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Anyone not playing Chernarus until SA?

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In anticipation for the new Chernarus Plus map? I was wondering if anyone else isn't playing the old map because of the impending SA release?

For me I know Chernarus was becoming a bit stale due to the amount of time I was spending on it (My own fault, i know) With all the pictures of new buildings and new interiors, extended map , more towns and places I find myself not wanting to play the "OLD" Chernarus as much as I used to. Even with the mention of more Zed's I can barely imagine any space in the supposedly major towns Cherno and Electro.

I know i will probably play both MOD and SA, but it raised the question of wondering, will the new C+ map be available on the MOD? The new engine and new features will undoubtedly mean it can only work on the SA! As I'm sure some of you thought certain new features would make a jump over to the MOD offering a similar experience without the additional albeit lower cost.

So there will be a rather big divide on both MOD and SA due to the differences of the engine. As the SA progresses the MOD must go in a totally different direction based on limitations.

I for one will welcome the two diverging titles, One for its community content and the other for its official zeal and imagining.

Your thoughts?

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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i think the SA will be better then the mod

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i still play chernarus it's good and the biggest map too but i heard that the SA chernarus will be twice more bigger then normal

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I will more than likely drop the mod once SA comes out. I imagine the mod will expand hugely thanks to community work like most good mods do , but they end up on so many different paths with so many different patches/addons/fixes etc required for whatever version that they just splinter too far for me to be bothered keeping up with.

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i still play chernarus it's good and the biggest map too but i heard that the SA chernarus will be twice more bigger then normal

Twice as big? any facts to prove this? I would love this!

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Nope, no facts, it will have some new areas though.

I've had a break from playing DayZ at all for the last couple of weeks. Having spent months playing it to death I don't want to get sick of it. When the standalone becomes available I want to jump back in and enjoy it like a noob. Plus I've been playing some other pretty good games recently.

I'll be following the mod and all the different iterations of it carefully while I'm playing the SA though. It's only a matter of time before some of the talented modders come up with an absolute corker that I won't be able to resist.

Edited by Fraggle
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Nope, no facts, it will have some new areas though.

I've had a break from playing DayZ at all for the last couple of weeks. Having spent months playing it to death I don't want to get sick of it. When the standalone becomes available I want to jump back in and enjoy it like a noob. Plus I've been playing some other pretty good games recently.

I'll be following the mod and all the different iterations of it carefully while I'm playing the SA though. It's only a matter of time before some of the talented modders come up with an absolute corker that I won't be able to resist.

Yes, I have kept my gameplay as well to a minimum. It's still quite a fun game, and I have played most of the maps on it, experienced most of what there is to see.

I think the only thing on my to-do-list is to get into a clan war...

...but something tells me I will be dead before we even get on the battle-field.

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Still loving Chernus. Play on a great whitelisted server witha bunch of more mature players and strict skiddie banning. Search Fogeyz to find it. Lots of fair but tough play and it needs the large map.

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I have not played DayZ in general for a while. I fear I may not have sufficient time to progress my character and ultimately properly enjoy myself in the SA when it is released.

But then again, it is DayZ. I'll always have time for that.

Edited by Inception.

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I'm playing RP now, got bored of the usual KoS stuff, wanted to become a mercenary, and so I did! I run a little group called the Antique Pig Fondlers nowadays, Antique Pig Fondlers is our name, bringing home the bacon is our game! (Wonderful little motto isn't it?)

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Of course I'm excited of Chernarus+, but I still can't play it, so I don't think it makes playing the current one worse.

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I'm just waiting on the reviews for the SA I'm waiting on a quote that says "the standalone runs the game 3x as fast as the mod, anyone put off by the mod because of its choppy frame rates may want to give the standalone a try!"

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Ive deemed the mod as a waste of my time, uninstalled arma 2 and such not because its bad...just waiting for this standalone.

Edited by joebandit

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I have it installed but playing time is limited. Tried out various private servers and never been happy with them for one reason or another. The normal hive servers are generally too populated with skriddies to bother with, even though my guy is well equipped on those.

Might play it on occassion until release, but waiting for SA to really give it a good bash next time.

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I quit Chernarus a few months ago after practically memorizing the map and getting bored (roughly 120 hours of play). After a 6-8 week hiatus I came back to find the fantastic DayZ Commander and a bunch of new maps which have really gotten me back into it again (another 100 hours in the past 6 weeks). I've been piloting helis on Namalsk the past few nights and having a blast.

As for SA v. Mod, I plan to play both too. I have my concerns about the SA and really like the direction some of the offshoots of the mods, and even maps like Namalsk, are going. I feel there will be plenty of room for both.

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Twice as big? any facts to prove this? I would love this!

I think something around 300km was suggested, where as the current is supposedly 225km, but when I counted the actual playable squares it only came out to be roughly 183km.

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I always play Cherna, never been a fan of custom maps

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