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How long do they stay there with gear after you die?

Lets say I died of starvation...I respawn, how much time do I have before body disappear? I was told it stays for 24 hours. Also, if I respawn certain amout of time(died on the way to my body), does it make the very first body disappear?

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It will stay there until:

1. Someone hides it

2. Server restarts

3. Server gets overloaded to deletes bodies when it panics

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Well I'm not sure about that.

I was killed by another player (he attacked me) in the fire fight I put about five shots into him, so I assume he died.

I respawned and made it back to the area, the dead Zombies were still there in the same place where they fell, my attackers body was there as well, my body was not.

I would be interested to know how it works for sure.

That was back in Vs 1.3, I think.

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if someone disconnects right after you kill them, will their body dissapear? killed a guy the other day and his body went away as i tried looting it

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What about animal carcasses? I was using a boar as a halfway point for vehicle parts, but then it disappeared :P Man I fit a lota stuff into that boar!

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I want to bump this to take back this question and maybe a bug?

The bodies despawn way too fast, we can hear the flies, the guy died like 10seconds to 5mins and it despawns, sometimes they despawn when I loot them, relogging at the body makes it despawn if you're unlucky.

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i agree, the body despawn is just redicolous. u cant even finish a firefight befor the first bodys start to despawn. Yesterday my group had an encounter in which more then 10ppl died , but when the dust settled most bodies already disapeard, countlees gps nvg and rare ammo aond weapons gone. that is anoying!

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