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BANG I'm dead?

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i bet you 100000000000 dollars that when you find an as50, your gonna get bored and start killing people.

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In the game now, there are people that do it right.

I have practiced for hours, hitting moving targets and standing at many ranges with every weapon in the key spots. If the contact is facing you, one bullet through the mouth is the best way to do it. If to the side, center of the ear, if to the rear, base of the skull. Learn how to take these shots, and you will be able to kill much more effiencly and quickly. Stick to cover, check corners, if in a team, need overwatch and men sweeping.

Also, how do you move? It isn't very common to catch a bullet to the brain, even while standing still, unless they are set up to take the shot. You might be being engaged by short range by suppressed weapons and you die before you hear anything. Reply back or message me, i'd gladly give tips.

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Headshot or a .50 cal anti-material rifle.

When entering major populated areas, take the approach with the most cover, keep moving, change direction at every corner, don't stand still unless you've got cover on at least two sides, when you loot, loot fast and with your bacvk against the wall.

Sorry dude, but I laughed hard when you got shot in just a few seconds after you start your commentary xd

I have the same problem when I spawn near the big city's :P

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Thanks for all the responses guys! ...Yeah, I was wondering why I was always shot with that super-loud kill-with-one-hit gun when all the videos I saw had people surviving hits long enough to bandage themselves. I must be special. :/

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^How DayZ is.

How DayZ should be ;)

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Not my video, but it illustrates how to best get killed.

In a very popular area,

in an open field,

crawling slowly,

below a hill called "sniper hill."

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Thanks for all the responses guys! ...Yeah, I was wondering why I was always shot with that super-loud kill-with-one-hit gun when all the videos I saw had people surviving hits long enough to bandage themselves. I must be special. :/

AS50 is one-shot kill, It doesn't matter where it hits you ;)

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1) Movement gets you spotted easily

2) Not hiding when you can is bad

3) Not taking cover when being fired upon is bad

4) Taking cover behind a tree or bush is bad (they still know you are there and will fire at you regardless)

5) Expect anyone to pop out around every corner and be mentally prepared for exactly that

6) Spend more time becoming aware of your surroundings instead of simply running around

7) Look behind you every once in a while

8) Long range weaponry rule at long range

9) If someone spots you, changing your position is a good idea, as long as it doesn't get you shot that is.

Edited by Treehugger

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When I get killed instantly without warning it sounds like the shot in Dallas' awesome linked video ... Except I'm usually crouch-running, not "crawling in daylight in Cherno right under sniper hill". :) Is that a DMR? Does a DMR require a headshot to kill in one hit?

In http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons the DMR info here says "2 body shots to kill" so I guess they are really good and got my head.

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