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Bring back the debug menu! or at least another way to find out my humanity!

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Hehe, sorry if it came out as rude. Was not intended. More like snarky sarcasm. I do enjoy discussions and have nothing against differing opinions. :) Will answer later when I'm not being murdered from inside by a headache.

EDIT: What it all comes down to is that other mechanics for the medical and humanity system is planned and the debug monitor was never intended to remain in the final game. So the discussion from the start is rather pointless.

Edited by Terrorviktor

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I think its good its gone, Nobody should be able to know these stats, just so its realistic - its dayz

Edited by Heathcz

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Yes, it is a slight advantage. You can know exactly how much meat to eat, how many more bullets you can take, and whether that guy you just shot is actually dead (although kind of offset by the stupid death messages).

Regardless, it breaks immersion and should stay out of the game.

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People keep bitching about the debug ruining the realism and atmosphere, "if you want to become a hero keep doing what your doing"

If you want to become a bandit or become a hero, the game cant MAKE you become either, because its not realistic! blah blah blah, you cant make a zombie game completely realistic.

personally I only want it back to see - Kills and blood.

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the advantage it gives you is the only reason you want it.
what advantage does it give?
I only want it back to see - Kills and blood.
Having a numerical value for your health doesn't change what your health is. Doesn't make your health recover faster. Doesn't clear your vision when its blurry. Some people just like to know specifics rather than some vague color scheme icon.
Yes, it is a slight advantage. You can know exactly how much meat to eat, how many more bullets you can take, and whether that guy you just shot is actually dead
Having exact read outs is an advantage. The debug menu is gone forever. Deal with it.

tl:dr - If you want the debug menu back, stop making excuses. It's because you want to make the game easier, plain and simple.

Players who disagree with the OP only want to see DayZ reach its' full potential as a pioneer of
zombie survival sims.

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There's a point where you want to play the game the way you want to, and there's a point where you suggest something that clashes with the core concept of the game. DayZ is not so much a game as it is a simulation of survival. You don't have this little green menu popping up in your head showing the exact quantity of blood you have, or how 'nice' of a person you are.

So no, I'm glad it's gone.

Edited by Riem
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So you have no reason to want it back, good.

Problem solved.


I want it back because I like the number so I can measure my blood a bit easier while eating to heal or deciding whether I'm worth wasting a bloodbag on...just a bit more convenient, I wouldnt call that an advantage

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Life isn't statistics and pie-charts, lol. Having to guage your blood level using the icon is more realistic, a bit more challenging and can add a bit of fear when you don't know if you're under 10k waiting to be knocked unconscious. It's just better all-around IMO.

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I hope that at least we can all agree that killcounts (zombies or players) is a bad idea? Even if there is a separate stat window you have to open to see the number of kills this can still be used to check if you got a guy from far away or not.

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Some times realism does go too far. I understand it is supposed to mirror real-life, but something has to give. Your product being painstakingly close to real life or people enjoying your product. Rocket needs to choose which he feels more important and I hope he chooses right.

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Your product being painstakingly close to real life or people enjoying your product. Rocket needs to choose which he feels more important and I hope he chooses right.
It's a matter of perspective. Whatever he chooses will have been "right" for him.

Rocket makes it clear in many of his interviews, he values authenticity over popularity. A lot of people just can't seem to accept that.

Folks need to get used to the idea that they're not going to be pandered to.

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tl:dr - If you want the debug menu back, stop making excuses. It's because you want to make the game easier, plain and simple.

Players who disagree with the OP only want to see DayZ reach its' full potential as a pioneer of
zombie survival sims.

stop talking shit! i've had enough of you. you seem to think that because taking it away makes it less realistic, when you're the one playing a fucking zombie game. if you want pure realism then fuck off into the forest.

There's a point where you want to play the game the way you want to, and there's a point where you suggest something that clashes with the core concept of the game. DayZ is not so much a game as it is a simulation of survival. You don't have this little green menu popping up in your head showing the exact quantity of blood you have, or how 'nice' of a person you are.

So no, I'm glad it's gone.

so you're going for total realism? hmm oh of course when someone breaks their leg, they can easily fix it with an injection of morphine. people can of course run forever, and of course there are guns lying around in every building you can walk in. there is a point to where realism can be taken too far.

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stop talking shit!
Stop trying to disguise the fact that you are complaining because you want it to be easier for you.

You're only making yourself look like an idiot.

Anyone who has accepted the lack of debug menu isn't getting what they want, they're accepting the premise of DayZ as Rocket intended it.

You won't get what you want, so learn to take what you get.

EDIT: We can all extend other peoples arguments ad absurdum, it doesn't make you right.

if you want pure realism then fuck off into the forest.
If you want to look at statistics, go back to school. Edited by Chabowski
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so you're going for total realism? hmm oh of course when someone breaks their leg, they can easily fix it with an injection of morphine. people can of course run forever, and of course there are guns lying around in every building you can walk in. there is a point to where realism can be taken too far.

No, if I were going for total realism I'd actually go outside and make my skin a few shades darker from sunlight exposure.

The health system is being reworked in the SA version, and the current one we have is a limitation of what a mod can do. Stamina and spawns are ALSO being fixed. So your arguments are rather silly. And even if you say that you want to see the this just for the mod, I'm fairly sure the majority of the community who will be working on it while we wait for the standalone will disagree with you.

Not because of realism, mind you. I suppose you could say you could imagine this bright green menu in your mind showing your current health and other levels. But because of atmosphere. I like DayZ because playing it immerses you into this bleak little landscape where just about everything is out to kill you. And any moment some ill-intended sniper rifle bullet or a bad game of tag with a zed could end your playing.

So no, I don't want this big, clunky pile of stats showing up in the corner of my screen.

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No one here is asking for an arcadish game with melodramatic msuic every time a player is withing range of you (whether you know it or not). Thats WarZ and its a joke... But all the arguments for "you know how much to eat if you know your exact blood..." are really over done arguments. I always find more food than I can eat (cans and animals) & usually have enough food in my pack to completely heal myself. Hows that for realistic? So its not really an advantage to know the specific number... its just a convenience that does not change the game. The truth is, I've always liked numbers. Its a fact that many people do. Numbers are no more realistic or unrealistic than a vague icon. We don't have floating icons to our right side in real life do we?

In real life I don't need an icon or statistical readout to know how hungry or thirsty we are. But a game needs that information (in some form) or you never know when your guy is gonna keel over from starvation. While people have differing opinions about to what degree readouts should give info... in the end it doesn't matter so much as people say. When you're low on blood and your vision is black and white, when you're passing out... does it matter or change anything whether you have the specific number or just the flashing icon? One is more specific than another but does not really change things. Its not a "game changer", but definitely is a preference.

I've played a lot of games that had numerical readouts, then converted to vague icons. I hated that change and many of those games (made me feel less into the game) and I did leave those behind because it became less clear and less enjoyable not to know the details of my character/actions/etc.

Yes, Rocket can do whatever he wants to. He can make this zombie game as realistic (lol) as you can possible make a zombie game, and make it fun for only for an incredibly select few people. I'm sure some of you will be exceedingly happy about that and not care one bit about anyone else. But having options, different settins that can be used... broadens the player clientelle... and again this isn't so huge an advantage so as to "break the game". And, like day/night or 24/7 day servers... different servers can set the settings differently... so you can play on a super bare bones server all you want to.... and others can play with the info available. Why force everyone to play the game only your way by making the options not even available? (BTW I've seen servers that force 1st person... and they are usually empty, while 3rd person servers are usually occupied. Wonder why?)

In the end, everyone plays for fun. Everyone has varying ideas on what fun is. All I'm saying is allow the settings to be set by the server so we all have a choice in the matter... herp derp.

I know.... I know.... TL:DR nyah nayh lol

Edited by Seddrik
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I like that its gone keeps it much simpler than looking for stats or blood count. With the blood count gone I find myself always carrying extra blood bags now

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I just lol at these "maybe its not for you..." comments.

All I suggest is that the options be available to server side settings. If you wanna play blind as a bat, then hop on X server. If I don't then I hop on Y server. But what you guys suggest is rather silly... "Don't allow these options because thats not in Rocket's artistic dream for a zombie apocolypse".


"Get on with your life"? So what, I can't enjoy the game because you prefer a very narrow definition and very narrow vision of how it "should" be? I can't comment in the suggestions thread about allowing options so that not just you, but many others can enjoy the game too?

rofl Gotta love people like this...

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What is silly about it? I seriously do not get it now. :)

EDIT: Maybe it just is that many of us enjoyed playing DayZ because it altered the way you are "supposed" to play a game. No scores, no information, no purpose and no goal. Maybe that is frustrating for some, while many of us like it. The thing is with game mechanics and numbers that there will always be people trying to break the system. If the stats are hidden and everything is designed to make you as the player recognize signs to evaluate a situation this becomes harder.

Edited by Terrorviktor
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So what, I can't enjoy the game because you prefer a very narrow definition and very narrow vision of how it "should" be?
Dean Hall defines how it should be, 'nuff said.

EDIT: Stop ignoring the very obvious fact that this game is being created from the idea of ONE MAN with a very clear picture of what he wants to accomplish.

EDIT2: Go and look at some interviews with Rocket, or read through his topics on here, then think about what has been made clear, time and time again. DayZ is not going to be for everyone.

Edited by Chabowski
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Get rid of debug and get rid of humanity and the silly skins, Replace with the ability (with an animation) to put away your gun, then ppl may trust each other a bit. I mean how would you react if you saw someone walking towards you in the street with a gun pointed towards you? Or even just with a gun in hand?

Even if a close friend or family member had a gun in hand it would prob make most ppl still a bit uneasy.

imo its the guns being in the players hands that makes ppl uneasy and so they shoot on sight

It isnt perfect cos some ppl could still pull out gun and shoot, but its a start and would make ppl feel alot more at ease without a gun pointing at each other :)



PS - as far as i know Rocket doesnt want any UI onscreen at all if possible, Nad im down with that idea, would be a breath of fresh air tbh (sick of scores and achievements)

Edited by jaytmuk

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Rocket took away Starting with a Makarov. And i moaned and ranted and stamped my feet. Then after a day or 2 i realised the game was all the better for that decision.

Rocket took away the Debug monitor. And i moaned and ranted and stamped my feet. Then after a day or 2 i realised the game was all the better for that decision.

Rocket knows best :P

Altho 1 thing i disagreed with Rocket about was when he said that he thinks the Hearing & Visual icons need to stay, I never even look at them tbh, i can hear what noise my guy is making and can hear if Zombies are getting agitated by my sounds, and the visual one is obvious cos you know how visual you are and you know if a zombie has seen you or you can see if they facing you or not.

Edited by jaytmuk

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Realistically, none of the things in the Debug menu would be available of it was a real life situation. Except for knowing your own name.

Edited by Rammfisch
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Maybe take away the P key option or any key that shows how many players are on the server? :P

I was on a server other day for a few hours and was sneaking around cherno keeping my head low incase of bandits, then i happened to press P and i was the only fucker on the server, and probably was the only person on it for the last hour lol, I suddenly wasnt scared anymore and it kinda spoiled the fun tbh, I knooowww you guys gonna say "well just dont press P then" lol, But taking away the option to know how many or who is on the server would be cool :)

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What is silly about it? I seriously do not get it now. :)

EDIT: Maybe it just is that many of us enjoyed playing DayZ because it altered the way you are "supposed" to play a game. No scores, no information, no purpose and no goal. Maybe that is frustrating for some, while many of us like it. The thing is with game mechanics and numbers that there will always be people trying to break the system. If the stats are hidden and everything is designed to make you as the player recognize signs to evaluate a situation this becomes harder.

you i like. you're giving constuctive and balanced arguements unlike most of the people that are against the idea of having an optional debug menu, you don't simply say 'it's not realistic you pussy blah blah blah' so for that sir you have beans.

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