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Lament of a (un)lucky bastard

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It's that time of the day again people! STORY TIME!

Event 10

Today i was recording for my let's play and all sorts of bad shit happened to me, what that is? Go watch it :D. After i was done recording i was driving my half-broken bike away from Novy, trying to get towards the coast, i was armed with a ghilly suit, an MK 48 Mod 0 and some other rad gear. On my way to the coast i was getting shot at by a sniper, i instantly drove my bike down a slope and rammed it into a fence, hiding in a barn and logging out. After i rejoined the server a few hours later, my bike was still there and still in OK shape, so i ventured towards Mogilevka to get some parts to fix it, what would you know, i found some tires and fixed my bike up. I was back on track towards the coast, but that's when everything went haywire. I left my bike in a bush on the hill north of elektro and moved towards the town, all of a sudden i hear sniper fire, there was a camper-turfwar going on, 3 snipers have been lead-ing it out all across Elektro, one on the North-east hill where i was, one on the North-west hill and the 3rd on the West Firestation. This attracted lot's of people in the Side-chat. I was telling the rest of Cherna what was going on, how many people, how many shots fired and approx. where from. I felt like a Host for a very deadly party. After a while of just lying there in a bush, wishing i'd never have come here, some dude bolts right past me, he didn't see me, so i scoped in with my Mk 48 and let loose a short burst of death. Little did i know that it was my own aswell. As soon as my target dropped, i started being shot at by all 3 snipers, they eventually cheese'd me and off we go to respawn. It took me about 30 minutes to get back to Elektro, i searched for my body but someone had hid it, i was getting slightly irritated at that point, but atleas there was nomore lead flying around. I searched for my bike and let out a happy sigh when i found it. I took it and moved back north, where i had set up tent a few days back, bringing my bike back home safe.

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me and my friends started a territory war at the NW airfield we had 5 people 3 of my friends with cz550 and my friend with as50 while i had a DMR, fun while it lasted not sure if they were scripters but all 6 of them had as50's and killed us all. my friend died first after shooting and killng 1 i killed 2 and the rest murdered the other 3 we had no chance anyways.

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Uncle CyanidC has some new Story to tell you kids, sit down and enjoy.

Event 11

I had a Bicycle, a Tent and everything else to feel well and good on my way in DayZ, but everything changed when the scripter-nation came! Little joke aside, I spawned in today south of Novy to do some recording for my Let's Play (Link in Signature) and what do i have to deal with as soon as i plan on moving? 2 people teleporting out of nowhere, starting to spam grenades all over the place, i don't know HOW i survived it but i just legged it after shooting one of the scoundrels in the torso 8 times. Now, my Tent is gone, My bike is gone and all i have left is a thirst for vengance. I log onto a different server, still trying to record some footage for my Let's play (you know where) and as soon as i get into Stary, i get shot in the belly by some bandit that i didn't see comming into town. I hid behind a military tent and bandaged, he was stupid enough to come around the corner and look for me, before he even could aim i suck atleast 30 shots into him. If you couldn't tell that i'm angry by the ammount of ammo i pumped into him, well, there you go. He dropped and left the server, but now i had half of Stary's rotting population after me so i ran up the hill, into the trees to lose them. After i did that, i went back into town, looted me some more ammo for my M16A2 and went to his corpse, i nearly JUMPED from happyness when i saw what he had with him. NVG, GPS,Map,Compass,Rangefinder,Coyote Backpack and some other usefull loot. First i thought i had killed a Sciddie, but it didn't make much sense, why would he have only a shitty M1911? Or why wasn't he invincible... Anyways, i took his shit and made my way towards some bushes where i could log out peacefully. For once, Karma worked FOR me in this game. SUCK IT PEOPLE!

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Check out this hero skin hacker bullshit. I panicked and sprayed everywhere, but there was more than enough shots to drop him 5 times over. He killed me, talked shit, walked out never needing to bandage and shot my friend.

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yeah, shit like that is really frustrating, those people are ruining the game and should all die in a fire.

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So today was an interesting day for hacking on US 3542. About every ten or so minutes we ran into hackers. We managed to reguarly catch them and ban them though. A few were teleport hackers, a few were god mode, and we had a incap crow hacker as well. Here is a video of a God Mode hero skin again, the flavor of the month for the scourge to dayz:

Edited by danile666

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ouch, that must have sucked for you and your friends. I don't know much about how hackers and scripters are doing what they are doing, but i think much of it can be blamed on the shitty anti-cheat they're using with the game. I had a bit more luck lately, haven't seen a hacker in weeks on the DE servers.

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I asked for it... really did by saying i haven't seen anything weird in weeks...

Event 12

I was in Cherno today, setting up to do some recording when a survivor runs out of the Firestation, i heard shots before so i set myself up on a rooftop and waited. I switched my M16A2 to Burst as i spotted him and gave him 3 bullets to the spine and as he dropped, 3 more to the chest. I then turned away to see if maybe someone else was around and when i turned back (was like 5-10 seconds of me not watching him), he was running away like nothing had happened, no blood-fountains from his body, no death-message in the chat, nothing. Even my Humanity rose instead of falling... i was really, really perplexed. About a minute later there's a Death-message in the chat but i can't be sure that this was my prey. I did some math aswell, a survivor has 12k blood. a shot to the torso with an M16A2 does 3.5k blood damage. The 6 bullets i put through him should've killed him right away... I don't understand this game anymore...

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yep, i did ask for it.

Event 13

I was filming for my Let's play when 2 hackers teleport behind me and kill me, cought it on camera. As i respawn, still recording, i start making my way towards Komarovo when suddenly the sky goes black and seconds later a flash of light followed by the rumble of a shockwave, my in-combat timer triggered, even though noone was around me for miles. The chat went crazy with Death-messages and i am just standing there in the middle of nowhere, confused and scared of what just happened. The icing on the Hacker cake would be the fact that International Hotel buildings started spawning in around Komarovo, tilted and at weird angles.

Edited by CyanidC

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