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Skydiver (DayZ)

Drop and RUN

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Ok, this is probably a suggestion for stand alone as there is nothing compariable in the mod.

We know that there has been a stamina system suggested, so how about a key just to "DROP EVERYTHING AND RUN" - give you a boost to stamina and be a little more realistic, like you've just run out of ammo and theres 10 Zeds on you.

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If they have a weight system in SA you will have an automatic "stamina boost" if you drop everything.

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I'm sure I read of a weight system in the S.A. This would introduce intelligent inventory control systems, where the player would have to balance and offset what they carry in order to ensure maximized game play.

Can't help but think, Stamina is a War Z game play idea, but then again, the more you do something the more you get better at it, so perhaps starting out with a short jog / run would eventually mean getting better / fitter allowing you to go longer and further?

That way you loose more than just loot, but developed abilities also.

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"Oh noes, this machine gun is too heavy I can't run from the zeds fast enough!"



Edited by Dr.Duff
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when rocket makes zombies able to run inside houses. they would properly have some kind of nerf since it would be impossible for a new-spawn to get a zombie of you.

Buildings with two doors are not the only way to lose zombies. Run through some bushes, or trees, around some walls or over some hills.

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Not such a bad idea as it might seem, though I wouldn't go farther than dropping what you currently have in your hands. If you take the time to 'drop everything' you going to be dead before you can start to run. It's an interesting option but you could argue wether it's really necessary. Surely not a priority.

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Can't help but think, Stamina is a War Z game play idea, but then again, the more you do something the more you get better at it, so perhaps starting out with a short jog / run would eventually mean getting better / fitter allowing you to go longer and further?

Weight is already in the game, they just didn't bother to activate it ( maybe because of some deals they made with the military ) as well as wind which will also hopefully be in the game. A.C.E. introduced a weight system ages ago where fans didn't even think of wanting an ArmA 2 title.

Not such a bad idea as it might seem, though I wouldn't go farther than dropping what you currently have in your hands. If you take the time to 'drop everything' you going to be dead before you can start to run. It's an interesting option but you could argue wether it's really necessary. Surely not a priority.

Dropping your backpack which holds 90% of ones weight ( AS 50 TWS and 12 mags ~ 70kg lol jk ) in most cases would suffice?

Edited by Enforcer

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