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Headless Client from Beta Patch

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"For those curious, the 'headless client' is an ArmA client running on the server, introduced in a recent beta patch for ArmA. The client is just a console window like the server, w/o visuals/audio and such. We are using this to offload AI from the main server (which is loaded down with handling players and network transfers) onto the headless client (HC). This effectively means that the AI is running at 600-1000% higher simulation framerate and this performance is independent of the playercount you have on the server. While this particular mission is a goofy premise, the underlying principle is absolutely game-changing. I'll have additional footage in the near future of more traditional missions utilizing the HC AI improvements".

I am wondering if any more experienced Arma heads and admins could expect somewhat increased zombie performance with this feature.

Quote from here:


Edited by Bricks
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Get onto this community dev team, I want to see thousands of zombies roaming about

Edited by smasht_AU

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Of course they are aware of it, the thing is, it is somthing that can be intergrated NOW with the present beta patches, so a private hive could be setup using this and we could see how it runs im comparison and the collected data would most likely be of value to the Dev's.

My question as it stands, was to ask if any people with a little more knowlege in the topic at hand could see the benefits for it for DayZ to begin with as the Zombie AI does behave differently even if it is built on top of soldier AI.

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