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About xtchero

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  1. xtchero

    DayZ server with wasteland mod

    No. Wasteland got a genius Basebuilding system and a nice vehicle spawning system. Basebuilding is made MUCH easier in wasteland mod than in many of the DayZ Basebuilding servers.
  2. Hello! I was wondering if there is any DayZ servers with the Wasteland mod installed? That would be awesome. Thanks, this is all i wondered about ^^ (PS: sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, please move it if yes)
  3. xtchero

    Can't we all just survive?

    What i think would have been amazing is if the servers got a "Karma" system. Like, if you shoot a survivor, you lose karma. If you kill for example 5 peoples, you will get banned for 24 hours. If you kill a hero, that counts as 2 karma. Which means that you can only kill 3 more survivors. If you kill a bandit, you will get back karma, up to 5 karma. The server owners are gonna be able to choose the karma system if they want to have it. It's not default, but you can enable it from a list.
  4. xtchero

    Lag problems

    No answers?
  5. Try to first run steam as administrator, then run OA and use DayZ Commander to play.
  6. xtchero

    Lag problems

    Hello, it's me again :D(Obviously) I finally managed to get DayZ to work. Now i have been playing for about a week or so, and it's one of the best games/mods i have ever played.(Except Minecraft, i LOVE it!) Well, my problem today is LAG! ------------------------------------------------------- My specs: AMD Phentom™ II N850 Triple-Core Processor 2.20 GHz 4,00 GB ram, 64 bit Model(Incase you need it): Acer Aspire 5552G My stats(from 1,0 to 7,9): Processor: 6,2 Memory(ram): 7,2 Graphics: 5,9 Gamegraphics: 6,5 Primary HDD: 5,7 ------------------------------------------------------- I got about 40-50(if i'm lucky, 60) FPS in wilderness. In cherno/elektro and all the "big" cities, i got about 10-20 FPS, when alot of zombies spawn, got about 8-18 FPS. Any tips? RAM Disk didn't work, config file settings didn't work.. Thank you! [EDIT] I use DayZ Commander if that has anything to do with this. I'm sorry for bad english.
  7. xtchero

    Connection failed on every server

    Thanks for this AMAZING support! I am so happy with this! I got no answers <3 I have never been any more happy <3
  8. xtchero

    Connection failed on every server

    Okay, i give up-.-
  9. xtchero

    Connection failed on every server

    I REALLY want to play this mod. Hope someone have a solution soon.
  10. xtchero

    My Hacking Adventure!

    Nice catch, +1. I really do hate hackers also.
  11. Hello. Well, today i got DayZ, but when i try to join any server, i get "Connection failed". I have not been able to connect to any servers(i am using tunngle because i've got alot of friends there). I don't know very much more i have to write. Thanks. [Edit] I looked at the other threads, none of them were working.