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is Sacriel becoming a bully?

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Am I the only one that enjoys both groups of players?

I luv tactical play, coming from counter strike source and I luv frankies way of doing things in encounters.

Who would win out of both groups?

I think you would have to challenge JackFrags and his bandit group instead of frankie.

Plus anyone who gets the jump on the other will win...cuz that's how DayZ plays.

Keep up your videos dude and don't let these idiots get too u, u can't please everyone on the Internet.

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Are you sure? The analogy fit fine actually, might have been in bad taste, but like I said, I didn't expect anyone to be stupid enough to take it seriously. And be my guest if you want to slap yourself in the face because you failed to see the point, blaming the victim for their actions.

But don't bring up any valid points from my post, just slap away at that reddening cheek, and post an overused meme, showing is the true caliber of your brain power. Peace.

Well you don't even know me . Edited by L1CKEYSPL1T

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Bro, does he even lift?

think thats summed up this thread

now is there any mods to close this.

its gone way off topic now

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Well you don't even know me .

I merely wrote facts, sarcasm, and an assumption, none of which should lead you to believe that I think I know you. But yes you are correct I don't, if that makes you feel any better.

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I merely wrote facts, sarcasm, and an assumption, none of which should lead you to believe that I think I know you. But yes you are correct I don't, if that makes you feel any better.

well this was fun

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Its quite strange. In every other game, you're praised for being good, in DayZ its almost a bad quality to be good at the game or shoot at people. Never quite understood why people hate us so much. Disliking us I could understand, but a lot of people seem to froth at the mouth when our names are mentioned just because we enjoy playing the squad vs squad side of DayZ.

For me the strange thing about people who are good at DayZ is that they kind of stop playing DayZ and are just kind of playing Arma2, unless they happen to be doing a lot of QCQ in a city where large numbers of zombies may actually be a factor. When I see squad vs squad combat that happens up north/in the wilderness it occurs to me that what I'm seeing is essentially Arma2 gameplay. Also I think people get their jimmies rustled when they see "squad vs 1-2 random dudes" rather than proper squad vs squad.

Edited by porkus_maximus
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For me the strange thing about people who are good at DayZ is that they kind of stop playing DayZ and are just kind of playing Arma2, unless they happen to be doing a lot of QCQ in a city where large numbers of zombies may actually be a factor. When I see squad vs squad combat that happens up north/in the wilderness it occurs to me that what I'm seeing is essentially Arma2 gameplay. Also I think people get their jimmies rustled when they see "squad vs 1-2 random dudes" rather than proper squad vs squad.

the zombies are only a factor cause they use them to find other players

that's why I was saying there's gonna be a great divide if the stand-alone is really this in-depth survival game, and not a big pvp playground. like it or not, a huge part of the success of the mod has come from the pvp aspects. I mean, look at how many people here see nothing wrong with shooting an unarmed player. you can say its water under the bridge, or whatever, but that was the topic of many debates on this message board

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Lol, you seem to be the type of person who would also blame the women for dressing slutty and walking down the wrong street, instead of the rapist for being a complete (your own choice of swear word here).

Also when I started out at the game, I sneaked around everywhere, then soon realised that it was a waste of time crawling past 19 Zeds to have the 20th spot you from 80 metres away, then sprint like Linford Christie at you till you hide in a bush. Pretty much every single person who runs knows exactly what they are doing, it doesn't instantly make it their fault that some fucktard is sitting on a hill with an AS50 waiting for someone to pop up in their FOV.

You also fail to mention these people have already been up North as well, then PURPOSEFULLY come back to the coast just to shoot people that don't have a chance at shooting back.

I have every right to complain about these people, If I had a gun, some supplies, a better backpack, then yes, sure, shoot me, I wouldn't care. The fact that they did it for the sake of getting a (completely well earned) kill, is just a bit pathetic.

(Let it be known I haven't been killed by a Spawn Camper yet, but it doesn't make my statement any less true.)

You don't even mention the New Spawns that are actually being sneaky, but just get unlucky by meeting someone on the same route who is already armed. Are these people to blame for their own misfortune? I guess it was their fault they ran into someone that kills unarmed people yes? Should have taken a left instead of a right at the last crossroads aye?

No, I'm more the sort of person who would blame a pedestrian for walking out into the middle of the road and expecting drivers to avoid him/her rather than taking appropriate steps to avoid impending death.

You say everyone who runs knows what they are doing? Then in that case they know the risks and accept them, right? If you accept the risk then you have no right to complain when that risk comes to fruition. Sure you can be a bit pissed off but since its not real life you should really get over it and spawn again.

Gearing up on Chernarus and then heading back to the coast to kill fresh spawns IS a dick move (though people still over react to it) however in response to this I have 2 points:

  1. I've never seen Sacriel or his crew do this, they only kill unarmed players when they happen across them.
  2. As far as I can tell everyone is complaining about Sacriel's killing of unarmed players recently which has almost exclusively been on Namalsk. There is no going to some isolated location to gear up and then going back to kill fresh spawns, fresh spawn areas overlap heavily with high grade loot areas all over the map (its why the pace on Namalsk is so much quicker).

You are right, some sneaky fresh spawns will get unlucky but that's part of playing a game, sometimes shit happens. However as I stated: "Most unarmed people that I see killed in any videos were legging it down the middle of a road" and these are the group of people I was clearly referring to.

That all said, I still maintain that if you are smart and have a good knowledge of the game you can get some basic gear on Chernarus with a VERY low chance of being seen by anyone, this includes not entering Cherno or Elektro as these places are obviously never remotely safe.

Hit up isolated farms or deer stands, sticking to cover and observing the area and you would be extremely unfortunate to be found and killed. If that style of game play is too time consuming for you then run into Cherno or Elektro and hope you don't get shot in the head. Point is, its your choice.

Edited by MoNo_MaN

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No, Sacriel isn't becoming a bully. He's killing more unarmed people on Namalsk because the nature of the map demands it. It's not like Chernarus where the good loot is up north, and you spawn on the coast. You spawn anywhere and there's high grade military loot on 2/3rds of the map. Fresh spawns on Chernarus aren't a threat. Fresh spawns on Namalsk are.

My question though... Why the fuck do you care what he does?

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If the off-topic posts persist the thread will be locked.

Keep it ON-TOPIC.

And stop with the unnecessary comments.

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Pointless DayZ videos.

They should just name them Arma 2 videos.

Hopefully the DayZ standalone will make this style of play harder because like someone said its just arma 2 footage and tactics.

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it seems the "it's the new spawn's fault" defense (that so many Sacriel defenders gave beans to) is in stark contrast to Sacriel's own defense on this matter

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on his most recent video entitled... IM NOT A BULLY!!! WATCH ME NOT KILL THIS PERSON!!!

i asked the question did he prefer to play as he does now with a more kill on sight approach or is it something he feels he has to do more now that he is streaming full time and wants to keep the subs happy and thus money to support him.

This earned me a ban and blocked from posting comments and my comment removed, so yeah, I'd say he is, noone questions the great sac!!!

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Everyone should keep in mind that DayZ is a sandbox game/mod. Chris is entitled to whatever playstyle he likes.

Does it matter if he kills newspawns in that matter? It is Namalsk after all, and weaponry is beyond easy to find.

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notice they've pretty much moved on to Wasteland

seems like they figured out there's better mods for their style of play

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I've now watched all of sacriels videos and feel like I can comment on the matter with some degree of insight. I don't see him or his squad doing anything that could be called bullying. They don't do anything I haven't done myself and I consider myself a friendly player. They play a shooting game and shoot people so they don't get shot. They do it with a degree of skill and coordination. Nothing else to say.

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Loving wasteland, and Sacriel, Oshi, Squirrel, Ngotie, Vancouver Dave, and all the guys. Sacriel does what needs to be done, and he's entertaining.

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