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is Sacriel becoming a bully?

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Not sure where you get that from, we just have similar schedules and I have fun playing with Chris.

well ye you both are from England so 7pm is the usual time to play. but i did like your berizino combat you did with fhrope. would love to see more of that. but most nights when its squad play it just gets a bit meh and dont really find much going on apart from a few battles with the odd player and his friend running round. kinda gets abit repetitive. as you are clearly more tactical and skilled at dayz than most of the players.

would love to see some streams with you playing with people on your server like with mitch connor.

and by playing i mean doing the rabbit and animal stuff

Edited by leeds2007

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judging from the vids i've watched it lust seems they get together for a self congratulatory back patting and ego massaging session. There is no real sense of fun or enjoyment, the level of gameplay is patchy and in oshi7's video featuring mitch connors for example, just watch the dude in the top right hand corner of the screen, he's a mook.

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I didn't know it was a crime to get immersed in a game these days lol

Its quite strange. In every other game, you're praised for being good, in DayZ its almost a bad quality to be good at the game or shoot at people. Never quite understood why people hate us so much. Disliking us I could understand, but a lot of people seem to froth at the mouth when our names are mentioned just because we enjoy playing the squad vs squad side of DayZ.

Hell, this weekend we held a big community event on a friends server, set up a bandit camp in Polana and told people to come kill us. Admin spawned us in loads of gear and we loaded up and people attacked us. We had no intention of surviving, we just wanted a fun event where a good squad who could take us down would end up with awesome gear. We're planning on different events as well, such as an Army convoy rolling through a a "leaked" route and letting squads set up ambushes if they want to.

We do lots of stuff for the community, yet we're mooks... apparently. Pretty disheartening.

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Its quite strange. In every other game, you're praised for being good, in DayZ its almost a bad quality to be good at the game or shoot at people. Never quite understood why people hate us so much. Disliking us I could understand, but a lot of people seem to froth at the mouth when our names are mentioned just because we enjoy playing the squad vs squad side of DayZ.

Hell, this weekend we held a big community event on a friends server, set up a bandit camp in Polana and told people to come kill us. Admin spawned us in loads of gear and we loaded up and people attacked us. We had no intention of surviving, we just wanted a fun event where a good squad who could take us down would end up with awesome gear. We're planning on different events as well, such as an Army convoy rolling through a a "leaked" route and letting squads set up ambushes if they want to.

We do lots of stuff for the community, yet we're mooks... apparently. Pretty disheartening.

You shall still always have fans.

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Its quite strange. In every other game, you're praised for being good, in DayZ its almost a bad quality to be good at the game or shoot at people. Never quite understood why people hate us so much. Disliking us I could understand, but a lot of people seem to froth at the mouth when our names are mentioned just because we enjoy playing the squad vs squad side of DayZ.

Hell, this weekend we held a big community event on a friends server, set up a bandit camp in Polana and told people to come kill us. Admin spawned us in loads of gear and we loaded up and people attacked us. We had no intention of surviving, we just wanted a fun event where a good squad who could take us down would end up with awesome gear. We're planning on different events as well, such as an Army convoy rolling through a a "leaked" route and letting squads set up ambushes if they want to.

We do lots of stuff for the community, yet we're mooks... apparently. Pretty disheartening.

I'ts ok to be good at something, generally those who excel at things recieve respect from those who appreciate it, but there needs to be some humility and respect shown to others if you are seeking to be liked.

In the mitch Connors video, it seems to me that you are expecting some kind of adulation when you mention your name, and when these guys slated sacriel and mocked your internet fame you seemed almost dumbstruck by it, you tagged along with thier group and tried to pass them off as your crew when you met a buddy.

The first thing you did when you met them was check one of thier backpacks, you guys just don't come across as nice or honest or honourable, I'm not saying that you have none of these things but you fail to project these qualities in your vids.

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Its quite strange. In every other game, you're praised for being good, in DayZ its almost a bad quality to be good at the game or shoot at people. Never quite understood why people hate us so much. Disliking us I could understand, but a lot of people seem to froth at the mouth when our names are mentioned just because we enjoy playing the squad vs squad side of DayZ.

i love the squad vs squad size its amazing but it can be a bit much. just every now and again i just like to go on me own and see what i discover.

but the community stuff i kinda dislike alot of the dayz community, ones that mainly watch the youtubers or just kill for the fun of it these all seem to be little 15yr old fan boys you can pick them out in sacriels chat quiet easy. i think theres a lot that love to play dayz and would rather come across you in combat 1vs1 but never get the chance to as your most of the time in the squad. also if there are in a squad there might a few people that arnt as tactically aware of whats going on or what to do if they do come in cross fire.

for your next community get a server with 4 or 5 top quality squads all starting from nothing and see how long the game will last until a squad is left standing.

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i love the squad vs squad size its amazing but it can be a bit much. just every now and again i just like to go on me own and see what i discover.

but the community stuff i kinda dislike alot of the dayz community, ones that mainly watch the youtubers or just kill for the fun of it these all seem to be little 15yr old fan boys you can pick them out in sacriels chat quiet easy. i think theres a lot that love to play dayz and would rather come across you in combat 1vs1 but never get the chance to as your most of the time in the squad. also if there are in a squad there might a few people that arnt as tactically aware of whats going on or what to do if they do come in cross fire.

for your next community get a server with 4 or 5 top quality squads all starting from nothing and see how long the game will last until a squad is left standing.

Don't be fooled, the 'community stuff' is all about self promotion, a way of getting bullshit swallowers to subscribe, increasing revenue and a steady supply of fanboy fools to keep telling them how great they are.

Trouble is they are starting to believe thier own hype

edit - respect to oshi though, at least he has the balls to turn up and join the discussion

Edited by wabbit

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Don't be fooled, the 'community stuff' is all about self promotion, a way of getting bullshit swallowers to subscribe, increasing revenue and a steady supply of fanboy fools to keep telling them how great they are.

Trouble is they are starting to believe thier own hype

they are quality at squad combat in dayz. they do everything tactically right. go find me another streamer or youtuber that does it better than them?

and of course there gunna self promote how else are they going to make money as sacriel has made it his full time job he would be pretty shit if he didnt.

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they are quality at squad combat in dayz. they do everything tactically right. go find me another streamer or youtuber that does it better than them?

and of course there gunna self promote how else are they going to make money as sacriel has made it his full time job he would be pretty shit if he didnt.

no one really disputes the fact that they can play, but in oshi's words -

'' Never quite understood why people hate us so much. Disliking us I could understand, but a lot of people seem to froth at the mouth when our names are mentioned ...''

They are disliked by more people than I'm sure they'd like to be, this discussion is a great chance for them to get some constructive feedback and maybe make some changes to thier approach, this will only increase thier popularity and make sacriels decision the right one.

If they themselves feel hated then something is not right, no brand will survive very long if hate is allowed to take seed, because hate spreads like cancer.

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They are disliked by more people than I'm sure they'd like to be, this discussion is a great chance for them to get some constructive feedback and maybe make some changes to thier approach, this will only increase thier popularity and make sacriels decision the right one.

i think its more of the earlier players that dislike them as they kinda added to the media hype of dayz. i think oshi will agree with me that it was not soon after they started that the huge influx of hackers and little kids that dont know how arma engine works. kinda spoiled the experience a bit.

would love to see them try and connect with me and people like myself especially if they wanna take it threw standalone and expand it

Edited by leeds2007

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They are now part of the entertainment industry and the audiences are extremely unforgiving, if they deliver an enjoyable positive experience time and again then the sky's the limit.

If they continue to favour a negative dishonourable approach then viewer numbers will dwindle as they go seeking something more pleasant, more rewarding to watch and the brand will perish, the ball is in thier court.

There are more and more youtubers out there, and some of them are original and truly brilliant. When the standalone is released there will be a huge reset button pushed as even more join the market and battle it out with the established order. The wonderful thing about the free market is that it adheres to that most ancient of laws, survival of the fittest.

Time will tell.

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Nope, you're just over-analyzing it. It's obvious he has a leadership personality, and isn't afraid to use it.

there is no doubt that sacriel has some of the qualities you'd attribute to a leader, but not all of them.

He dominates his squad well enough, sometimes though you have to wonder why they take his selfishness lying down, I suspect they have decided to trade self respect for internet fame. I suppose that shows a leadership of sorts.

His silence here though is deafening, where is that leadership now? This is the official forum for the game that he is making money from, 2000 views and rising, subscribers and non subscribers alike, yet he deems himself above joining the debate leaving poor oshi to defend his buddies crumbling reputation alone. I take back my previous comment Oshi, you are not a mook dude, you've just spent too much time with one and it's rubbing off.

Would be interesting to know how much of the cash made from his channel goes to his team mates, and how long before they realise they may be better off without him and his dummy spitting, limelight hogging, self adoring ways.

Edited by Rastamaus

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I started watching Sacriel just before I 'got' DAY Z and I must say I liked his videos. I remember Elektro Loot route? That was a good video.

Recently however he seems to be focusing on how good he thinks he is. From his live streams I gather he has never been killed fairly, never done anything wrong and for some reason seems to enjoy ratting on Frankie. I mean would it kill him to admit hes been killed by a better player? Its always...6 man squads, stream sniper, hacker, camper noob or lucky.

Sacriel is an average Day Z player...nothing more. He just happens to play in a well geared squad.

Just to echo previous posts...Sacriel should post here and enter the debate. Also Frankie & JackFrags vs Sacriel & Oshi would be awesome!! One sided....but awesome!

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I started watching Sacriel just before I 'got' DAY Z and I must say I liked his videos. I remember Elektro Loot route? That was a good video.

Recently however he seems to be focusing on how good he thinks he is. From his live streams I gather he has never been killed fairly, never done anything wrong and for some reason seems to enjoy ratting on Frankie. I mean would it kill him to admit hes been killed by a better player? Its always...6 man squads, stream sniper, hacker, camper noob or lucky.

Sacriel is an average Day Z player...nothing more. He just happens to play in a well geared squad.

Just to echo previous posts...Sacriel should post here and enter the debate. Also Frankie & JackFrags vs Sacriel & Oshi would be awesome!! One sided....but awesome!

well said, it seems the emperor has no clothes

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My favourite players by far are Frankie and JackFrags.

Both solid players who play the game well and don't just KoS which is quite refreshing.

I've watched a few videos by OshiSeven but not enough to form a proper opinion, enjoying the videos so far though.

I really do like the commentary and explanations of various things from Frankie as well as the fact that he and his teammates clearly have fun and can admit 'Oh okay, he killed us' rather than the usual 'Oh, it's lag', 'Oh, must be a hacker' that a lot of streamers and casters seem to do.

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My favourite players by far are Frankie and JackFrags.

Both solid players who play the game well and don't just KoS which is quite refreshing.

I've watched a few videos by OshiSeven but not enough to form a proper opinion, enjoying the videos so far though.

I really do like the commentary and explanations of various things from Frankie as well as the fact that he and his teammates clearly have fun and can admit 'Oh okay, he killed us' rather than the usual 'Oh, it's lag', 'Oh, must be a hacker' that a lot of streamers and casters seem to do.

also this guy Trizzo, not as well polished as sacriel and frankie vids but with a real honesty and charm, he can play a bit too

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also this guy Trizzo, not as well polished as sacriel and frankie vids but with a real honesty and charm, he can play a bit too

Thanks for the link, I am currently living under an internet usage cap (Boo!) so I'm going to have to watch it later.

Always looking new casters to watch, everyone has to start out somewhere.

Edited by Rossums

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well we can only give our views and if they take them then great and good luck to them but carnt really see sacriel doing that maybe oshi will

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Its quite strange. In every other game, you're praised for being good, in DayZ its almost a bad quality to be good at the game or shoot at people. Never quite understood why people hate us so much.

Maybe many are upset because some try to play DayZ as if it were ArmA instead of actually playing ArmA itself?

I'm not saying how the game should / shouldn't be played, I'm just throwing this reasoning out there.

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Maybe many are upset because some try to play DayZ as if it were ArmA instead of actually playing ArmA itself?

I'm not saying how the game should / shouldn't be played, I'm just throwing this reasoning out there.

that is a good point, not much apocalypse survival on show and the repetitive nature of 4v1 pvp just wears thin after a while

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that is a good point, not much apocalypse survival on show and the repetitive nature of 4v1 pvp just wears thin after a while

ye once you know how the zombies work there not really any bother

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Its quite strange. In every other game, you're praised for being good, in DayZ its almost a bad quality to be good at the game or shoot at people. Never quite understood why people hate us so much. Disliking us I could understand, but a lot of people seem to froth at the mouth when our names are mentioned just because we enjoy playing the squad vs squad side of DayZ.

Hell, this weekend we held a big community event on a friends server, set up a bandit camp in Polana and told people to come kill us. Admin spawned us in loads of gear and we loaded up and people attacked us. We had no intention of surviving, we just wanted a fun event where a good squad who could take us down would end up with awesome gear. We're planning on different events as well, such as an Army convoy rolling through a a "leaked" route and letting squads set up ambushes if they want to.

We do lots of stuff for the community, yet we're mooks... apparently. Pretty disheartening.

The Internet haters gonna hate in this modern age can't be helped, best to just ignore baiting threads like this mate.

I'm looking forward to the competition Chris is going to be doing near the end of this month the features look very interesting with the street lights being on and all that, are you or any of the rest of the squad going to be involved?

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ye once you know how the zombies work there not really any bother

Yep, I completely understand that. I just brought up the point because I have read many posts where people simply want to play for the zombie / horror / survival aspect.

While that does sound completely boring to some, others enjoy it. They generally seem to understand that killing at times is necessary. But what seems to rub them the wrong way are those who group up and tactically stalk and kill other players for nothing more than the kill. It's not about protection; it's not about needing gear or food; it's not about survival. It's about using DayZ to play ArmA. And that's what upsets so many.

Again, I'm not saying what's right or wrong. I'm just reiterating the general picture which is formed after reading so many posts from others.

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