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[Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

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ok where do i go to play with you guys?

Join the teamspeak server ( and join a DayZ channel. There is usually at least one player in that lobby.

Edited by Dantheman221

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Profile Name: [] Connor

Player ID: 53282566

Why do you wish to join the Militia: To get rid of my bandit past

What can you offer to the Militia: Teamwork, able to change roles if necessary, knowledge of coast, mature, able to re-gear with gusto

Are you a team player: All the Time

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Always prepared to lose gear

Have you been with any other groups, if so state which: SOLDIERS [sLD] Clan

Extra information: Former Bandit, changed after members of platoon betrayed clan getting us all (entire platoon) kicked out.

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Yes, we are very familiar with your 'friendly' clan. We happened upon a couple of your members (one was named Muerto I believe) at Berezino. He promptly began firing on my squad. We flanked and killed him without any casualties.

You may join our teamspeak, but I hope you understand if we're cautious of your intentions for an extended period of time until you prove you aren't hostile.

I do not recall this. I have not commited more than 2 outright murders. Once after being killed 3 or 4 times by bandits I came across a guy coming out of a barn and made him the object of my frustration. And once with my son that had been carrying a DMR that he had not had the chance to shoot yet. When we saw a motorcycle coming towards us he asked if he could shoot him, I told him to go ahead. The guy had a couple folks following him so when they got too close to us we opened up, I got one and the other combat logged. Any others were self defence and 2 were accidental TKs in the heat of battle.

I think you may be mistaking me for someone else as I do not recall this incident. 2 times have I been killed near Berezino by players. Once in the bar as Nikiller decribes. Once after a raid in Berezino we went to the lumber yard where I fell off a building and died. One of my team mates (who will shoot on sight) took all my stuff off me and set it aside. I made it back to my goodies and made my way towards the shore after being attack by zombies and being very low on blood. I decided tolog out once I was safe and call it a night. Updated the next day, came back in and had full blood and health ( I was pretty excited by then by my luck). I was going to try and meet up with some friends and crossed the field south of Berezino and made it to the woods. I got up in the trees and went prone as I had to take a real life pee. When I came back I was dead. If that was you that killed me you killed an innocent man, someone else must have been firing at you and you thought it was me...shame on you. :P

I know you may hear a lot of BS from folks but I have nothing to lie about, mostly I only kill when I need too (- those 2 exceptions). I have had many encounters with others and usually we raid a building or 2 together and I split from them while they are not looking so I don't get shot in the back. I am a survivor, not a bandit and mostly not a murderer. I understand the meaning of survival and know that your chances are better if you have larger numbers, I am not some kid playing deathmatch. I actually have a goal in mind for winning this game. If everyone on the server is your friend and you pack the server with friendlies and no one shoots you you have free reign. If you can do that you have survived and won the game.

But anyway can you tell me where and when I was supposedly shooting at you and you flanked and killed me? Because I honestly don't recall, maybe I'm having a senior moment.

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Just curious, what if a survivor, or a group, fires on yours first but simply out of reflex? Like a knee-jerk reaction to you guys suddenly appearing near them, and a firefight ensues. If you identified yourselves and they stopped firing, would you still help them/send them on their way? Even if one or two of your number were killed? It just seems to me that these kind of accidental shootouts could happen alot in this environment. I myself am pretty jumpy and on edge when faced with other survivors, and I'd hate to accidentally take a shot at you guys and be killed/hurt when I tried to apologize.

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I am seeking a survivor group to play with as the possibility of that playstyle is why I wanted to play this game and as of now it does not exsist alone.

Though new to Arma2 I am an experinced gamer willing to lend a hand to your cause.




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Just curious, what if a survivor, or a group, fires on yours first but simply out of reflex? Like a knee-jerk reaction to you guys suddenly appearing near them, and a firefight ensues. If you identified yourselves and they stopped firing, would you still help them/send them on their way? Even if one or two of your number were killed? It just seems to me that these kind of accidental shootouts could happen alot in this environment. I myself am pretty jumpy and on edge when faced with other survivors, and I'd hate to accidentally take a shot at you guys and be killed/hurt when I tried to apologize.

I have been previously shot by team members because of the way we communicated. We have seemed to work out this issue and haven't mistaken our own for someone else. The main thing is to have a mic and join the teamspeak while you are playing!

If you are talking about us meeting other groups, we have no other option but to fire back if something goes down. Of course, this is my point of view; some other members may think differently. We open fire only after their first shot, most of the time, at least... :)

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right, I just don't want to get wasted because of a mix up. but you guys are doing good (from what i've heard), so keep it up!

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Application Format

Profile Name: HomelessRichGuy

Player ID (Not SteamID):39381350

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I would like to join, so I can roam around DayZ with allies and have a good time.

What can you offer the Militia: I am fairly new, but I can help defend, and help scavenge items for team mates.

Are you a team player: Yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: As of now, I am currently not with any other groups in DayZ

Extra Information: I am fairly new, I have a working microphone/Teamspeak, and I'm currently in PST.

Edited by HomelessRichGuy

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Let me remind everyone that just because we are here to help the survivors, does not mean we won't fight back if fired upon.

If you challenge us, then we will bring the same amount of challenge right back to you if not greater.

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Profile Name:Carbon

Player ID (Not SteamID):42788166

Why do you wish to join the Militia:I play with a group but would love to run with more people, and help when i can.

What can you offer the Militia:What don't you have? to be honest i can offer what i can which to me isn't to much.

Are you a team player:Yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:depends, if its to protect other people yes, if i'm told to drop it then no, but i'm always ready to lose it.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: i'm in a steam group at the moment "Official DayZ Mod ((DayZ))"

though as decent size group not many people play with eachother. no bandits.

Extra Information:i love playing with a group when i can, support i do believe i'm good at it.

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Application Format

Profile Name: Namyar

Player ID (Not SteamID):33233734

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Looking for a group of people to play with on a regular basis, instead of posting and meeting a different person daily.

What can you offer the Militia: Weapons / tools / support / help with whatever there is to help with

Are you a team player: Yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Never been with any group.

Extra Information:Im an eastern USA player, but i work graveyard so i mostly play from around 7a-1pm on my workdays, and im more flexible on my days off

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this sounds amazing. i do not wish to join your group, but i have a group that holds dear the ideals your group does. i would like to form an alliance with you.

we are "the revenants" and we are trying to make people in general be more trusting. do you guys have a home server?

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Profile Name: Corey B

Player ID (Not SteamID): 58271494

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I've been wanting to experience this game as part of a group. It would be ideal to play, cooperate, and engage with mature players. You guys look like you have your shit together, with a very cool and unique operation/play style. It just plain seems like it would be a blast being a part of and playing alongside you guys.

What can you offer the Militia: Former Corporal, United States Marine Corps (2005-2009). Mature/easy going/fun loving/tactical/experienced player.

Are you a team player: Yes.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No.

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Application Format

Profile Name: UltimateTobi

Player ID (Not SteamID): UltimateTobi

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I'm a friendly player, who always enjoys to play with other people. Walking Militia offers this.

What can you offer the Militia: Average experience, helpful, risking my "life" for a friend/team mate.

Are you a team player: Yes, prefer to be in a team instead being alone.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: If nessecary, yes.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Not an official group, but a group of maximal 5 friends.

Extra Information: I really enjoy playing DayZ online with friends and/or a group. So the Walking Militia offers friendly players, and standing together. Something I search for.

I am also working at unregular times. So it mostly depends when I am able to play during the week (except on my day off and Sunday). If I got late shift, I am able to play from 06:00-12:45 GMT+1, and if I have early shift, I am able to play from 15:00-23:00 GMT+1.

I am 21 years of age.

Edited by UltimateTobi

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Profile Name:[CHAK]James

Player ID (Not SteamID):31414598

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I want a group that I can play with, going solo becomes boring after a while.

What can you offer the Militia: I can give gear, medical aid, and help out when I can.

Are you a team player: Yes, I'm pretty friendly and work well with others.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes, have lost gear plenty of times and can recover pretty easily.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Not really, play with small groups of friends sometimes.

Extra Information: I'm in pacific time zome (-8) and go on around 12 or 2 usually

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Profile Name: Bliitz

Player ID (Not SteamID): 40637574

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I want to join an organized well trained group of professionals

What can you offer the Militia: My teamwork skills and stealth.

Are you a team player: Yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No

Extra Information: Im really good with editing videos and photos.

Edited by Bliitz

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I do not recall this. I have not commited more than 2 outright murders. Once after being killed 3 or 4 times by bandits I came across a guy coming out of a barn and made him the object of my frustration. And once with my son that had been carrying a DMR that he had not had the chance to shoot yet. When we saw a motorcycle coming towards us he asked if he could shoot him, I told him to go ahead. The guy had a couple folks following him so when they got too close to us we opened up, I got one and the other combat logged. Any others were self defence and 2 were accidental TKs in the heat of battle.

I think you may be mistaking me for someone else as I do not recall this incident. 2 times have I been killed near Berezino by players. Once in the bar as Nikiller decribes. Once after a raid in Berezino we went to the lumber yard where I fell off a building and died. One of my team mates (who will shoot on sight) took all my stuff off me and set it aside. I made it back to my goodies and made my way towards the shore after being attack by zombies and being very low on blood. I decided tolog out once I was safe and call it a night. Updated the next day, came back in and had full blood and health ( I was pretty excited by then by my luck). I was going to try and meet up with some friends and crossed the field south of Berezino and made it to the woods. I got up in the trees and went prone as I had to take a real life pee. When I came back I was dead. If that was you that killed me you killed an innocent man, someone else must have been firing at you and you thought it was me...shame on you. :P

I know you may hear a lot of BS from folks but I have nothing to lie about, mostly I only kill when I need too (- those 2 exceptions). I have had many encounters with others and usually we raid a building or 2 together and I split from them while they are not looking so I don't get shot in the back. I am a survivor, not a bandit and mostly not a murderer. I understand the meaning of survival and know that your chances are better if you have larger numbers, I am not some kid playing deathmatch. I actually have a goal in mind for winning this game. If everyone on the server is your friend and you pack the server with friendlies and no one shoots you you have free reign. If you can do that you have survived and won the game.

But anyway can you tell me where and when I was supposedly shooting at you and you flanked and killed me? Because I honestly don't recall, maybe I'm having a senior moment.

Yes it was you, yes you did fire on us.

You can also tell your fellow clan-mate Harry and his friend Maggyfix that they're welcome at our camp any time. Only, please don't combat log next time, be more accurate with your shots, and try not to get lit up regardless of your usage of exploits.

Your clan has quite the reputation.

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this sounds amazing. i do not wish to join your group, but i have a group that holds dear the ideals your group does. i would like to form an alliance with you.

we are "the revenants" and we are trying to make people in general be more trusting. do you guys have a home server?

Not to sound like an asshole or anything, but if you read the details of our clan on the first page, you'd know that our home server is listed there. I only bring this up because if you truly are interested in an alliance, you should know what this clan is all about first in order go make the proper decision.

If you are still interested in joining after reading the details, please join our teamspeak and we can get to know each other a little better before a decision is made.

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US10 kicks me because of high ping. (160ms).

Can anything be done about this? Wanted to try playing with you guys before deciding to join or anything.

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US10 kicks me because of high ping. (160ms).

Can anything be done about this? Wanted to try playing with you guys before deciding to join or anything.

You can always contact the owner of the server and talk to him about it. I find him to be very accessable. I do believe that the server only kicks for ping exceeding 200 though.

The server thread is below:


Edited by MarshallLaw

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Profile Name: Ryokoshky

Player ID (Not SteamID): 31591424

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Relatively new to the game, and really want others to play the game with and feel safe around survivors.

What can you offer the Militia: An extra gun in a fight? an extra pair of eyes to cover a field? Yet i would be another person to collect supplies for.

Are you a team player: A large majority of the time, sometimes im really stuck and can't help.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Really wouldn't like to lose my gear but if it's needed to try and save someone sure.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: If you consider me and two other players chilling on an atc tower for a couple of hours then yea .w.

Extra Information: I am a pal =D

Also i was wondering if i could join the teamspeak server .w.

Edited by ryokoshky

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Application Format

Profile Name:

Player ID (Not SteamID):61543302

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I've been looking for an active group to join up with. And I'm no banidi.

What can you offer the Militia:I'm not a bad sniper, no fear of looting, can support as a medic.

Are you a team player:I like games like this IF I have a group to run with 10x more fun

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:always

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:just my friends we run around exploring mostly

Extra Information:

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Profile Name: Ryokoshky

Player ID (Not SteamID): 31591424

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Relatively new to the game, and really want others to play the game with and feel safe around survivors.

What can you offer the Militia: An extra gun in a fight? an extra pair of eyes to cover a field? Yet i would be another person to collect supplies for.

Are you a team player: A large majority of the time, sometimes im really stuck and can't help.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Really wouldn't like to lose my gear but if it's needed to try and save someone sure.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: If you consider me and two other players chilling on an atc tower for a couple of hours then yea .w.

Extra Information: I am a pal =D

Also i was wondering if i could join the teamspeak server .w.

Yes, we actually prefer it if applicants would join the teamspeak server AS WELL AS submit an application. Only after we get to talking with you and running a few ops together will we make a final decision on membership.

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You can always contact the owner of the server and talk to him about it. I find him to be very accessable. I do believe that the server only kicks for ping exceeding 200 though.

The server thread is below:


Thanks I'll try talking to him.

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