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Can Someone List All Of The Possible Ways To Heal Yourself/Others? I was a little unsure and I have pretty decent stuff at the moment so I wanted to know more ways to heal if there is. Not to stop bleeding to increase your blood. I know other players could give you a blood transfusion, I was not sure if there are more ways?

Thanks~ Mrevilbaby

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Food (Beans etc.) give you like 80 health or something insignificant. If you kill an animal, skin it, take the meat, start a fire (you need matches and a hatchet/pile of wood if you don't have a hatchet to make a fire) then you cook your meat and eat it. It'll give you 800 health per meat.

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Food (Beans etc.) If you kill an animal, skin it, take the meat, start a fire (you need matches and a hatchet/pile of wood if you don't have a hatchet to make a fire) then you cook your meat and eat it. It'll give you 800 health per meat.

Thanks I actually found some fire wood on the ground and I have some matches, Now time to go cow&Rabbit hunting. Thanks very much, I just wish I shot that damn cow earlier when I saw it.

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Thanks I actually found some fire wood on the ground and I have some matches, Now time to go cow&Rabbit hunting. Thanks very much, I just wish I shot that damn cow earlier when I saw it.

Do you have a hunting knife? You'll need it!

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Yea, my plan is to Find a hunting knife, hatchet and or Firewood, matches then a cow. It shouldn't be hard because I got my laser sight & flashlight rifle & My G17 now I just need to hunt.

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Don't forget you can take the meat from any animal (not birds), even rabbits. The amount of meat you get is relative to their size.

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Standard food (beans, sardines and shit) gives 200 blood. Meat, as some dude already said gives 800. After you kill a survivor you can eat him, that is the same as a blood transfusion.

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Standard food (beans, sardines and shit) gives 200 blood. Meat, as some dude already said gives 800. After you kill a survivor you can eat him, that is the same as a blood transfusion.

Such a reliable source.

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Eat a cow.

I have a very bad habit driving them over (honking a horn afterwards) and looking their carcass on my rear mirror, not even considering once to gut them.

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After you kill a survivor you can eat him, that is the same as a blood transfusion.

''Insert trollface here''.

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