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Are you still enjoying dayz?

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From my observation the game has turned into nothing more than a PvP shooter. It has not evolved into the game i had hoped.

The problem is the mod hasn't had a MAJOR content update for a long time. Bear traps? Dogs? Big deal, those aren't going to impact the shoot-on-sight metagame that has developed. Personally I LOVE the thrill of DayZ pvp, the spontaneity and intensity of it is enough to cause my heart to practically explode out of my chest with the rush it gives me. However I still dislike the fact that there are zero consequences to shoot on sight play styles, when you can be 99% sure that the other guy is going to try and kill you it can get a bit tiresome.

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I went through a stage of going off DayZ then i went back to other games, problem was they were all shit in comparison. It happened after a month or so of playing it too much all the time, a little break did the world of good.

There is so much to do in the game it cannot get boring, the only boring thing is doing the same thing all the time. which is, at the end of the day, a lack of imagination. Lots of players suffer from that.

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Hello there

I'm still liking it now and then between vanilla (if there is such a thing) Arma and IFLiberation.

I take a hiatus of a few days between sessions to not dilute the experience.

I have "visited" more Islands in my DAYZ experience than in my Arma play, which is interesting, considering my long relationship with Arma etc and my short one with DAYZ.

As time goes by I'm more and more intrigued by the SA. I need to start saving up!



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I wish I could play it again, but I seem to be missing Anims_Char

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people tend to forget what originally was said in almost every thread like this:

Don't get attached to your gear

Also, Namalsk is a freaking sweet new map, and even one of the good ones without a changed dayZ mod

Edited by Zombo

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Yes, and every playthrough has a story to tell and the latest is that

I was refueling in namalsk deep in the forest, Then a friday the 13th sound (the one that goes when jason is going for the kill) and a ghillied hatchet murderer pop'd and yelled while murdering my fully geared player. i screamed, cursing and laughing at the same time and no game can ever top that experience.

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I think I would like it more if there were more specific loot spots. Something like camping shops to get tents, navigational equipment. Super markets for food and drink, wal mart type store to get other things. That is what would make it more interesting for me.

But in general, I am still enjoying it and I do things differently all the time. Today we held a hunger games type event and even though I didn't play, it was awesome to watch and admin

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If you're not enjoying it, take a break from it.

But you want to freshen things up try the other maps. Plenty to keep us all going until the standalone :)

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Yes I'm still enjoying it, however not as much as I used to. I was attracted to Dayz as a Zombie Survivial Game and those first few dayz or weeks where class, you actually got a wee bit scared when 1, yes 1 zombie chased you.

Now it's too easy, you just run in circles or round a tree and they are gone, gearing up is easy, far too many weapons lying around, It's mainly PvP now and if we're honest not a very good one, not the fault of Dayz but the limitations of Arma, there are better games out there for PvP.

I want the zombies to be the main threat, I want there to be thousand of them not hundreds, Cherno and Elektro should be crawing with them, PvP should become the side issue a nuisance, do I want to waste bullets on this newbie of group knowing I'm liking to attract 100's of unrelenting Z's in the process ?

So yes I'm still enjoying it, long term if it continues down the PvP route I'll probably move to something else.

Edited by BT_Fae_HB

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