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is Sacriel becoming a bully?

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there is no doubt that sacriel has some of the qualities you'd attribute to a leader, but not all of them.

He dominates his squad well enough, sometimes though you have to wonder why they take his selfishness lying down, I suspect they have decided to trade self respect for internet fame. I suppose that shows a leadership of sorts.

His silence here though is deafening, where is that leadership now? This is the official forum for the game that he is making money from, 2000 views and rising, subscribers and non subscribers alike, yet he deems himself above joining the debate leaving poor oshi to defend his buddies crumbling reputation alone. I take back my previous comment Oshi, you are not a mook dude, you've just spent too much time with one and it's rubbing off.

Would be interesting to know how much of the cash made from his channel goes to his team mates, and how long before they realise they may be better off without him and his dummy spitting, limelight hogging, self adoring ways.

I wouldn't call Chris an ideal leader either. That would mean he's learned everything there is about being a good leader, and would mean he has no room for growth. Personally, as a lover of self-improvement, I think that would be unfortunate. I agree with you that he has some but not all qualities. Yes.

Yet, I don't see the selfishness you're on about. I see many instances where each member of the squad will have cherry picked the coolest weapon for themselves, for example, and each member supports them for it. They get that not everyone can have an AS50 or railgun at once. That's the true makings of a good squad. Not getting one's panties in a twist when your squadmates luck out more than you in loot, or in kills, or in channel success even. These guys are a good and very close-knit group and I find it baffling how much you toss about assumptions like you think you know them and if you truly and accurately know so much, then that implies you have watched the majority - if not all - of their content. Which also makes me wonder: if you have in fact watched the majority of their content, then was there a point you became a hater and just continued to watch and fester in loathing anyways? It's a typical theme I see on the net...and something I really don't understand. Are you one of those?

Regarding him not saying anything here, it's puzzling that surprises you, when you go on about good leadership like you know what that is. A significant part of good leadership is not to give credence to haters or outsiders who are only out to breed malcontent. Let's face it: no matter what Chris would say here, the haters would probably just find the slightest thing to fuel their entitled judgments on how he and the squad "ought" to play/interact/manage their channels. That's the part that shocks me the most about your begrudging: you asking if Chris gives his channel revenue to the other guys. Like really? First of all, how is how ANYONE deals with their income your business and why would you think it's ever appropriate to question it? That's really tacky. But to at least try to put it into perspective, would it be right to say that in a hockey team, players that have this sponsor or that contract or this different salary amount should share with the rest of the guys because they are on a team and games were won by a team effort? No. So what if maybe the centre forward scored lots, those goals wouldn't have won the game if the goalie and defensive line let in too many opposing goals, or if his left and right wing linemates couldn't connect those passes. That doesn't make any good player on the team any less appreciated or any more entitled to what the other players bring in. However, I will also add that the guys share spare game keys from time to time, and do other generous things that are really none of your concern.

In the end, by avoiding coming here, Chris is making a statement that focusing on the negative - like for example, how you seem to be spending a considerable amount of time doing - is not worthwhile.

Don't be fooled, the 'community stuff' is all about self promotion, a way of getting bullshit swallowers to subscribe, increasing revenue and a steady supply of fanboy fools to keep telling them how great they are.

Trouble is they are starting to believe thier own hype

edit - respect to oshi though, at least he has the balls to turn up and join the discussion

You're right. The LAST thing people who get tons of requests to play with viewers should do is give them what they want. How downright horrible of them. The jerkfaces.

Last thought: I'll never understand those who whinge on and on and on about stuff they don't like that is completely optional to watch/read/listen to/eat/etc. There are streamers/youtubers out there I really don't appreciate for this reason or that. Guess what? I don't subscribe to them. Why bitch about a sandwich you don't like and go make posts on a forum etc, ramble on post after post about the disagreeable taste of the mustard or whatever...just don't effin eat it! Problem solved.

You are all very welcome. Glad I could solve this conundrum for you.

Edited by ShannonZKiller
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I watch Sacriel because he plays exactly the same as I do with my squad, and he has fun doing it. Just because he isn't joking around and being a clown doesn't mean he isn't having fun. If he ever sounds arrogant or selfish then god forbid it's because he's actually human. I've thought he's been a jerk from time to time, but so have I. We all have our bad days, and anyone on this forum would be lying if they said their mood has been the picture of perfection every day of their lives.

As for him thinking he's a god? He doesn't, but he also knows he's better than average so why shouldn't he be proud of it from time to time? He can snipe a headshot with a non-zeroed sniper rifle at 800m with one bullet, not having to think too much about it. At the same time I've seen him spray and pray when panicked and not be able to hit the broadside of a barn. Hell, I've shot someone running zig-zagging at 850m with a single neck shot from a DMR.

Everyone loves to complain and throw shit around, and the internet is the perfect place to get away with it. When I grew up as a child if I was caught back-chatting to an adult I'd have my hide whipped due to lack of respect. When I think back to the times where I did? I deserved it, and I never did it again. We're all swimming around in a giant online cesspool, and when something good comes floating along so many people seem to want to latch onto it to sink it down into the dark depths just to make themselves feel better down there.

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A few people have mentioned that Sacriel and co hunt unarmed players/new spawns. I have been been watching a lot of his videos/streams recently and I can't say I've ever seen him targeting unarmed players. Sure, the squad has come across unarmed players and killed them but equally they have come across unarmed players and just warned them off or ignored them, I have even seen them hold fire on "friendly" armed players and let them leave safely (occasionally even allowed them to join them in a temporary squad). I have definitely never seen any of the squad camping the coast.

And to people who complain about them killing unarmed players, perhaps you have not played much of Namalsk. I'm yet to spend more than 5-10 minutes without a gun of some sort, and usually have some STANAG or AK variant within 15 minutes of respawning. The ease at which you are able to gear up on Namalks makes leaving unarmed people running around, especially if you are already engaging, or expect to engage, armed enemies a very dangerous prospect.

Now be honest, if you saw a few heavily armed people that didn't shoot you because you were unarmed, and you went around the corner and found an AK, would you just leave? Or would you perhaps sneak back towards the squad and try take that shiny DMR and rangefinders?

Additionally, its a game, sometimes its fun to shoot people :o. Most of the time I'm friendly towards unarmed players and occasionally even friendly to armed players. Sometimes I just feel like shooting people in the face. Don't like it? Tough luck, spawn again, find a gun and kill me.

On a personal note I don't find anyone in the squad cold or lacking in humour. Watching the stream live there are many jokes had between Sacriel, Oshi7, Shannon, the rest of the squad and the various stream's chats. If you only watch stream highlights much of what you see is combat where the mood is more serious as they are a tactical squad, jokes don't work to well in combat.

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Am sorry, but half of what was said in this thread is a load of crap. 'Oh he blames stream snipers', Well for starters, No. The viewers blame stream snipers and hackers, if Sacriel thinks he has been stream sniped, he'll say, and usually watch back the footage an show you. Also doesn't help the haters that jump in the stream screaming 'OMG He's on XX Server' or ' OMG you're on my server, let me play with you pl0x', then stream stalks him, allowing other people being able to see the squad for a good distance away as if they have spot lights shinning over them.

Yes the Squad Vs Squad videos are good, and they're even better watching them live when it happens, how often do you jump on a random server you've never played on before and jump into squad battles? Because am betting it isn't often, and when you do, you're the one lying on the floor. Oh wait! No with the trash coming out of some of the people in here, I'd supected you'd most likely ALT + F4.

Now on to the 'killing unarmed players' Few unarmed players have been killed on Namalsk, you've played that map right? You know, that one where some unarmed dude runs passed you, then suddenly two minutes later, you're lying there dead, and he's slapping his balls over your face, teaching you not to trust anyone.... Yea, that map. Am sorry, but YOU the community turned DayZ into a KoS don't trust anyone shit fest! What the hells do you think's going to happen, he has the pressure of his stream screaming at him, telling him to kill them due to the simple fact that any time Sacriel leaves anyone alive, unarmed or not, they tend to come back and kill him. And yes, am well aware of Vancouver Dave, but moments like that are a rare sight in DayZ and you lot know it.

Stop your bitching, and stop jumping on bandwagons of little bitches that got banned for stream sniping. You're your own person, so start thinking on your own.


Judge for yourself, don't jump on some band wagon of some punks that got owned. If you enjoy the videos, good. If you don't, then simply do not watch. But atleast have respect for people that try to create entertainment for others.


Edited by khurune
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Last thought: I'll never understand those who whinge on and on and on about stuff they don't like that is completely optional to watch/read/listen to/eat/etc. There are streamers/youtubers out there I really don't appreciate for this reason or that. Guess what? I don't subscribe to them. Why bitch about a sandwich you don't like and go make posts on a forum etc, ramble on post after post about the disagreeable taste of the mustard or whatever...just don't effin eat it! Problem solved.

is there some reason Sacriel or anyone else is above criticism? can I not voice my opinion about something on an internet message board without being called a "hater"?

I'm actually a fan of him and his group. is it strange someone would be critical of something they enjoy? I don't think so. I enjoy DayZ, but there's some parts I'm critical of. does that mean I should go play another game?

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Everyone loves to complain and throw shit around, and the internet is the perfect place to get away with it. When I grew up as a child if I was caught back-chatting to an adult I'd have my hide whipped due to lack of respect.

<_< man I'm pushing 40. save that shit

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Shannon - You seem to be painting Sacriel as a player who is above criticism....which none of us are. Also, if what your saying is accurate, then why did he take it upon himself to rag on Frankie during a live stream? He also suggested that he fakes his videos?

Frankie has had to livestream to prove he doesnt fake them, all as a result of Sacriel, his squad and his fanboys.

Is it a case of sub envy? Or maybe just that Sacriel has dined on his on own hype, had a desert and then took a one way trip well and truly up his own arse?

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Shannon - You seem to be painting Sacriel as a player who is above criticism....which none of us are. Also, if what your saying is accurate, then why did he take it upon himself to rag on Frankie during a live stream? He also suggested that he fakes his videos?

Frankie has had to livestream to prove he doesnt fake them, all as a result of Sacriel, his squad and his fanboys.

Is it a case of sub envy? Or maybe just that Sacriel has dined on his on own hype, had a desert and then took a one way trip well and truly up his own arse?

Sacriel speaks to Frankie you helm, and many other youtubers have been saying it looks staged for ages, do keep up.

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I honestly can't believe this thread exists.

Dayz is a mulitplayer shooter. If you want to roll around with your friends and not shoot them then that is obviously fine.

You don't have to "justify" killing any one in this game, the whole concept of this is hilarious. You think 2 thousand people tune into watch sacriel and his buddies sitting around eating beans or what ever you people think dayz is supposed to be about?

The whole "e- honour" thing in a computer game is just ridiculous. OP you are a huge attention seeker, if killing some one in a mulitplayer fps bothers you so much go and play carebears magic picnic or what ever.

The fact that people are "demanding answers" from the streamers is also insane. Sacriel if you are reading this the silent majority of your stream enjoy watching you going around shooting people in the face, please continue to do so and ignore the silly little kids who are just after some attention.

It's just a game.

Edited by toastyy
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is there some reason Sacriel or anyone else is above criticism? can I not voice my opinion about something on an internet message board without being called a "hater"?

I'm actually a fan of him and his group. is it strange someone would be critical of something they enjoy? I don't think so. I enjoy DayZ, but there's some parts I'm critical of. does that mean I should go play another game?

Absolutely not. Criticism is fine, when it's constructive. At least, that's what you learn from good parents, uni, jobs that require you to work with other people in a respectful manner. Sitting there rambling about what makes a good leader and then suspecting that Chris doesn't - and OUGHT - to share his stream revenue with others sure doesn't seem to me to be constructive, or respectful. It sounds like petulant whinging from someone who clearly doesn't have a very good concept of how a stream/yt channel is run, or how a good squad functions for that matter. Please tell me how I am wrong in this. I welcome being shown the error of my ways if, again, one can constructively break down for me why I am incorrect in what I said.

Note how I did not disagree with Rastamaus on the first point. I acknowledged it's value as a criticism. I merely broke down why his other points are - to me at least - invalid. And moreover, he seems disrespectful for questioning things that are none of his business, and aside from that, ridiculously irrelevant. So how and where am I saying that Sacriel is above criticism?

Is it where I state that personally, I don't get people that sit and moan about things they continue to subject themselves to? Well, I don't get it. That does not mean at all that people cannot have an opinion and also voice constructive criticisms, it just means that for those in here who DO dislike Chris' content but clearly continue to watch it in order to moan more stick out like sore thumbs. There are those who have said they don't like his vids anymore and have therefore stopped watching. They state why. I have no qualms with this.

Shannon - You seem to be painting Sacriel as a player who is above criticism....which none of us are. Also, if what your saying is accurate, then why did he take it upon himself to rag on Frankie during a live stream? He also suggested that he fakes his videos?

Frankie has had to livestream to prove he doesnt fake them, all as a result of Sacriel, his squad and his fanboys.

Is it a case of sub envy? Or maybe just that Sacriel has dined on his on own hype, had a desert and then took a one way trip well and truly up his own arse?

Again, he is not above criticism. I know the guy pretty well, and can offer to you guys that I have heard him be his own biggest critic on numerous occasions. He is actually rather unforgiving to himself at times.

The frankie stuff? Since you are the one who brought it up, I will safely assume you heard the stream convo yourself and are not just basing this from hearing about it elsewhere? To this I'll only say two things: go back and listen to the VOD where we discuss frankie to hear how we don't simply sit there slagging him for no reason. It is a constructive criticism. Never has it been "oh Frankie, dumbass vids, derp." Chris even came to his defense and states how he sees that Frankie is charismatic, has very good editing skills, has a playstyle that appeals to many and knows how to present it well. The other thing I will say is that the squad are not the only people who have said that some of Frankie's content must be staged because of "insert list of visual evidence here". Frankie has double the subscriber base of the entire squad put together, so I find it hard to believe that the squad could have such sway over him, and MAKE him livestream to prove something. Like really? You're not giving Frankie enough credit there. It's not a new criticism. It's also not an unfair or irrational and hate fueled criticism. It's been out there among the DayZ Youtube community for months.

Edited by ShannonZKiller
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I have watched many of their videos, from each of them - my opinion on them is the following:

As long as they play on servers with 3rd person enabled and keep scoping around objects/abstacles etc I cannot take this as "serious" PVP - of course it still is PVP but I would wonder how they would play without these "highly supporting" feaure(s). 3rd person makes it all pretty easy; I highly recommend everyone to test out playing on expert (not veteran) servers to know the true promise of DayZ combat without anything "helping" enabled.

What I am really contemptuous of is the killing of unarmed non threatening survivors like you could see in one of his latest episodes where he shot the guy in the legs to then play around with him; the live stream and connected persons will most probably have had influence on this thought but this is no excuse - its a no-go!

Other than that I do however enjoy their videos and will keep watching them.

Edited by wickedinsane
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the live stream and connected persons will most probably have had influence on this thought but this is no excuse - its a no-go!

When you are doing it for a living, and they're the ones that pay your wages, help put food on the table ect... you're kinda more obliged to listen to them. But your 'type' of post is well put, and is how people that wanted to supply feedback should be doing, not just trying to flame and troll. Thanks.

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Sacriel speaks to Frankie you helm, and many other youtubers have been saying it looks staged for ages, do keep up.

Meh come on, im more than aware of whats been posted about his vids…my point is that when a livestreamer and his mates to bang on about it mid stream…well its bound to ramp it up isn’t it? Also watch the stream, im only talking about what THEY said.

The frankie stuff? Since you are the one who brought it up, I will safely assume you heard the stream convo yourself and are not just basing this from hearing about it elsewhere? To this I'll only say two things: go back and listen to the VOD where we discuss frankie to hear how we don't simply sit there slagging him for no reason. It is a constructive criticism. Never has it been "oh Frankie, dumbass vids, derp." Chris even came to his defense and states how he sees that Frankie is charismatic, has very good editing skills, has a playstyle that appeals to many and knows how to present it well. The other thing I will say is that the squad are not the only people who have said that some of Frankie's content must be staged because of "insert list of visual evidence here".

Come on, I mean really!! Yes I did watch the stream and heard it firsthand. I know sarcasm when I hear it and also that wasn’t the only comment was it? So please don’t try and pull the wool. Also it has absolutely nothing to do with not given Frankie enough credit, so don’t paint it as that either. Also in terms of Fankies most recent video, im sure its not just down to Sacriel and his subs, BUT im pretty sure they are a large part of it. What it has to do with is the general arrogance and holier than thou attitude of Sacriel and his squad.

As I said, I was initially a fan of Sacriels, in fact he got me into the game in the first place! However, what im not a fan of is how he has, IMHO, become one of the most arrogant youtubers that ive had the “pleasure” of watching.

Original question on this post, “Is Sarcriel becoming a bully”. Well from what ive seen… he lords it over people, shoots new spawns, takes great pleasure in screwing people over and moans he is hard done by when killed. So yeah, the answer the original question is YES. Its criticism, something that needs to be taken on board…simple as that.

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People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

and when those stones start coming back those people in glass houses should not hide behind a mothers apron.

I watched the stream last night, I saw the two incidents of death avoidance quitting and the stream sniping that never was, I heard the team unsheathe the knife when chris went for his tea, all those not blinded or deafened by fanboyitis will have seen and heard the same things.

Is he a bully? you know something? I don't think he is anymore, not after last night, like all bullys when finally exposed for what they really are, hell, even his own pack are beginning to wonder.

Everything else I said stands.

Edited by Rastamaus
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It's interesting how little comment there is on the bullying side of things here.

I am a fan of the squad and personally prefer watching Oshi7's stuff as he tends to be closer to the action rather than sniping which for me is vastly more entertaining.

I am also a fan of Frankie's stuff, I do not care in the slightest if any of it is staged, edited, faked or any other term for good story telling because it is good story telling and is therefore entertaining. I think comparison between different play styles and different entertainment forms are entirely pointless and uninteresting.

Those few statements aside back to the bullying issue. I personally believe Sacriel and his crew have the mob mentality associated with bullying and often act upon it, how much of this comes from the audience who yells for blood at all times is hard to say but it certainly doesn't help the matter.

A couple of cases in point:

On last nights stream before they stopped due to stream sniping, (totally ruins my viewing pleasure as does other forms of cheating) their six or seven man crew came across an unarmed individual on the island of Namalsk that has very very few weapon spawns and supplies in general, only really medical supplies that they had already heavily looted. Now this unarmed individual was merely "enjoying the view" but within moments one of the crew was saying how he wanted to execute the individual, for no reason more than he just really, really wanted to. After a few feeble attempts to sway the group away from this course of action from a few other members of the crew, the situation quickly deteriorated and mob mentality set in and the grenades came out. The individual was slaughtered for the entertainment of the group and the audience. Now this individual may have just spawned nearby or maybe he'd been running for the last half hour in the hope of finding supplies I don't know as no one asked the poor bastard. That shit looks like bullying to me and certain other members of the crew pointed that fact out.

The night before Sacriel, on his lonesome, came across an unarmed player just outside a barracks. Sacriel went into said barracks upgraded his gun and removed all the ammo from the gun he left behind, so that there was no chance of this guy arming up instantly, before coming out and asking the poor guy if he'd heard of the Geneva convention to which the unarmed guy hesitantly replied yes, perhaps sensing what was coming, Sacriel promptly declared that he hadn't heard of it and then gunned the unarmed man down to the great pleasure of his audience. Now this is perhaps not bullying in the same sense but it was certainly a dickish move. A gentleman would have challenged the man to a duel. Sacriel was already in a much more favourable position, armed with his choice of weapon, able to find a decent position whilst the other armed up and quite clearly highly skilled and practiced at the game. Instead he chose just to slaughter.

Now this is a zombie apocalypse simulator/game and in the apocalypse shit gets bad, shit gets all sorts of Lord of the Flies: the weak will be preyed upon by the strong and things will get strangely homo-erotic when predominatly males seemed to have survived. To speak of honour and gentlemanlyness in such times seems some what out of place, but the Englishman in me would hope for better of my countrymen during the end days. A fair fight should not be too mcuh to desire.

To that end I would much rather see squad v squad action or at least action on a server where it is known that everyone is part of some faction or another that are certainly not friendly, not the rolling out on public servers hunting down individuals who really pose little to no threat to a squad greater than three people. The so called haters who are no doubt always going to hate are perhaps made up of individuals who do not roll in such large numbers when they play and have no defense against such squad tactics.

Preying on the weak does not make for great entertainment in my eyes.

Of course all of this is entirely my opinion based predominantly on what I want to see as entertainment. I find it greatly unfortunate that the masses would rather see the weak slaughtered but this is the society we live in. Delightful isn't it.

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On last nights stream before they stopped due to stream sniping, (totally ruins my viewing pleasure as does other forms of cheating) their six or seven man crew came across an unarmed individual on the island of Namalsk that has very very few weapon spawns and supplies in general, only really medical supplies that they had already heavily looted. Now this unarmed individual was merely "enjoying the view" but within moments one of the crew was saying how he wanted to execute the individual, for no reason more than he just really, really wanted to. After a few feeble attempts to sway the group away from this course of action from a few other members of the crew, the situation quickly deteriorated and mob mentality set in and the grenades came out. The individual was slaughtered for the entertainment of the group and the audience. Now this individual may have just spawned nearby or maybe he'd been running for the last half hour in the hope of finding supplies I don't know as no one asked the poor bastard. That shit looks like bullying to me and certain other members of the crew pointed that fact out.

i seen that before i passed to the land of nod for not sleeping for two days ahh the student llife.

but ye loved that oshi was coming out with many diffrent ways they could of died. as there is so many different ways to die in dayz.

but ye even i would of put it down to hacking or stream sniping

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As for him thinking he's a god? He doesn't, but he also knows he's better than average so why shouldn't he be proud of it from time to time?

He's average...sometimes below average.

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I pit my favorite team(Sidestrafe & Elbrook)against Sacriel and his cronies.LOL just joking about that..... :|

What I really wanted to say is that we should all not make this a personal vendetta against Sacriel.Its a game people and you all as well as myself have all killed that noob just to test it out.Even Rocket stated that he was shooting near a player to warn him and instead just filled the poor guy full of lead.Its kinda looking like there will be a virtual lynching soon and thats just wrong IMO.Then again it could lead to some crazy server wars that we can all watch live.whateva

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no lynching here dude, just folks with differing opinions trading blows.

There's been no threats made, no litigiously personal insults, no real hatred, Sacriel and co know they have thier detractors, they never cared before why care now?

You put yourself out there, in the publics gaze and this is going to happen, it's all good, every piece of feedback we get in life has value. We don't have to agree with it and it takes courage to accept that not everyone is gonna like what they see when they look at you or what you do and the way you do it.

Those guys troll and trash talk with the best of them, sure there are some strong opinions on show here, and that's just how it should be, get stuck in, win the debate.

Edited by wabbit
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just to warn you oshi just tweeted this thread so might be an influx of sacriel fanboys

Looks like you were right, after this post i see 100% more wall of text rage posts then before.

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I think maybe we should try and keep a bit of perspective here. They're just guys playing games, maybe chill out a little and let them get on with it? If you don't enjoy it, don't watch.

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