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Run and gun

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So you're not allowed to shoot and run at the same time? I mean, I kind of understand about shooting, but what about throwing grenades, flares, and chem lights. The point of some of those is to distract zombies, but if you have to stop, at which point they cripple you, doesn't that defeat the purpose?

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That's a throwback to the original Arma II engine, where you wouldn't be running from zombies.

pun intended.

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Since when were you unable to move and shoot at the same time?

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Since when were you unable to move and shoot at the same time?

You were not able to. but in real life you can but the bullets would hardly hit shit

And now as for the grenade thing I understand , Your guy should be able to Un-pin a grenade while running and just drop it and continue running so the zombies behind will walk right ontop.

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Bad animations...because the dummy had a stick up it's ass it couldn't move while doing the throw animation.

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Well, default moving speed is "running", and you can shoot doing that. You aren't able to aim correctly and you're wildly inaccurate, but you're more mobile. So, it is Run and Gun.

Sprinting (Default double tapping w) is an entirely different matter. You're exerting all of your energy and focus into moving fast. Trying to keep hold of a gun and firing it whilst doing that would be highly impractical.

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Well, default moving speed is "running", and you can shoot doing that. You aren't able to aim correctly and you're wildly inaccurate, but you're more mobile. So, it is Run and Gun.

Log into the game and try it. No you cant 'run' and shoot at all. the only way you can shoot is aiming down sights and soon as you do that you're slowed to a walk.

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Well then I'm being told two different things...

If you really can't move at all when firing from the hip I believe you should be able to.

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Well then I'm being told two different things...

If you really can't move at all when firing from the hip I believe you should be able to.

indeed, there is an addon for ArmA 2 that does allow you to do this, so i would imagine its very much possible to add to DayZ. I forget what the addon is now, though I think it does slightly slow down the default run and speeds up the sprint to compensate.

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You can move while firing, at a slow walk... i dont have an issue with this myself, i did ten years infantry, and been shooting since i was a weeee tacker... and shooting while yah running is pissing into the wind realistically... hunting one time i did manage to nail two goats firing from the hip sliding down a bank(which in hind site was stupid... when yah young errr) It should make it crazy inaccurate, like shoot yerself in the foot inaccurate.

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