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"Bad serial key in setup" (different)

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I am currently making this thread since I have tried all the other things listed to fix this and none have, here is some information: I have legit bought the game, via steam. I have ran both Arma II and Arms II OA successively, this is happening after about 4 days of owning the game.

Now here are the things I've tried:

Restart computer, run steam as a admin

Restart steam, run steam as a admin

Re install both games

Do the method with Run -> regedit -> delete the files -> verify game

Please help me, I really enjoy the game DayZ and really don't feel like buying it again, from what I understand the company has received a lot of hate for it, but I have seen that everyone is able to get a fix, but I dont understand when I do it why it doesn't fix it for me.

Thank you in advanced,


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I can run A2, but OA gives me the bad serial key

Try to first run steam as administrator, then run OA and use DayZ Commander to play.

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It's important to verify the local files for Arma (while admin) first and start it up to let it do the first time install. Then do the same thing for OA.

Maybe you already tried that though.

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Yes I have tried all over that, It says something about "One game file inst verified but we will retrieve it or something" but it never works.

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So why are you asking about the serial? Take a screenshot with the error message and let us know when it pops up, if you want help.

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I never use Steam so I can't really help you here, but in worst case it looks like you need to reinstall the game. You should double-check that you've done things exactly as explained in the sticky first though, it might save you some time.

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