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What about making equiment more rare(especially weapons)?

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What do you think? In my opinion it would be really better, if everything would be more rare (food, equipment, weapons and ammo also), so you would treat a pistol like your baby, cause I think that it would make people more desperate in the game when they have to look out for food and drinks and it would make dayZ more as a survival game cause now everyone just gets all the stuff in cherno or elektro, then finds a sniper and often just goes PVP at nw airfield you know and they dont ever worry about having not enough supplies or food and all those things they need to survive every day in Chernarus. Whats your opinion?

Im sorry if already reposting. I was finding this kind of post and didnt find anything so I hope this is a new idea :)

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On the one hand it could be a good idea, if ammo was more scarce maybe people wouldn't seek out PvP so actively. But on the other hand, I think a lot of people would find a weapon and go on Bambi killing rampages. xD

Also, with everything being harder to find people will be more likely to want to steal from each other, but I'd rather that than the random/pointless deathmatching that goes on these days TBH.

BTW I'm sure this has been suggested at least once, maybe use the search bar in the top-right to check first next time. ^^

Edited by mZLY

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Lol... so what will give yer a better return for yah valuable bullet... a Z or a player? Simple economics mate, the second i have a weapon, i wont waste my ammo on Z's... it would be player hunting time. Hell at best from a Z you get a tin o beans, from a plyer, the sky is the limit... even a fresh spawn carries more than a good Z... a while back there was one update, that made the Z's have supper senses, and rared up the spawn on stuff (most noticeably, bandages) What it meant.. was the second you were armed yah went and killed as many players as you could, for their bandages.

So, i dont think its a bad idea as such... but would probably have the opposite effect o what you think it would. Namalsk at the moment i think is a sweet setup... relative abundance o weapons... other supplies a bit scarce.. Ill kill yah for yah matches, or a heat pack, or a tin o beans.... For antibiotics, ill massacre a bus load o nuns! I do think it adds to the game, giving it a sense o desperation. But limit resources, it will increase competition for the resources(not necessarily a bad thing)

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this will increase pvp alot since people will be killing eachother just to get a can of beans

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I would like spawn points to spawn items once, after that you will have to cross that moral line in order to survive to any great extent! Your camps would be robbed, players murdered for their Loot.

I would be opposed to less animals as a food source as this highlights the survival aspect after 5 years of infection there would be more animals than Survivors!

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The times I have had the most fun playing is when I have the worst luck, like having only one mag for my current low tier weapon and struggling to find food and water. It made me move more and think about how to confront problems since ammo was so scarce. Just sayin'. :)

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I agree with the point that pvp would still exist but, when you think about that, a lot of people, not all, but a lot of them kill people for fun you know and if we made this idea real, this would probably absolutely dissapear. People would need to kill each other BUT for their loot and not for fun. I think it would make DayZ more what is it supposed to be.

I still think that if people would have to look for supplies more often, it would make the game more enjoyable, cause a lot of people just talk about the fact that they just get full equip and cause since that they are absolutely bored, they just go to kill bambies in elektro/cherno and thats not the way developers want to make you play, so in my opinion it would really make the game better.

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its a great idea. i am already REALLY good at robbing people and stealing there supplies and vehicles. its an art, not a science

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Uggg.... dunno why you guys think such changes will prevent people from killing/pvping. People will kill anyways. They kill because you have a bigger backpack, better gun, and just for fun. Making things even more rare will result in more killing, because they will have more "reason" to kill you...

With current changes, things are going to be even more rare as is. Several tent/vehicle issues have made some servers not save stored gear. Zombies have become stupid with their no animation auto hit within 10 feet (and are they running faster again? They look like they are doing a bionic sprint again...). Add to this the changes to tents (i.e. inability to hide tents as effectively) which results in what gear you do find being more easily found and raided.

I'm (obviously) dissatisfied with these kinds of changes. It is one thing to have to regear once in a while, and hunt for gear, but constantly grinding for gear... then finally finding one thing only to die or have it stolen 5 minutes later has a very limited appeal.

I tried WarZ... and its stupidly lame. Arma2 is far better. So, please remember that this is a game. Keep it fun please... and don't make it grindy and boring (like nerfing the pistols so much).

Edited by Seddrik

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the problem is, if this happened hackers would rule the place and there would be total chaos (but that is kinda the case with some servers :D )

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that isn't going to work ...cause then we will have to hear the RDM people whine how they cannot pvp all the time. Higher military grade weapons should be scarcer period. There is no use for a as50 or a thermal gun in this type of scenario. They should be ultra rare and the as50 should consume you're water and food levels faster because of how heavy this is. This was suggested by a buddy of mine that was actually in the army who actually fired one..they are not light and running around aimlessly is not conceivable unless you're pumped on steroids. and the thermal actually should run on batteries...and he also said they don't last that long.

A good suggestion would have NVG's/Thermal's have battery power which depletes eventually and you got to charge them or dump them. The thermal gun's scope would just be a normal one or something when the batteries run out. and the most common rifle should be civilian like the CZ...its still a descent rifle AS50 is just overkill. And if you want to add more "realism" to the game....then there should be bears or wolves in the wilderness that attack/hunt you. Nothing like hearing a wolf howl and the pitter patter of wolf feet running around you and stalking you at night in the middle of the woods. I know a lot of these have already been suggested, but i think they are good idea's and I do agree on your weapon/ammo scarcity suggestion. Personally I am happy with a winchester or even a lee enfield...adds to the challenge to me.

And before you PVP flame me before voicing my opinion...i do really not mind pvp. It's waaaaaaaaaay to common, rocket mise well take the zombie factor out of the scenario and just make it open-world/sandbox battlefield. It's called DAYZ...Z=for zombies. Hopefully the zombies are way more dangerous and AI is fixed for the standalone to rectify this issue.

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