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anna (DayZ)

Input and Standalone

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I've seen and read alot of material regarding dayz standalone but have yet to see any plans on improved input. If you dont know what im talking about many of my friends and I experience positive accel to a point and then negative accel kicks in.

For example it would be something like this

A very slow 360 would take 12cm on my mousepad

A slightly faster 360 would take 7cm on my mousepad

A very fast 360 would need a couple meters of mousepad (and would probably end up going in the opposite direction)

It really make shooting / aiming unenjoyable and really defeats the purpose of adjusting the sensitivity bar if its never going to be the same anyway.

So are there any plans on improvement? because this really could be a dealbreaker for me and others

Ps. Don't tell me to drag the smooth bar all the way down or link a fix because I have literally tried all of them.

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Yawn, first of all the games going to be on a updated engine (some people would call it new i personaly wouldnt) so yes if that problem was real it would be fixed, but heres what you need to do

-unplug mouse

-throw it out the window

-buy a better mouse

-go back to school

you really really really should have worked that out yourself as i have NEVER ever seen that problem or expierenced that probelm ever = the problems with you not the game.

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Yawn, first of all the games going to be on a updated engine (some people would call it new i personaly wouldnt) so yes if that problem was real it would be fixed, but heres what you need to do

-unplug mouse

-throw it out the window

-buy a better mouse

-go back to school

you really really really should have worked that out yourself as i have NEVER ever seen that problem or expierenced that probelm ever = the problems with you not the game.

Congrats you don't have a problem therefore it doesn't exist. I never had a problem with cancer so I guess everyone is faking it. Yeh I'll throw out a perfectly good mouse that works in every situation except in arma 2. Good one champ. (stop posting idiot)

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There's a maximum speed at which a mouse can track.

Past that, the only way to have more effective DPI (the feeling of) is to have accelerating software.

Otherwise, buy a better mouse.

Also, some software can let you program quick manoeuvres for instant 180 degree transition.

P.S. Get an all-surface laser mouse and get rid of the mousepad.

I have half my desk dedicated to my mouse.

Edited by Axelord FTW

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This is an Arma 2 exclusive problem, I have never come across this problem in any other kind of shooter or any kind of game that requires mouse movement for that matter. Im not looking for sick 360 headshots, I just want consistant performance.

Im using a deatheradder, not some $2 optical. The hardware is definately not the problem

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Congrats you don't have a problem therefore it doesn't exist. I never had a problem with cancer so I guess everyone is faking it. Yeh I'll throw out a perfectly good mouse that works in every situation except in arma 2. Good one champ. (stop posting idiot)

congrats your a idiot, im saying the problem doesn't exist given the fact that out of 2 arma community and 1 dayz community iv played in and sevrel other games iv played each problem along these lines has allways come down to the mouse so rather than being a wank face read understand that i was giving you a illegitimate reply

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congrats your a idiot, im saying the problem doesn't exist given the fact that out of 2 arma community and 1 dayz community iv played in and sevrel other games iv played each problem along these lines has allways come down to the mouse so rather than being a wank face read understand that i was giving you a illegitimate reply

stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself

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Hello there

Play nice kids, no need for insults.



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yawn coming from the person who needs technical support because there game isn't sensitive enough.

I hope english isn't your first language

If anyone can give a real answer feel free to reply

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I hope english isn't your first language

If anyone can give a real answer feel free to reply

lets sum this up, the problem is client side, chances are some were along the line there is something screwed up causing your mouse to be unresponsive. now if you will grow up for 5 seconds and understand not evrey answer will be what you want to hear and understand that its the internet no need to get but hurt. now i will give you the benefit of the doubt because im guessing you quite young, when evrey solution to a problem and when the game has been out for quite a few years i mean lets face it arma 2 is a old boy and nothing has been reported in mass about a problem, you can pretty much work out the problem is client side aka the problem is with you.

now lets look at all the possible problems and solutions

-your mouse isnt all its cracked up to be and need to be upgraded.

-your mouse drivers are out dated

-your graphics drivers are out dated

-your mouse isnt tracking properly it happends with older mice.

-your DPI is set to low

-your lagging in general witch could be -latency

-a pc that cant handle the game witch is highly possible with the details you have given.

-solutions first try re-installing the game

-try the game with a different mouse maybe one you have laying around

understand that arma 2 is running of a old engine it is badly optimized and if it wassent for its amazing modding capability's and being the only game that gives real scene of realism (witch is debatable) the game would not be used at all.

yes problems like this and 1000's of others should be fixed with the stand alone.

any other things you need answering or explained?

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Not sure about it, but try playing with the smoothing in the mouse options.

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now lets look at all the possible problems and solutions

-your mouse isnt all its cracked up to be and need to be upgraded.

-your mouse drivers are out dated

-your graphics drivers are out dated

-your mouse isnt tracking properly it happends with older mice.

-your DPI is set to low

-your lagging in general witch could be -latency

-a pc that cant handle the game witch is highly possible with the details you have given.

Appreciate it, but wrong on all accounts

If you're wondering how my pc handles Dayz I get 80+ frames constant. Once again this a problem exclusive to arma 2

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So you're basically saying there's NO WAY it can be something on your end. (Despite no one else seeming to have the problem) and that it HAS to be a problem with the game. Oookay.

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Other people have posted about mouse acceleration problems in Arma 2. Do a quick Google search and you'll see plenty of posts about it across various forums, including this one. You are correct it is an issue with the Arma 2 engine. Personally I've learned to live with it and just adjusted my play as it isn't a huge problem, at least on my end.

Edited by walrus2517

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yeah the op is right. there is shitty accel in arma. really helps if you get a clue haribokid

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Its there for a reason.The Arma devs did not want "their" game to be a twitch shooting game where you have players doing all sorts of unrealistic kill shots.The fastest way to move the weapon in game is to move the mouse in a smooth manner.If you try to spin it fast to snap off a shot at person standing behind you it will move less than if you were to slow down the movement and let the character follow the mouse.Think about it like this.....A2 tries to model realistic body mechanics....do you really think you can spin around in a split second and take a shot?

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Its there for a reason.The Arma devs did not want "their" game to be a twitch shooting game where you have players doing all sorts of unrealistic kill shots.The fastest way to move the weapon in game is to move the mouse in a smooth manner.If you try to spin it fast to snap off a shot at person standing behind you it will move less than if you were to slow down the movement and let the character follow the mouse.Think about it like this.....A2 tries to model realistic body mechanics....do you really think you can spin around in a split second and take a shot?

no, they have stupid accel. you can still have it not be a twitch shooter and have non idiotic accel.

of course you can spin around quickly and take a shot irl. dumb question.

Edited by Dankine

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congrats your a idiot, im saying the problem doesn't exist given the fact that out of 2 arma community and 1 dayz community iv played in and sevrel other games iv played each problem along these lines has allways come down to the mouse so rather than being a wank face read understand that i was giving you a illegitimate reply

You're an idiot. This guy was spot on:

stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself

And yeah OP, although i havent really noticed it myself, always been a console gamer really, quite new to PC shooters, BUT i've heard at least 5 people complaining about the same thing.

Edited by Rooneye

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Yawn, first of all the games going to be on a updated engine (some people would call it new i personaly wouldnt) so yes if that problem was real it would be fixed, but heres what you need to do

-unplug mouse

-throw it out the window

-buy a better mouse

-go back to school

you really really really should have worked that out yourself as i have NEVER ever seen that problem or expierenced that probelm ever = the problems with you not the game.

You may be trolling but what an utterly rude, ignorant and stupid person you are. As the poster above beat me to pointing out it's there for realism, it's not perfect but without it the aiming would be too much like any other fps. Anyone who claims it's not there or it's a problem with op's gear is just not paying enough attention. I would't mind it being toned down in sa but it's not a deal breaker.

Edit: anna even explained how you could test it out yourself in the op and still you unleash your idiotic babble at her/him, you should apoligise.

Edited by DubPlate

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they're an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about. of course they'll never apologise.

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