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Vehicles and Tents in 1.7.3

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So, the tittle says it all.

Anybody has information of the saving status of tents and vehicles after server restarts?

Yesterday i started playing with my friend on a new server. We made some good progres, got ourselves a tent and a vehicle.

So we decided to take a brake and set up camp pretty far away from living world. I placed the bike haflly in the bushes so it wouldnt be found easely.

Today i log back in and everything is gone.. Anybody had the same problem after server restarts or did they just destroy it all? Wich would be weird, because there were no more then 6 players on the server.

Last updates i had that vehicle dissapearing problem alot, we left it at camp. And next time we would come back after a server restart the vehicle was just gone but our tents were never touched.

just hard to know, are it players taking it. Or is it common problem with server restarts?

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We still have the disappear of tents and vehicles glitch, but a restart and they reappear.. We have had problem with vehicles deleting any inventory after updating to 1.7.3. We have moved our inventory out of vehicles to avoid losing anymore......

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My tents are keeping their gear, but 2 of our 3 vehicles are deleting the gear. Strangely enough, this is still on, but only started happening after 1.7.3 was introduced.

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Are there space limits on vehicles that I'm not seeing? I found my first UAZ today, and I loaded it up and noticed that, some gear, after putting it in the UAZ, made other stuff disappear? I hope my stuff's still there when I get back... :(

I also unloaded a tent, put all the stuff I had in the tent into my UAZ, then I went back to pack up the Tent, which packed up, but then I couldn't pick it up. It was right in front of me. I saw the bag of the tent there, but no moving to-and-fro, exiting and going back in, etc. let me be able to select it to pick it up... :(

This was a terrible update I think... a lot of people don't like it. Starting with NVG, Range Finders, GPS and Weapons... a MK48 Mod 0? Really??? That just takes the fun out of starting up.

Just as I feared... my UAZ is gone and so is all the stuff in it... luckily I kept some food and ammo on me.

Edited by sniperdoc

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Yes. The private-hive server I play on rolled back to v1.7.2.6 because v1.7.3 was too buggy.

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But has anybody noticed their vehicles dissapearing after server restarts or only that their inventories would be wiped?

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Same tents & vehicles going walkies even when saved. Also Im still seeing people putting up tents INSIDE buildings and on concrete, you're not supposed to be able to in 1.7.3.

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+1 Lost the items in my tent after a restart as well, :( had spammed the save option as usual just to be sure, guess that doesn't work so well anymore.

Also Im still seeing people putting up tents INSIDE buildings and on concrete, you're not supposed to be able to in 1.7.3.

Also seen this, never tried placing one inside or on concrete myself but I've probably come across 10 or so like this since the update..

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Just look at a post, is also introduced 1.7.3, excuse me it patch and update what, really help?

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I parked an ATV and tent with a bunch of stuff last night. Will see in 15mins (when I get home) whether the stuff is still there. *crosses fingers*

Update: Well... that was fun. Logged in. Showed up immediately as having died after logging into the server. It showed my hands in front of me with a guy in a Ghillie right next to me. I tasked out, closed the window (i.e. stopped the game process) then logged back into the server and it showed me at Otme?!?!?!!, IN THE WATER with squat for items/weapons.

The only thing I kept was my clothing, hunger, thirst and poor health the way I was before I logged off last night. I didn't have a backpack or any of the items including the watch, compass, map, hatchet,etc. Essentially I had to bust ass all the way to Elektro and restock, which that was bare to begin with.

The server was hacked perhaps?

Edited by sniperdoc

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Sadly, I have had that happen to me before. Respawn on the coast with nothing, at night, I really could have used that flashlight. lol I do really miss my L85 and all those SD mags. Sigh.

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Ive had no issues what so ever with 1.7.3 so far, but thats just me. Viehcles have only so many spaces, view dayzwiki for more info on them. A tent holds 50 normal items aswell as 10 weapons, make sure u dont save the tent while it is empty

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