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Suggestion - Ghosts?

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I would prefer it if the scary things in game were not supernatural as DayZ is not really a horror game. It would feel out of place and as Man vs Wild said: DayZ is a simulation. Nice idea though would be pretty creepy. Maybe some private servers could implement it if they like the idea.

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ghost? hmmm it hasnt been proven they do or dont exsist so maybe. Big Foot would also be good for a scare but i think aggresive wild life such as bears and large cats in areas approriate would suit much better. Imagine a mountain lion waiting in hiding while your hofing from some zombies and get pounced on or even maybe they'd shred some zombies for you before attempting to maul your face off. Just as scary but you'd actually have to deal with it unlike the ghost which just might make you drop a deuce which in that case you'd smell like shit and attract flies if you dont find a change of clothes

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As said above, I rather see hallucinations. It's more easily explainable as it can be related to drugs, being very sick/running a fever, or starvation/dehydration.

Edit: This still gets the experience you are suggesting, just in a more easily explainable way that the community can accept much more easily.

Edited by Lights Out
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As said above, I rather see hallucinations. It's more easily explainable as it can be related to drugs, being very sick/running a fever, or starvation/dehydration.

Edit: This still gets the experience you are suggesting, just in a more easily explainable way that the community can accept much more easily.

That could work :D

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Silence is a lot scarier than a few animals.
The chance of being eaten alive by silence is a lot lower though ^_^

If you keep food in a tent, bears should be attracted to it.

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I think some scary elements should be added to the game like wind chimes and such but not fully blown Patrick Swayzes running around. If the weather is being tweaked then there is opportunity to add some shock value!

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I think something like Namalsk's atmospheric effects would be better suited for dayz rather than putting in actual ghosts. In my opinion, zombies screeches, animals calls, and explainable sounds would vastly improve the mod.

Edited by HeidlerVG

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it would be nice and creepy, although DayZ is supposed to be realistic, thus no ghosts.

still a good idea, just doesn't fit with this game

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I think something like Namalsk's atmospheric effects would be better suited for dayz rather than putting in actual ghosts. In my opinion, zombies screeches, animals calls, and explainable sounds would vastly improve the mod.
Namalsks' ambient sounds are creepy when you initially hear them, then instantly become pointless. IMO They don't add any atmosphere for more than the first 5 minutes.

What should be used as background noise is authentic sounds caused by the actions of the characters in the world (players/zeds/animals).

I would be more likely to be startled by a noise that I knew wasn't just a looped "ambient track".

eg. Any gunshots/screams must have been due to another player. Any rustling leaves could just be a foraging pig, but what if its zombies? :o

The wind would still have to be made up of looped recordings, but that's forgiveable.

All sounds should be made from a traceable and locatable source, (where practicable for the developers)

That would be more scary than "Woooooo! The ghost of the sound effects studiooooooo!"

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So I mentioned to my friend that I think it would be a great idea if randomly ghosts might appear and dissappear randomly throughout dayz- especially at night - on rare occasions, just to scare the shit out of people. I think it would create alot of interesting encounters and would add to the already awesome creepy atmosphere of the game when your in a sticky situation. Somewhat like what fear did- a ghost of a little girl or- whatever would appear as u turn a corner then dissappear not long after. I'm not a games designer so i'm not sure how possible this might be but just thought I'd add it because I think it could be a good idea. Lemme know what you think- and thanks for reading.

Creepy scares is one thing but I am not sure ghosts have a place in dayz. Great enthusiasm though

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