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Please don't hate on me when you read this

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Maybe when the PS4 hits it would be possible to put a low resolution port out there, but the ultimate problem is that ArmA3/DayZ have waaayyyyy too many controls behind the scenes to make it plausible right now.

Consoles are a snapshot in the technology world, literally. Now, I can wholly understand if you're shaky on building a PC yourself, bu believe me when I say the actual BUILDING it isn't much more than picking a good mid-size tower, researching compatable components, and plugging it all into the tower. If you do all that quickly, you can return components that don't work (most do, but there's always that 1/1000 lemon) and any problems you have are just a click on the internet away.

Simply put, ArmA does not work because, to be honest? ArmA is a PC game. It was built and designed for the PC and that's where it will stay. I hate to sound fanboyish, but look at how many games these days are tossed into the system of "make it for consoles and EZPort it to PC" so that PC gamers end up with a buggy, unoptimized, boiled down version of what they have? Yes, I'm still very sore about Skyrim. Seriously, go look at the difference between console TF2 and PC TF2. Minecraft is on the Xbox, so we lost that one, but the PC deserves exclusives just like Sony and Microsoft.

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You can build a PC that will run just about anything at max settings for less than $2.5K ($25K? Really? does it have a solid gold case or something?). If you build a generation behind the current one you can build a PC that will run just about anything on high to max settings for around $800-$1K. For about $500 you can build something that will run ArmA II on high settings and will still most probably run ArmA 3 when it comes out but on lower settings. This game would be impossible to port to consoles so that isn't going to happen. Do yourself a favor and get a PC.

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Hey guys' date=' so I am a console player. And there are many out there just like me that would die to have this mod come to consoles in any way. Now, I know they would have to scale down the map tremendously and other stuff but it IS possible. Please, if you are supportive, try and spread the word


Sony are welcome to send me an email anytime.

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If graphics are all you care about in games, Your gonna have a BAAAAAD time in ArmA.

And besides, I cant think of any console game producer that wouldn't fuck the game up completely.

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I can't really afford a high end pc' date=' and I would need a pretty expensive one if i want the game to run in the highest settings.[/quote']

Whoa whoa whoa wait. Why do you demand that the PC has to run games at maximum settings when your console is running games at the PC equivalent of medium/low settings?

You most certainly don't need an expensive PC to run games at ~1280x720, medium/low settings and ~30fps which is pretty much what you're getting on your console in every game.

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You should be able to run ArmA2 on your new console in about 5-10 years time.

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Current gen Consoles are not capable of handling such large terrains as Chernarus' date=' you'd have to implement some kind of zoning or terrain streaming, as employed by many MMOs, but still a console would choke on the size of the world it has to display.


lol what utter bullshit.. maybe try some fuel, just cause 2 or other open world games who dwarfs chenarus looking like a houses backyard..

arma is not on consoles because arma is a niche milsim that has not much mass market appeal (why should it ita a niche milsim)

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I dont think you understand the gravity of the situation, the console are not powerful enough to handle all the tiny details along with ai and processing all the other unseen things.

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arma is not on consoles because arma is a niche milsim that has not much mass market appeal (why should it ita a niche milsim)

yes,it is not the fact that consoles are shipped with 512mb Ram or overall hardware from 7 years ago.It's just because Arma is a niche milsim.

Go consoles!

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Short Answer: No, never

Long Answer: No, never

Dont buy a PC just for this game - buy it for all of them. It's better anyways.

I dont want ANOTHER series ruined by what is essentially console faggotry and dumbing down for the cawadoody masses. Too many things I used to enjoy have been destroyed so that they can be more popular, so I'd like to keep a few pleasures in terms of video games.

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Lol @ dayz not being able to run on consoles. This isn't crisis 3 were talking about here. I don't think some of you comprehend that dayz runs on heavily modified arma 1 technology which is what, six years old?o

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a PC required to play this wouldn't destroy the bank. I spent about 800 on mine and I can easliy run this game at about 40-50 frames on ultra. Its not like you need to run it on ultra. The graphics aren't mind blowing anyway so running it on normal would be just fine.

trust me PC games are really fun and alot of the dayz community is pretty nice.

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