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[Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

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No banditry? :( turns a guy with a bandit skin off

We are an anti-bandit group... so...

Plugged in IP and it does not seem to work.


Edited by TheDesigner

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Greetings from the Regulators to the Walking Militia.

I dont know if you know of us Regulators, but our rules are very much the same as your.

We would very much like to hear from you regarding an alliance, we need all the allies we can get in these dark times.

My youtube account will give you some idea of what we do and how we operate and that we can be trusted. If you wish to contact us please PM me (as I am one of the admins on our forums) or make a post on our forums and we can go from there.

Our rules are here if you wish to see what you think so you know whether an alliance is possible:


:) Look forward to hearing from you

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Hey i would like to become a member of the walking militia

im prefer close quaters combat, clearing rooms etc.

i care little about my gear but my revenge for those who kill me to take it is great

reason for wanting to join the clan: i hate bandits...

i mostly play alone but because im finding it hard to trust people after some bad experiences

my player ID is Zombitter

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Profile Name: Justin

Player ID (Not SteamID): Justin

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Because I am looking for an active clan that aren't bandits.

What can you offer the Militia: I can offer help for the clan members, food medical supplies, etc.

Are you a team player: Yes, I will help others.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes, I like having my gear, but its not the end of the world if I lose it.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No.

Extra Information: I'm only 14, I live on the west coast.

Edited by nistuj8

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Due to inactivity on my part, and other peoples part I am questioning what to do with this group...

I may offer the Walking Militia a chance into another project that is unrelated to DayZ when the time comes. But I need to discuss with the officers on the future of WM.

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Profile Name: Coral

Player ID (Not SteamID): Coral

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Been looking for a survivor group for quite some time and all others seem to be corrupted and I want to bring justice to the bandits!

What can you offer the Militia: I am willing to follow orders, help anyone who needs it, and I'm trustworthy.

Are you a team player: Yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No

Extra Information: I wont be able to get on EVERY day, but I will be able to on the weekends and some days in the week.

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The Walking Militia is temporarily closed. We are not accepting new members, nor is the group going anywhere. Maybe in the future I will bring this idea back, but for now we're staying as is. Anyone is free to sit inside our Teamspeak Server.

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