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Fluff (DayZ)

A question, concerning computer requirements.

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First off, I'd like to apologize if I posted this in the wrong section.

Then I would like to apologize because I'm sure things like this get asked around here.. a lot.

I was curious as to how well this computer could handle DayZ, and at what settings.

It's a i7-3770k Quad-core 3.5/3.9ghz processor.

8 gigs of ddr3-1600 corsair vengeance RAM

dual AMD radeon hd 7850 2gb (crossfire)

I was more than confident about running the game when I saw ARMAII:CO's requirements but then I saw people on Youtube videos and such talking about how you need 4.0ghz+processors and nvidia 575s and so on to run the game..so I just wanted to double check here.

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you'll be fine

my system is weaker than your and runs fine

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There is ArmA 2 Free to try, download it (1,5 gb, available on Steam as Demo) and test it out on various graphical settings, if it runs fine (it definitely should with such PC), then you are good to go for buying the game and joining into DayZ and other ArmA 2 activities.

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Deathwalker, like I said. I was confident because well..you said it yourself. It may not be a crazy $5,000 system but it gets the job done. However once I started seeing all of these people with crazy specs that blew my computer out of the water complaining about getting as low as 15 frames I became concerned.

I don't have the cash to do any major upgrades if this was the case, so I was concerned.

I wasn't sure if the claims were legit, or if it was a server problem and not specs.

Thanks for the replies though guys. It's helped.

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However once I started seeing all of these people with crazy specs that blew my computer out of the water complaining about getting as low as 15 frames I became concerned.

I wasn't sure if the claims were legit' date=' or if it was a server problem and not specs.


It was a problem for alot of Servers a couple of weeks ago. Wasn't anything to do with users own computers.

There is still the odd server that will make you get 15fps or lower but thats because the server admin hasn't updated his files for the server.

95% of servers you will get 40+ fps with that spec you listed.

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AMD Athlon II X3 450

3.21 Ghz, 3,25 GB RAM

NVIDIA GeForce GT 430

Windows XP with service pack 3

What do you think guys ?

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Performance will very depending on server, and quantity of players on the server, and pings of players on that server. A lot a different things will affect it, but that's normal.

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Default Arma, maxed - no problem.

Dayz - might lag due bugs/glitches so you will have to remove/lower settings as AA/post and such.

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From what I have seen it is mostly dependent on the server for me. Not really sure what is effecting it, but my fps drastically depends on the server.

AMD Phenom II x6 1100T Black 3.3GHz (6 cores)

16GB DDR3 1333MHz

Dual (crossfire) AMD HD Radeon 6870s (2GB versions)

On some servers I can get up to around 70 fps with everything maxed out that can be turned up with the exception of the 3d resolution. It looks quite nice if you double the 3d resolution but I can't even get 5 fps on the main menu. However on some servers I struggle to get 10fps even if I turn every single setting to the absolute lowest. Some servers just lag you to hell for some reason.

EDIT::: God damn it. I forgot to check the OP date D= I hate being part of necroing. I just saw the dates on the posts for today after reading all of the posts.....

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Is it just me or are there alot of people, who are posting their high end pcs to show off and acting like they don´t know they can run the games...?

Anyway, DayZ needs to much ressources. The DayZ process needs more ressources than World of Warcraft on Ultra Settings with 6k Players on a Server and i got much better FPS ingame. I know you can´t compare fps and ping, but atleast the ressources.

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