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Does anyone else feel bad murdering the guy trying to help you?

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While looting Cherno I found a M9 and one mag, looking for a better gun I decide to head for the firestation. When I get there a survivor runs out with an Aks-kobra and a trail of zombies. Once I eventaully catch up to him we both shout friendly over direct. We turn, kill the zombies. We decide to head for the hospital (he said he had a friend with broken legs in a barn somewhere) On the way he offers me supplies and asks me if I would like to go with him. Once we get to the hospital we find a dead fresh spawned in the doorway. While he stoops to loot the body I focus on his head. Should I? Shouldn't I? Just when I decide I want his gun and begin firing into him he stands up so 9 bullets go into legs. As he sprawls unconscious he says "why dude? I was only gonna help you?" I quickly silence him with 6 more shots to the head. Now I have a Aks-kobra and a bandit skin. One less nice player out there. I wonder did I make the right choice :( ? I don't think so, I still feel like a douchebag 2 days later. Does anyone else feel like a jerk when they kill that one nice guy? Or is it just me?

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Situations like this are what the game is about.

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I disagree, you were indeed being a douche. What I personally like to do in this game, is act like how I would in a real life doomsday scenario.. killing a friendly companion for food.. if I am very desperate.. yes.. But killing him for a gun? No.

Especially in this game you should not have done that.. Now the next time he encounters someone in the game.. he might decide not to make friends and just shoot..

Also.. what is worth more? A companion or a gun? lmao...

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A gun. Clearly. Also, not every person is like you/ has the same value system as you/ will make the same decisions as you. And I didn't say he wasn't being a douche, I said situations like this are what the game is about. Regardless of what decision is made by the individual.

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Most of the time I try to be friendly, I just get shot in the back of the head... It is so annoying. I think it is a douche move!

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I try to be nice most of the time, I've been murdered for it several times. I think I kind of wanted to know what it was like on the the bandit side. In other words he met me at the wrong time.

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There's so many gullible people in this game, it's hilarious.

Just the other day we shot someone on the roof of the hospital as he was climbing down the stairs. He ended up with broken legs at the bottom of the stairs, yelling and screaming for help in side chat (private hive). So 3 people offer to help while we keep watching the area and moving in on it slowly.

Soon enough, as we get closer to the hospital to finish our kill, we see "... was killed" and him bitching about two bandits who shot him as he lay on the ground. We take potshots at the bandits and move on. I think they bled out around the hospital because when we eventually returned, we found 3 bodies by the hospital.

There's also those who ask for chopper rides or car rides... we do that as well, the only difference is, we don't want a ride, we want the vehicle. So we shoot them as they approach, which is followed by "Why are you shooting me?", "Why are you shooting the chopper/ car/ etc.?"

The answer by the way is because I can!

I disagree, you were indeed being a douche. What I personally like to do in this game, is act like how I would in a real life doomsday scenario.. killing a friendly companion for food.. if I am very desperate.. yes.. But killing him for a gun? No.

Especially in this game you should not have done that.. Now the next time he encounters someone in the game.. he might decide not to make friends and just shoot..

Also.. what is worth more? A companion or a gun? lmao...

What you like to do in this game is your business, what I like to do mine. I love this holier than thou "You shouldn't have done that" attitude. I can so I will.

And to answer your question: A gun is worth more, much more. A companion needs food, drink, health, protection. A gun just needs love and ammo.

Edited by SquishyBear
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If all you can do is to kill someone while they are looting, then that gun will not help you.

Indeed only a companion could save you from dying, over and over.

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If all you can do is to kill someone while they are looting, then that gun will not help you.

Indeed only a companion could save you from dying, over and over.

That was a good one. I'm still laughing.

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That was a good one. I'm still laughing.

While I wasn't quoting you, if you just camp cities then you need a companion also.

Everyone who says "I need that gun", the companion wielding it will help you more than that gun, since it's going into your shitty hands.

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While I wasn't quoting you, if you just camp cities then you need a companion also.

Everyone who says "I need that gun", the companion wielding it will help you more than that gun, since it's going into your shitty hands.

Eh, I had one mag left and I was in one of those moods.

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You should have only used 1 bullet to the head once he was unconscious.

Edited by Parasprite

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You should have only used 1 bullet to the head once he was unconscious.

Lol I was tired and a little, you know not thinking as i should be. I was scared and I wasn't taking any chances.

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I'd PERSONALLY call it a dick move on your behalf however I can be a bit of a carebear at times.

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I disagree, you were indeed being a douche. What I personally like to do in this game, is act like how I would in a real life doomsday scenario.. killing a friendly companion for food.. if I am very desperate.. yes.. But killing him for a gun? No.

Especially in this game you should not have done that.. Now the next time he encounters someone in the game.. he might decide not to make friends and just shoot..

Also.. what is worth more? A companion or a gun? lmao...


//imagines lonely single dudes trying to meet friends/partner in post apocolypse because they couldnt before

i think the carebear haters dont want to play solo but just dont have any RL friends to play with.,, they realise they cant make friends in this game becase exactly the same thing happened in dayz as would happen in RL apocolypse,,,,i.e. everyone gets paranoid OR suffers being lured into alpha trap and die,, its kill or be killed,, except for those u know personally,, just like baboon wars in the jungle,, watch those guys ;; they kill for the shits and giggles as well as loot/territory,,, its part of our base nature

Edited by Reverend Killjoy
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//imagines lonely single dudes trying to meet friends/partner in post apocolypse because they couldnt before

i think the carebear haters dont want to play solo but just dont have any RL friends to play with.,, they realise they cant make friends in this game becase exactly the same thing happened in dayz as would happen in RL apocolypse,,,,i.e. everyone gets paranoid OR suffers being lured into alpha trap and die,, its kill or be killed,, except for those u know personally,, just like baboon wars in the jungle,, watch those guys ;; they kill for the shits and giggles as well as loot/territory,,, its part of our base nature


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hay come to think of it,,, looting, killing and stealing territory from INFERIOR enemy (especially unarmed or inadequately armed enemies) has been EXACTLY how humans are since history began,,, we havent changed much at all from the baboons/chimps etc,,,,

u know why there isnt baboon troops who warn rival troops with sounds and then retreat if the other troop is asleep/or the males are out foraging? thats because those "fair-fighting" troops would DIE OUT and not BREED. the most ruthless troop survives, dominates and seeds the next genaration.. exactly like humans

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While looting Cherno I found a M9 and one mag, looking for a better gun I decide to head for the firestation. When I get there a survivor runs out with an Aks-kobra and a trail of zombies. Once I eventaully catch up to him we both shout friendly over direct. We turn, kill the zombies. We decide to head for the hospital (he said he had a friend with broken legs in a barn somewhere) On the way he offers me supplies and asks me if I would like to go with him. Once we get to the hospital we find a dead fresh spawned in the doorway. While he stoops to loot the body I focus on his head. Should I? Shouldn't I? Just when I decide I want his gun and begin firing into him he stands up so 9 bullets go into legs. As he sprawls unconscious he says "why dude? I was only gonna help you?" I quickly silence him with 6 more shots to the head. Now I have a Aks-kobra and a bandit skin. One less nice player out there. I wonder did I make the right choice :( ? I don't think so, I still feel like a douchebag 2 days later. Does anyone else feel like a jerk when they kill that one nice guy? Or is it just me?

Just kill him before u get feelings to him, this will ruin you, kill them as soon as possible (yes i am a bitch if you think so)

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It all depends man. you will never know what would have happened if you would have let him live. for all you know, he could have done the exact same thing to you as soon as you go check some loot. ive been there before and felt pretty bad after killing a guy i was helping, but thats the game. he will find friends some other time, no big deal.

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sometimes i get the feeling that there is a small amount of karma in this game. anytime i let someone go when i had them dead, i either stay alive longer or find better loot. play however you want to play, personally though i find it more fun to let people live when they arent a threat.

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sometimes i get the feeling that there is a small amount of karma in this game. anytime i let someone go when i had them dead, i either stay alive longer or find better loot.

its just a feeling,, its not fact,,, because karma is like ghosts (not real either btw),,

i'm on day 10 and all i do is kill anything that moves, longest charactar yet. i guess budda approves

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sometimes i get the feeling that there is a small amount of karma in this game. anytime i let someone go when i had them dead, i either stay alive longer or find better loot. play however you want to play, personally though i find it more fun to let people live when they arent a threat.

Was playing more today with my Aks-korba heard and atv, next thing I know a lee enfeild round is buried in my skull. Karma's a bitch.

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Was playing more today with my Aks-korba heard and atv, next thing I know a lee enfeild round is buried in my skull. Karma's a bitch.

Youll always die eventually.

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