Science Jelly 1 Posted November 6, 2012 In different situations, different guns are nifty to have equiped or in your backpack. This poll goes from catagories: gun combos, equipment setups, gameplay strategy, situation, location, and day or night.Please bring variety and thought to your debate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angryofficer 89 Posted November 6, 2012 There is no poll. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Conner (DayZ) 3 Posted November 6, 2012 I usually have a M4A1 CCO SD in my backpack. For Zeds n' such. Then I something a little more long range, Dmr or m107.. something along those lines. Unless I find a L85A2 AWS.. this trumps any long range rifle I might find. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Science Jelly 1 Posted November 6, 2012 i have been trying out different variations of loadouts, i like the saw in a close combat urban environment, but i usually stick to the north of edge of cities with a dmr, but im debating on changing to the svd camo, for the built in range finder and mildots are easier to use. i always carry a m4a1 cco sd but that could change for room in my backpack. med supplies and car parts is always a frustration with the lack of space. cars are handy but never permanent, hiding gear in there is always a risk, and i dont trust a tent enough not to get ransacked by a random wondorer. but of course in a post apocalyptic zombie invested land in russia, there is plenty of risk around n about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Norinco 2 Posted November 6, 2012 (edited) M4 CCO SD + L85A2 AWS is a good allrounder. The M4 is for close range engagements. For anything beyond 150m and scouting out areas, I use the L85. Edited November 6, 2012 by Norinco Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Draxx (DayZ) 61 Posted November 6, 2012 AS50 + L85 + SD pistol. I am the scout/overwatch in our team. This is the best setting for me in my role right now.When I am moving alone I would choose:M4 CCO SD + M24/DMR + strong sidearm (M1911) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Norinco 2 Posted November 6, 2012 i have been trying out different variations of loadouts, i like the saw in a close combat urban environment, but i usually stick to the north of edge of cities with a dmr, but im debating on changing to the svd camo, for the built in range finder and mildots are easier to use. i always carry a m4a1 cco sd but that could change for room in my backpack. med supplies and car parts is always a frustration with the lack of space. cars are handy but never permanent, hiding gear in there is always a risk, and i dont trust a tent enough not to get ransacked by a random wondorer. but of course in a post apocalyptic zombie invested land in russia, there is plenty of risk around n about.Well, I had a tent pretty close to the NW airfield on a server which was frequented daily by like 10-20 players. Although the tents were eventually ransacked by some noob a-hole, the location was hidden for almost a month and a half. I now have a new location miles away which will even last much much longer!And besides, I don't think these wonderers are the worst enemy that will make you lose your stuff. No, the worst enemy imaginable are some of these lazy ass server admins who don't properly manage their servers (unanounced/manual server restarts and shutting down their servers for good without any notice). I've lost many more vehicles and tents because of these guys than some random greedy dude who loots my tents empty. So everything in a nutshell, yes there is a risk that you might lose your stuff but the fact that you can store vital stuff in it like NVGs, food, maps and weapons (for when you die) evens the odds. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Science Jelly 1 Posted November 6, 2012 Well, I had a tent pretty close to the NW airfield on a server which was frequented daily by like 10-20 players. Although the tents were eventually ransacked by some noob a-hole, the location was hidden for almost a month and a half. I now have a new location miles away which will even last much much longer!And besides, I don't think these wonderers are the worst enemy that will make you lose your stuff. No, the worst enemy imaginable are some of these lazy ass server admins who don't properly manage their servers (unanounced/manual server restarts and shutting down their servers for good without any notice). I've lost many more vehicles and tents because of these guys than some random greedy dude who loots my tents empty. So everything in a nutshell, yes there is a risk that you might lose your stuff but the fact that you can store vital stuff in it like NVGs, food, maps and weapons (for when you die) evens the odds.thats all very true, and the server i play on has very dedicated admins. they are good at keeping the server intact and aware of resets and updates. i love the server im on so thats not a worry, but my worry is about which sniper rifle to carry about, im am stuck between svd camo or dmr. maybe next time around ill catch a tent and head somewhere to pitch it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted November 6, 2012 Not one mention of the mighty and silent hatchet. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted November 6, 2012 winchester.. all the time..its the only weapon i pick up.if i cant find one i just stick with my hatchet.i dont PVP so i have zero use for any other military grade weapons, or sidearms Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted November 6, 2012 my favourite all-arounder is the m14:it works with night vision, shoots like an AR, but has a sniper damage, common ammo, a bit louder than you want, but it is the best for moving around a target or when you meet some hostile unespected or you are setting up an ambush.sniper:for my personal experience i know the power of as50 or m107 and they are easy to shoot, but i always feel uncomfortable with those long barrels sticking out from my bush, i think the m24 dmr are the best for ammo rarity and they are fine to shoot. i found that also the cz was good enough to get the job done, maybe you don't make epic longrange kills but it's good.the svd has an ammo drop too little, like the FNfals.AR:i generally stick around the same type i find first, ak or m serie..i usually prefere the ms because they work all with the same ammo and if you find a l85 or a machinegun you are good to go, and they generally have better optics, the sds are cool but i don't keep the ammo.shotguns:the remington is fucking good, when you are in town there are a lot of people that think you have only a falshlight and then they die. also the benelli (i don't remember the name) with the shells is really good(2000 damage x shell and it carries something like 10 shells)starter:the winchester is maybe the best, it works fine also in the north, because is not too loud and the clip with 15 rounds is really practical.for the shameless pvp, the enfield is the best choice, you aggro all the town(players and zombies) but if you can actually fire it efficiently you can handle groups or military geared players.hatchet: silent but dirty sometimes with players,AND they shoot you like you have an as 50 :-)double barrell: shells all life, if not is useless, but i always feel like jason bourne..side: the m9 sd is the best if you want to deal only with the infected, but ammo is rare(unless you stick closeto military spots, or you make tours in deer stands..m1911, my choice, it can put down a crazy-axe-man quickly enough and the ammo is everywhereg17, the flashlight is usefull until you find a nvg and there aren't so many people playing at night..vehicle hunting:due to the amount of slots parts take, i carry only one weapon, something i can drop if i need to, like an ak/akm, 30 rounds clips and intimidating enough to feel a bit safe.pvp:a sniper and an AR, or l85 and a sniper. m9 sd helping noobs:something they can find relatively quickly on their own, so they don't stab my back to take my weapon...always in backpack:one food, one drink, one bandage, one morphinewhen i set my tent:one backpack, map, compass, matches, knife, blood, food, morphine, bandages, canteen, random weapons, one pistol, painkillers,some vehicle parts.thank for readingthere is no poll... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAHADIR 124 Posted November 6, 2012 I only use empty tin cans.Well, since mk48 makes a hell of a noise, I prefer SAW and G17. I never got into a serious situation with this weapons. I prefer machineguns mostly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Statik (DayZ) 2695 Posted November 6, 2012 It depends, here are my preferred setups:Overwatch: AS50, L85A2 AWS, Ghillie, NV Goggles, Rangefinders, etc., M9 SDCQC/Loot Runs: DMR, M4A1 CCO SD/M4A1 Holo/L85A2 AWS, M9 SD, Hero ClothingMedic/Bodyguard Operations: DMR, M14 AIM/L85A2 AWS/Any M4 Scoped (i.e. CCO, CCO SD, Holo), M9 SD, Hero Clothing/GhillieNight Raids/Operations: DMR, Bizon PP-19/M4A1 CCO SD, M9 SD, Ghillie/Hero ClothingThat's all I can really think of for now. There are other guns I like, but those are decent base classes, you can tweak them any way you choose. I even do sometimes. Depending on which gun I want to use. Enjoy :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iegle 117 Posted November 6, 2012 I aim to get one of the M4 CCOs as my ultimate and only weapon (for survival or medic roles). I can use SD rounds for Zed clearance, and regular rounds for defence against bandits. That way I can use the extra space in my pack for supplies.Notable mention to the hatchet as well, never leave home without it. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 98 Posted November 6, 2012 AS50 + L85 + SD pistol. I am the scout/overwatch in our team. This is the best setting for me in my role right now.When I am moving alone I would choose:M4 CCO SD + M24/DMR + strong sidearm (M1911)Strong sidearm (M1911)? All pistols are exactly the same now... The best out there is the PDW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quaby 93 Posted November 7, 2012 How about a setup that you may actually find...not a silenced M4 and AS50 all the time....M14/AKM for accuracy and power, glock or PDW makes a fine sidearm. Second weapon would be an MP5, sd or not, because of fire rate, accuracy, and speed. Cammies are always nice too... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyanyde 165 Posted November 7, 2012 (edited) For me the AKM is the current mid-range choice, for rare guns, I prefer an FN FAL.For zombies, the hatchet is unbeatable.For long range, I like my FN FAL or a DMR.The only worthwhile sidearms are the m1911 or PDW.. Edited November 7, 2012 by Cyanyde Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaven1911 48 Posted November 7, 2012 SVD CAMO and Mk 48, both have a special relationship with me, the Mk 48 and me shot down a chopper and the SVD camo got me about 80+ kills, so I could never leave these 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
otherd 5 Posted November 7, 2012 M4 A1 CCO SD packs the punch of a decent AR, but doesn't call every zombie in town. I'm stuck with a bizon right now and I miss my old SD gun. I mainly use this for when the coast is clear and I'm taking out the zombies. Before I know the coast is clear I go with the DMR. Ammo is pretty common and its a good pvp weapon unless You go against someone with a more high power sniper rifle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdz (DayZ) 238 Posted November 7, 2012 M14, the only gun you'll ever need. Except for zombies, don't use it on zombies. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted November 7, 2012 ehehe you are right! once i couldn't find a side weapon and i had to fire the m14 in novy sobor..i think they came also from anycase i see that a lot of folks are stuck with sniper rifles..i see that in this game is a big advantage shooting from far unseen(always, more than in this game...) but i am a bit surprised from who placed the dmr like first choice in every kit, from long range to cqc..dmr for cqc? it works but not better than a winchester. and for cqc i mean you are shooting the guy in the pub from the cornershop/school in elektro. and then unless you play in a group it takes some hour to find a military sniper rifle, or even a cz..and before you find it i'm sure you still have preferences between the ''starting'' weapons..i mean, when you are on the coast and you used your only bandage, what weapon do you prefere to find? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdz (DayZ) 238 Posted November 7, 2012 The M14 has to be the most versatile PVP weapon in Chernarus. It is incredible powerful and accurate not to mention the red dot sight makes hitting 300m targets possible. It really excels in the 50-200m range though 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bearded McGee 121 Posted November 7, 2012 Had a whole lot of luck with the 870 in night Ops.If you have NVGs, it's the best against other players with NVGs.Blinded a few and it saved my ass oft. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Science Jelly 1 Posted November 8, 2012 i just picked up the m14 and if i said im not enjoying it, i would be lying. its a great all around gun, for close medium and long range combat, it hasnt screwed me over with noise attraction of zombies yet, but that wat the m9 sd is for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites