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is Sacriel becoming a bully?

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I loved his squad vs squad at the NW airfield stuff. but it seems it's become a 3-5 man squad against every unarmed player in sight. especially on Namaslk, where they've come to this rationalization that it's OK because there's so many military spawns around (but never the less Sacriel was upset when someone killed him when he was unarmed on that same map). but that doesn't change anything for the person that gets killed. they just spawned, and a heavily armed four-man squad coordinated to fill them with bullets. I mean even if that guy did pick up a AK at a deer stand, your four-man squad, that's on teamspeak and admittedly watching eachother's streams, still has a huge advantage

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if they don't like to be farmed, people can always form their own four-man squad and own the sh*t out of them.

well not really, but they can try.

i would be upset too in sacriels circumstance, being killed is never fun, except for the one who got the kill.

but instead of being a wussie and whine about bandits and killing on sight, i'd get back there with the four-man squad and set some things right.

Edited by Azrail

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Have you even been watching his live streams lately?

Sacriel has run into bullshit moments where for example he would bandage a bleeding unarmed guy, only for the unarmed guy to steal a weapon from Sac's backpack and shoot at Sac with it.

Another case was last night where Sacriel's squad met some dude called Ben around Vortuk (whatever that city is called). This "Ben" guy was pretty sound and temporarily joined their squad until he killed Sacriel later during the stream.

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Have you even been watching his live streams lately?

Sacriel has run into bullshit moments where for example he would bandage a bleeding unarmed guy, only for the unarmed guy to steal a weapon from Sac's backpack and shoot at Sac with it.

Another case was last night where Sacriel's squad met some dude called Ben around Vortuk (whatever that city is called). This "Ben" guy was pretty sound and temporarily joined their squad until he killed Sacriel later during the stream.

yeah, there's a lot of bs that goes on all around. but he's kinda in denial about being part of it. people were pointing it out lastnight on his stream, he got really defensive, and made what IMO are just excuses. I mean if he wants to admit to PK'ing 'just because' that's fine, but he always acts like he's this fair player that's kinda above that. and when he gets stream-sniped, or killed while unarmed, all of a sudden he's back on his high-horse... while admittedly watching the streams of his mates to guide them

Edited by daze23
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You're right, he obnoxiously uses "stream sniped" a lot, and it's more than likely he just got outplayed. But that's a different story.

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Have you even been watching his live streams lately?

Sacriel has run into bullshit moments where for example he would bandage a bleeding unarmed guy, only for the unarmed guy to steal a weapon from Sac's backpack and shoot at Sac with it.

you mean that unarmed guy? that he lit up, broke his legs and was the reason why he was bleeding? yeah, i'd probably do the same thing if I were that guy. especially because he was unarmed when he got lit up.

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Have you even been watching his live streams lately?

Sacriel has run into bullshit moments where for example he would bandage a bleeding unarmed guy, only for the unarmed guy to steal a weapon from Sac's backpack and shoot at Sac with it.

Another case was last night where Sacriel's squad met some dude called Ben around Vortuk (whatever that city is called). This "Ben" guy was pretty sound and temporarily joined their squad until he killed Sacriel later during the stream.

neglecting to mention the fact that the guy was bleeding because sacriel shot him...

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lol Fair enough, there's an argument for everything. Me being intoxicated and high on weed I saw differently.

At the end of the day when you've been killed numerous times while unarmed you get fed up, and will end up doing the same to any stranger you encounter.

edit: Sacriel spoke about this thread in his livestream, hoofitwarcraft etc

Edited by Drunk Guy

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lol Fair enough, there's an argument for everything. Me being intoxicated and high on weed I saw differently.

At the end of the day when you've been killed numerous times while unarmed you get fed up, and will end up doing the same to any stranger you encounter.

yeah, i'm not saying i wouldn't have done the same thing either. but if i were that unarmed player, i would have most certainly done what he did too :P

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who's sacriel?

Someone apparently worthy of a random thread. The interwebz is a weird thing...

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everyone shoots people the find.. its dayz, ive never found a friendly player.. i light everyone up.. i like my gear.

welcome to the problem..

you'll fit in nicely round these parts..

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There's more streamers out there. Plenty to choose from if you don't like particular streamers play style.

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There's more streamers out there. Plenty to choose from if you don't like particular streamers play style.

yeah, they're his team mates :P

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Thanks for the links, watched them, which one's sacriel? they are good players for sure but they lack a bit of humour and humanity, I prefer Frankie but that's just me

edit - and that chris dude is pretty arrogant, he's good but i seen better

Edited by Rastamaus
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That's why I switched over to FrankieOnPCin1080p and JackFrags. I love their playstyles, where they try to help out even the most obviously hostile players

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He's acting more soft now, if anything. It doesn't help that the Shannon and the stream tell him to kill whichever unarmed player he's met, either.

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the presentation of his vids is superb and the technical side to the gameplay is of a very high quality but it all seems so joyless and self aware

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Stop complaining and make a squad that could take them out... I watch his squads streams all the time but they aren't the gods people make them out to be.

I would say that the group I play with is just as good, we all know how to use our weaponry and have very clear comms. People are just dumb in this game

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