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Hunting-wolfs- bears in forrest hills inland.

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More ways to hunt animals like deers/foxes that have AI and maybe nice if we also have wolfs and bear that can attack would give more tension to game now its a walk in park relaxing through the woods and hills inland no danger at all.

Rivers-swamp-lake with fish(fishing!)

Also more buildings to enter more towns to discover with different looks.

It could all be part of game and players could hunt more inland for those hitchiking camper hippies to kill:P

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I definitely at least agree with animals having AI at the very least. Pretty weird to see a cow just sit there still eating grass after I shot him in the face, just ODD :P I'm not worried though, I doubt rocket is going to leave it like it is. If I were him I would leave it for much later tho, just not high on the priority list I would imagine.

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Some of the animals should also be zombies. Like in resident evil. Packs of Zombie dogs, flocks of zombie birds... crazed, psychotic zombie chickens... OK Maybe not, but definitely zombie dogs :-)

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... Again zombie animals.

How would hunting go?

I'm pretty sure the "virus" is humans only. Might be carried by animals but not infect them.

Aggressive bears, wolf packs... Yeah, we need, but i'm pretty sure they'd have to create animations and stuff, and that's the reason why we don't have melee right now.

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They do have melee. I found a crowbar last night. It sat in my rifle inventory slot. Worked well :-)

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More animals that move would be good - dont know how it would go performance wise. Horses, fish, bears, sabre tooth tigers, that sort if thing.

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