fun part.

Edited by Rooneye

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Kind of already in the game, just not visibly, but you get an audio cue.

Sprinting depletes your stamina fastest.

Fast swimming and crawl too.

Running, running crouched.

Holding your breath to steady your aim.

Throwing several items at max range, I think.

Increased usage of stamina, running ect. increases your thirst/hunger.

If you don't eat or drink, you'll lose health.

Rocket also said, he'd like to minimize the UI interface as much as possible.

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While we're at it, let's have total gear weight affect movement speed and stamina and breath. Let's make it so your shoe can come untied while you are running from the horde and you can trip on it. When it storms out if you are running in a field with a gun on your back or in your hands we can have a chance to get struck by lightning.

Edited by lobo

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Don't want some huge UI such as that of WoW's taking up the border of your screen. Bars IMO aren't going to add to any realism, and really just annoy people. It's already bad enough sprinting for 8km's with unlimited stamina, god, if there was stamina this would be even more like a hiking simulator.

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Im not getting on at you here specifically but some people need to remember this is a game not a sim, having more realism takes more way from the game than actually adding to it your idea for a stamina bar that every action takes away from it would make the game a chore to play. Try to imagine running from one area of the map to another. not only would it take forever to do so but you would probably end up not being able to run from zombies in a desperate situation :(

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It's true that such a system already exists. No bars though!! Please don't... One thing i would like to change though is the point at which a player is able to sprint. Running should also be limited. No one can run forever. Maybe running should be limited to 20 minutes max. Then the player would drop to walking speed for 1-2 minutes and then he would be able to run for 20 more minutes. If the resting period is less then he might run for less time. In case someone is planning to enter a danger zone, he should probably take 2 minutes break first (time to check the area too) to catch his breath. Then he could run away from Zs easier.

That is a ruff idea of what could be implemented in order to add realism at the minimum expence of fun.

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i like realism...i think its absurd that you have to drink, to eat but you can ran 10000000 km with out getting tired.

dayz was meant as a survival simulation!

And stamina doesnt mean that you have to stop after every km....the stamina bar will drop very slowly and lets say every 200 km u have to make a short brake, maybe sitting 5 minutes at a camp fire and eating some meat.

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i like realism...i think its absurd that you have to drink, to eat but you can ran 10000000 km with out getting tired.

dayz was meant as a survival simulation!

And stamina doesnt mean that you have to stop after every km....the stamina bar will drop very slowly and lets say every 200 km u have to make a short brake, maybe sitting 5 minutes at a camp fire and eating some meat.

Dont add realism at the EXPENSE of fun. If said realism is going to make the game a pain in the ass (IMO stamina will) it shouldnt be put in, just because its 'realistic'. Getting shot once in the chest with ANYTHING and dying is realistic, would you want that too? Or how about if you get shot in both legs or get a broken legs and it it takes MONTHS to heal and you can walk until they're fully healed? This is much more realistic than just bandaging/morphine (how does morphine cure a broken leg?)

The "it should be added because its realistic" argument doesnt fly with me.

Things should be added because they make the game better/more fun to play. And no, you dont have to make it all arcade like either, thats not what I mean, to make it fun. Fun realism = awesome. Not just realism on its own with out the fun part.

Please respond to this then.

And could you point me to the source where Rocket says it was meant as a SIM? Just because ArmA 2 is BASED on a military sim?

Edited by Rooneye

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Complexity is fine when it mirrors reality,” Don't expect Rocket to make things fun at the expense of authenticity.

Watch this video from 18:50.

He doesn't flat out say it's intended as a SIM, but the "it should be added because its realistic" argument seems to hold more water than, "make the game better/more fun to play."

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Anyone on the side of adding this un-fun reality please respond to my red text. I just want to know if you would like what i said in the game? Because if not your own argument goes out of the window. Im sure some people will SAY they will want that, but do they really? Or are they just saying that for the arguments (discussion really i guess) sake.

And Im not saying "Make the game better" Im just saying dont make it a chore.

Rocket made the game, so if he'd wanted it like that he would have made it like that.

Edited by Rooneye

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Ahem, let me settle this with a meme.


That's stupid - you didn't even use it correctly, defeating the whole purpose of the meme.


The game wasn't meant to be a simulation, Rocket said he was aiming towards an authentic feel, not a realistic feel.

I don't mind the addition of additional features, but only if they are made clear with voice/action cues rather than 100 different bars everywhere.

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@Rooneye , even though you're clearly taking the piss, I would like to have the difficulties you suggest regarding death from bullets (it only makes sense). The solution would be "don't get shot".

Watch the video I posted above, from around 19:50. It's obvious that if a broken leg made a player entirely useless, without hope, they would QQ or suicide. It should still be fecking grim.

@BenKen , "limited stamina" - yes, "stamina bar" - no

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@Rooneye , even though you're clearly taking the piss, I would like to have the difficulties you suggest regarding death from bullets (it only makes sense). The solution would be "don't get shot".

Watch the video I posted above, from around 19:50. It's obvious that if a broken leg made a player entirely useless, without hope, they would QQ or suicide. It should still be fecking grim.

@BenKen , "limited stamina" - yes, "stamina bar" - no

Tbh dont think ive ever played a game l;ike Dayz before, Its quite devoid of fun, but it give you loads of other emotions like Fear, anxiety, anger etc :P

But if Rocket decided to make this game total hardcore and very realistic (ie- if you break your leg you have to limp around for 3 months) I would still play it lolz :P

So bring on the pain Rocket :)

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Stamina and load weight effects make perfect sense .

Including them would add alot more interesting diversity to the game .

I would also like to see the option to drop all your gear quickly ( so you can run fast and unhindered ) in a "flee for your life" situation , but this would require a real incentive to stay alive , and make it preferable to live , rather than fight for your gear or beans .

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A stamina system already exist. If you sprint for a long time, you slow down, allowing zombies to catch up. If you try to aim after a lot of running in DayZ, your aim is super inaccurate.

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Zs never catch you , you are trippin' buddy , or you have a bad connection .

Some one hauling 2 assualt rifles and a backpock full of goodies , should not even come close to the same movement speed or stamina , of an unburdened player .

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Stamina is a tricky mechanic to get "right". Stamina is certainly a factor in the mod at its current stage, in that if you run for an extended period of time your aim will be terrible until you get your breath back. It also depletes your thirst/hunger more quickly. This I like very much since it feels authentic. Running "forever" feels very inauthentic and has been something that has always stood out to me as a bit of an oversight despite the breath mechanic as far as the realism in DayZ is concerned. It would stand to reason that your character could not run at full speed indefinitely.

Though I also feel you shouldn't be forced to revert to walking speed when your character "runs out of stamina" or becomes tired. I have done some long distance running in my time, and during a race you would not see me walking regardless of how tired I am, I would simply slow down to a jog to get my stamina back and then resume my pace. I think it would be reasonable that your character is forced into a jog similar to or slightly slower than the current crouch run speed when your stamina is depleted. In this jogging state your stamina would regenerate at a relatively slow rate and would allow you to resume running for a period of time relative to how long you rested in the jogging state. Completely stopping and resting would obviously regenerate your ability to run at full speed much faster, just as it allows you to regain your breath much faster than reverting to crouch running.

If this type of system is implemented I feel it would mitigate the, "too much realism isn't fun" argument to a certain degree since you wouldn't be slowed to a crawl or be forced to stop after running for a long period of time; while still providing a good level of realism, which is what sets DayZ apart from most games in the first place. Bottom line, running for an extended period of time should have more drawbacks than just making your character breath heavily and increasing your food/water consumption. The trick is to find something that feels reasonable without punishing the player too heavily. Though I think Rocket might disagree with that last sentence. xD

I am very interesting to see how Rocket handles this mechanic in the standalone. I definitely think this is something that will see some changes from the mod to the standalone.

Oh yeah, and no stamina bar goes without saying, less UI is more.

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BAR?????????????????? Nooooooo :(


Does this means that our Dog will be used in Pet Battles........

(see Mist of Panderia - WoW)

Next thing we know we can capture Dogs, Rabbits, Cows and even Zeds inside these Balls, where we can battle....Got to Catch them all!

That screen shot with all the bars made me laugh!

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Does this means that our Dog will be used in Pet Battles........

(see Mist of Panderia - WoW)

Next thing we know we can capture Dogs, Rabbits, Cows and even Zeds inside these Balls, where we can battle....Got to Catch them all!

That screen shot with all the bars made me laugh!

Well, I've made up my mind about class, Im going Paladin, the bubble would be useful I imagine. Question is Ret or Prot?!

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@Jars Yea the idea with the quick drop is awesome....when u are hunted by someone u have to make a decision, fight or drop everything and run!

it doesn't have to be a bar....but a system which works like i said

Edited by BenKen

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