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we own namalsk !

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well some will like this video some will rage about the music but fook it :lol:

basically me and my mate massey dominated this server from vorkuta . shot about 40 people between us in a day and we are still alive on there (server is random black people ip is ) come get us ;)

before you judge the music think about all details and it fits in perfectly

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lame. use a real gun and then i'll give you beans. until then...ur just a roof camping nubsauce with a gun that is fake as fuck.

Edited by Sheepdawg
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Like..wtf? ppl actually play thegame this way? This is so far from what dayZ was supposed to be (or?! ). Tbh namalask map is f-d up. My 2 cents? go back to play cod?

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dayz is a survival game !

we survive they dont. whats the problem ? we take the peoples stuff after killing them and survive we are maintaining our existence on the server .

not all are help help give me beans .

by letting others having the resources this shortens our chance of survival so you limit this and your survival is longer ;)

just remember there is no black and white to this game you play it how "you " want not how anyone else does. no ones way is wrong or right just there choice.

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This is DayZ the way it was meant to be played. You sir, are my new hero.

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"ok" ;)

And back to the choice of music, there was something about "niggers" and "shooting" (well basically that was all i heard) and you said it worked out well with theme of the video, that was quite a fun side nothe though ;)

Saw some serious looting of thoose 40+ kills of freshspawns ;)

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so you want me to show looting all those people ? how long would that be ? would it be boring watching me sift through all there stuff ?

haha genius ;)

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This video is fucking worthless. You have shit music, killing unarmed people with a super op gun from like 500 meters that are standing still. How high did you have to get to think this was worth enough to upload?

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Killing new spawns...

new spawns ?

most had snipers or good stuff?

the gun i got i got on that server buy killing a bloke on the very tower i shot the video from :rolleyes: he wasnt looking we went up killed the guy took his gun. so many too judgemental :(

basically we went to the town from new start killed all in way up there took the towers then killed people as we held it. noobs make out you just shoot new spawns when people obviously have ghillies on and snipers if you look lol :rolleyes:

also music is subjective , you may not like hip hop / rap but i may not like your choice of music. if you are so narrow minded to not see that you are a idiot. if you have any issues with the music please contact DMX im sure hed be glad to hear your responses on his music

Edited by dgeesio

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Pretty pointless, to be honest. The fun in DayZ is surviving, not useless killing ruining others point of the game.

Being a bandit and killing people is okay, but just sitting on the roof of a building killing people that just spawned and barely got any knowledge of the map / barely got anything worthful, seems too much of a waste of time for anybody with logic to do.

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Pretty pointless, to be honest. The fun in DayZ is surviving, not useless killing ruining others point of the game.

Being a bandit and killing people is okay, but just sitting on the roof of a building killing people that just spawned and barely got any knowledge of the map / barely got anything worthful, seems too much of a waste of time for anybody with logic to do.

Surviving ? you don't know the meaning of the word buddie as we had plenty of food + drink and survived the full day in a busy place of the map. You say there new spawns yet most of them had great loot like snipers and you also jumped to the conclusion that they don't know the map ? that's just you stating nonsense as fact when it isn't!

Look we survived the full day with 40+ kills using several weapons we picked up from people we shot and we are still alive atm so you tell me that isn't surviving ?

Edited by Massicor

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Pretty pointless, to be honest. The fun in DayZ is surviving, not useless killing ruining others point of the game.

Being a bandit and killing people is okay, but just sitting on the roof of a building killing people that just spawned and barely got any knowledge of the map / barely got anything worthful, seems too much of a waste of time for anybody with logic to do.

are you new ? most of those wernt new spawns or new players or in spawn spots . infact none were in spawn spots :rolleyes:

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I found this video boring. Might as well of shown yourself killing trees with that gun.

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This video is fucking worthless. You have shit music, killing unarmed people with a super op gun from like 500 meters that are standing still. How high did you have to get to think this was worth enough to upload?

thx u just saved me watching/wasting 5 mins+ of my life..

have some beans

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don't post crap unless you're ready to be judged. IMO you're a douche. simple as that, have fun.

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i dont mind being judged if done fairly

most of comments are not accurate ;)

i will have fun :) i always do :D

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Ok here is something constructive:

It is painful to watch from 2:12 on how you try to get a look at the other tower while scoped in, watching those tree tops for a decade.

Scope in at a tower, check tower, scope out, bring view to other tower, scope in etc.

Tree tops don´t contain enemies :)

PS: Anybody talking about fresh spawns etc in VORKUTA is insane. Vorkuta = gate to hell. When you go to Vorkuta, better expect something like this.

Edited by VViking
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people should take this as an educational video... when you are stopping to check a loot pile, whilst you are silhouetted for 1000m in a 360 degree radius... its probably not the best time, to stop and make a cuppa... come back scratch yer bum, then role a smoke... it greatly increases the chances o yah survival experience being cut short! Same applies for taking a relaxing look at the scenery. Most o these deaths were assisted suicides. Plain and simple, if you have to silhouette yourself, make it quick, same with checking loot in EXTREMELY exposed positions.

you sir, or maam, are an educator (even if yah music sucks... third wave ska would suit it better ;) )

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Holy shit is that Ja Rule I hear? wtf turn of the century throwback garbage rap!

As for the video. I'm sure it was pretty fun for you, but it really isn't interesting to watch. Next time try stalking people or pincering others who are camping... that's the fun banditry to watch.

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