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make it possible to throw food/drink to players

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well imagine situation your friend needs drink you have spare pop but bandits have you locked down .

throw a can over to him saves his life and the throwing action is already in the game just not for food or drink.

this could be very useful in many situations . could devs have a look at this being done ?

the throwing is already ingame so maybe this could be done really easy.

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I thought I was about to hate your idea but actually I quite like it. I can't see it being used very often but it would be a nice option. Like you say throwing is already possible anyway.

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Only if there is an animation that spews soda/foam all over whoever opens it.

Edited by smasht_AU
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This would be good for giving items to strangers without going in each other's packs too.

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well imagine situation your friend needs drink you have spare pop but bandits have you locked down .

throw a can over to him saves his life and the throwing action is already in the game just not for food or drink.

this could be very useful in many situations . could devs have a look at this being done ?

the throwing is already ingame so maybe this could be done really easy.

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This would be good for giving items to strangers without going in each other's packs too.

yeah if not sure of bandit being troll toss over could created a better atmosphere to game for such a simple solution

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not bad, but maybe generally throwing small items out of the inventory would be a good idea

you could tell people to throw their gun away as far as they can if you got them by the balls

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Only bad part is you've have to cycle through 10 different things to switch your gun from auto/burst/semi since the throw feature is incorporated in the weapon selector switch.

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Don't forget to reload before throwing the can away aye?

But yeah like that Idea it's quite usefull, so they could add more stuff to throw?

Even wood? Shmash it against the enemy as last chance to escape?

Edited by Sk1ll3RF3aR

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Solid idea methinks, throwing a weapon would be pretty cool, perhaps having a key set to throw whatever was in your hand at that point? and then hot-key the main inventory? this might go a bit off point but...for instance

Your primary is keyed to 1, secondary to 2, that leaves 8 potential keys. perhaps down the inventory space to 8. For instance, you have an M16A3, you want to take a zed but not put a ful mag down to 27 or so, instead of hitting R, hit 6, because you have a mag with only 4 rounds in that inventory space. want a drink after? 0 has a can of coke in it, so hit 0, then the RMB to drink it, empty can in your hand now, hit P to throw it away. A friendly appears, you hit 1 to bring out your primary, as does he, he decides to go out on a limb and hits P to throw his gun down.

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You could potentially use a combo of this and sneekys' idea to use any item to kill a zed.

I want to see someone break a guys leg by throwing morphine injectors at him.

Edited by Chabowski
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You could potentially use a combo of this and sneekys' idea to use any item to kill a zed.

I want to see someone break a guys leg by throwing morphine injectors at him.

True, but i dont see any way to kill a zed with an empty coke can short of errosion :P

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The worst idea ever is to chuck your friend a drink while in a firefight... You have a fight to do.

I can only image this going like "Hey, I just bandaged myself, throw me a few steaks!"

I think there should be bricks or rocks to throw, in addition to the useless tin cans.

Edited by Sutinen

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The scenario plays out in my head like this

3 survivors, 2 men and a woman. One man is pinned by snipers...

Dave: "I can't move but I'm starving!"

Alice: "Well we can't go out there or we'll get shot too!"

Bob: "Here have these beans!"


Dave: "... *Gurgle*"

Alice: "... Boom, headshot..."

Bob: "... Well shit..."

In all seriousness this is a decent idea but I think a better idea would be to expand the range in which you can trade loot. I know it's confirmed they're scrapping the current inventory system but maybe if you were within 2m of someone and you opened your inventory, you would see if they had room in their inventory and could give items to them but not take them, they'd have to give it to you (prevents people from stealing your stuff through walls and such from 2 meters away)

edit: Getting someone by the nuts and telling them to throw their weapon is pretty good, it's better than the ambiguous "Lie down" or "Salute if friendly" stuff that happens as it is.

Edited by DayZoey

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id like to have the ability to throw anything from within my inventory..

say i find a weapon i dont want to leave behind for someone else to find..

instead of trying to make use of my pack to either destroy it or carry it and drop it later, it would be nice to hold a weapon and be able to throw , eithe rinto trees or deep water or whateva.

Edited by Siberian

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It'd not only be a handy way to give someone food, you could also throw it at them for the lulz. "Hey, catch!" (throws can at someone's head)

Edited by El Barto 227

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there are numerous things that could be done :) nice to see alot like the idea

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Like it. I've always thought more stuff should be throwable. Whether it's to save a friends life or just for teh lulz (or both at the same time) then throwing stuff is a great idea. Beanz given.

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maybe no weapons left and u stun them with your can of beans :)

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good idea but it's sort of copying minecraft you can do that stuff in it like throwing stuff and getting it out of your inventory same thing really.

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Nice idea! In a firefight i see someone throwing a mag to a friendly though, not food...

It could be like right click from inventory, selecting throw item, then if u have visual with the player you want to throw it to, click, and there you go... right into his hands. Otherwise you might end up throwing it too far or too close from his possition.

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